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Joined: 2011/8/20
Posts: 1953

 In Biden’s Catholic Faith, an Ascendant Liberal Christianity

Mr. Biden, perhaps the most religiously observant commander in chief in half a century, regularly attends Mass and speaks of how his Catholic faith grounds his life and his policies.

And with Mr. Biden, a different, more liberal Christianity is ascendant: less focused on sexual politics and more on combating poverty, climate change and racial inequality.

His arrival comes after four years in which conservative Christianity has reigned in America’s highest halls of power, embodied in white evangelicals laser-focused on ending abortion and guarding against what they saw as encroachments on their freedoms. Their devotion to former President Donald J. Trump was so fervent that many showed up in Washington on Jan. 6 to protest the election results.

Mr. Biden’s leadership is a repudiation of the claim by many conservative leaders that Democrats are inherently anti-Christian.


 2021/1/25 9:17Profile

Joined: 2007/2/8
Posts: 2227

 Re: In Biden’s Catholic Faith, an Ascendant Liberal Christianity

Hi Sree,
People who voted for Joe Biden would rather support an Atheistic ,Pro abortion ,anti Israel ,liberal socialism party than Donald Trump and are making excuses for their poor decisions.
Although their are Christians in the Catholic Church ,the Catholic doctrines are not Christian at all.
Also to continually call "white evangelicals" out is clearly racist and devisive.
On Jan 6th Antifa were involved and the FBI has said the whole thing was pre planned long before the 6th.
BLM the militia wing of the democrat party cost 1.5billion through rioting and looting and burning all year .Also up to 45people died directly as a result of the violence egged on by Joe Biden and his mob.
The Censorship we now have is due directly to the evil behind the democrat party.

The Leopard doesnt change his spots,the democrats who

1.Fought to keep slavery during the civil war
2.Brought in the Jim Crow laws which kept free black people from rising up in society
3The Democrat Party that fromed the KKK
4The Democrat Party that stopped civil right bills being passed in the 1950s
5The Democratic Party that have kept US black populations and minorities poor since the 1930s where republicans never were in power.
6The democratic party which has won an election by voter fraud ,intimidation ,rioting,looting and censorship.

Their is nothing good about Joe Biden except that he isnt the worse democrat .
Joe Biden and the democracts have a spirit of AntiChrist pulling their strings and cannot be supported .

Urs staff

 2021/1/25 11:26Profile

Joined: 2011/8/20
Posts: 1953


I dont support this article but it has an interesting perspective. It is trying to paint the picture of liberal Christianity as the real Christianity. And also the democratic agenda of putting an end to Conservative Christianity.

I believe the root of all this problem is Christianity being associated with politics in the USA. It should be a fight between 2 political parties without any connection to Christianity. Both the parties are using Christianity for their political agenda which American Christians are blind to see.


 2021/1/25 11:58Profile

Joined: 2007/2/8
Posts: 2227

 Re: In Biden’s Catholic Faith, an Ascendant Liberal Christianity

James Sullivan says his brother John an antifa/Blm member was involved in organising jan 6th violence.

Antifa Agitators Dress up as Trump supporters Jan 6th

Patrisse Colors co founder of BLM says we are "Trained Marxists "

Joe Biden's Democrats Pray "AMEN AND AWOMEN"

Marcus Rogers(A Black Preacher not A White Evangelist) qoute "I CANT RESPECT THE OPINION OF ANY MAN OR WOMEN OF GOD WHO ARE SUPPORTING THAT PARTY(Democrats) and cant see"

 2021/1/25 12:00Profile

Joined: 2007/2/8
Posts: 2227


Hi Sree,
Christians who didnt get involved with Politics are the same who stood by when Hitler came to power in the 30s and watched and saw millions and millions die.
Christians who didnt get involved with politics sat back and saw Abortion being legalized and saw millions and millions die.
The choice was simple ,its not rocket science for the first time in living memory we had a person who stood on a platform of Pro life which he acted on,on pro Israel which he acted on,on Pro the Nation state which he acted on etc etc
Atheism ,Abortion and Antisemitism .
He had Christians in his adminstration like Mike Pompeo and Kayleigh Mcenany who supported him ,prayed for him and gave good Christian advice

Christians can have no excuse for not supporting Donald Trump.Their is a big difference between people who supported for Donald Trump than the democrats who have clearly an AntiChrist Spirit enpowering them.
As I said if anyone want persecution then go to South Korea and cross the border into the North and you will see what a government without Christian influence is like ...

urs staff

 2021/1/25 12:14Profile

Joined: 2020/2/12
Posts: 393


"God humbled Nebuchadnezzar, possibly the greatest secular king that ever walked on this planet with 3 Hebrew children and a fiery furnace... " (from a sermon by Paul Washer )
Can God find again 3 believers to humble the new President ?

 2021/1/25 16:41Profile

Joined: 2007/2/8
Posts: 2227


Hi Deogloria,
The answer is No ,the only way Joe Biden is humbled is by his cheating in the election to be exposed .If God did humble Joe Biden he would admit to his criminal activity and stand aside and I dont think thats going to happen ever....
urs staff

 2021/1/25 17:17Profile

Joined: 2011/8/20
Posts: 1953

 Re: Staff

double post.


 2021/1/26 10:05Profile

Joined: 2011/8/20
Posts: 1953

 Re: Staff


Christians who didnt get involved with Politics are the same who stood by when Hitler came to power in the 30s and watched and saw millions and millions die.

This statement lacks any logic! The Christians who never got involved in Politics never supported Hitler first of all. It was the Christian Churches who worshipped Trump today were similar to those who worshipped Hitler. Please read the history of Hitler, his first term in power was very good and pleasing to patriotic Germans. He was not always the bad guy that we see today. He transformed Germany from poverty to an industrial super power. That is why people including many undiscerning Christians started idolizing Hitler the way today people are doing to Trump.

I find more similarities between Trump and Hitler, other than obvious policy differences. Both enjoyed the blind support of their worshippers!


The biggest problem with you is you do not understand the difference between Idolizing someone and voting for someone.
I know many godly brothers who voted for Trump but did not idolize him the way you do. You think anyone who does not idolize Trump the way you do is hating Trump and is against his policies. This is proven by many strawman arguments that you have posted in this forum against those who question Trump. According to you anyone who disagrees with Trump or cannot worship him like you has to be pro-abortion, hater of Israel, etc. This is very evident if anyone follows your posts. You may disagree but your posts do not say so!

Many God-fearing people voted for Trump because of the simple fact that he supported the freedom of the Church. The Church to be free from politics (or State). But you idolize him to mix Church and politics which results in Babylon. You are another extreme and you cannot even understand your own folly nor can you understand how others can be different from you.

Unless you understand that a person can vote from Trump but at the same time can be critical of his personal character and also distance himself from Trump, you will never understand the posters here. You will never be able to make any logical conversation here.

I kept ignoring many of your posts but thought I will tell you this alone to end my conversations with you. I don't believe this is going to change your dilutional stand, but at least you will know how people are perceiving you in this forum.

This is the impression that anyone gets if they read your posts in the SI forum. There is no point in defending yourself. If you want to change this perception then prove it by respecting other's views. Stop calling others supporters of Abortion or anti-Israel just because they disagree with you. Name-calling, strawman arguments are a classic case of a person who has no concerns for alternate views.


 2021/1/26 10:05Profile

Joined: 2007/2/8
Posts: 2227


Hi Sree ,
Of course it makes logic ,Very simple logic,
The Democratic Government is an Anti Christian Government.
Without Christians getting involved with politics we get Abortion ,we get concentration camps .Many Christian have a spirit of bitterness towards Donald Trump ,its Spiritual thats why it has no logic to it.
Its clear that Joe Biden and the Democrats believe in a one world government,in Abortion ,Are Atheistic and are Anti Semitic.
Hitler was also Anti Semitic and also had a propaganda wing just like the democrats with big tech and mainstream media.
They also began through elections and intimidation.

I understand the posters here very well ,they have an infatuation with persecution and cant see the woods from the trees.They hated that Hillary Clinton didnt get in because they had been prophesying since I can remember "Persecution is coming".They are bound to be correct at some stage.

The straw man arguements are
I hate Donald Trump's Manner so I am going to vote /support an Anti Christian Government which include Abortion,Anti Semitism and the pursuit of one world government
That Trump Supporters Idolize him but in reality the Anti Trump Christians dont seperate Trump supporters from Christian Trump supporters .Christian Trump supporters I have heard all say he is flawed but that he is God's buffer against evil .
Any Christian that voted for Joe Biden is supporting Abortion,Lgbq,Anti Semitism and one world government ,their is no doubt about that as a vote is support.
Any Christian should have been delighted to get three supreme court judges that were anti abortion but some because of a spirit of bitterness are unhappy about it .
I cant stop telling the truth on the issue just because you dont like it, anyone who supports the democrats at this moment in history are supporting Abortion,Atheism,LGBQ,Anti Semitism and global governance.
This is the platform they stood on openly on some of the issues like Abortion,LGBQ and in the last election open borders,
You keep calling Christians who support Donald Trump "Worshippers" but thats just name calling and its totally untrue for the reasons outlined earlier and outlined many times ,
Donald Trump is flawed but he is on the right side,David was a man after Gods own heart but he ended for a season on the wrong side.Just because David was willing to line up with the Philistines wont make me support the Philistines and tell David you are on the wrong side.Just because Christians are willing to line up with the Philistines shouldnt make us support the Philistines and it shouldnt stop us from telling Christians if you line up with the Democrats in this moment of History you are on the wrong side,
urs staff

 2021/1/26 11:55Profile

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