We must be careful not to violate love in the name of love, as I believe some (especially in "discernment" type ministries) are in the habit of doing.
Quote:"If I understand you correctly, Todd, you're basically saying that you're not against people publicly exposing a false teacher or doctrine... so long as it is done in love and according to scripture?"It depends. I wouldn't agree with that statement outright, it's too slippery, if you know what I mean. I guess it mostly depends on what you mean by "publically." If you mean to those who God has given you authority over, then maybe. If you mean a mass communication to anyone who might feel like seeing it, no.But again, the x-factor in this is God. We are to obey Him. But we need to be cautious that we are not found in presumption. He knows our hearts and we will stand before Him one day to give an account. Quote:"There can be a lot of pride in being right."There can be a lot of pride in one thinking he is right.