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 What Comes Next (Zephaniah 1) by Dan Biser

"The word of the Lord which came unto Zephaniah . . in the days of Josiah the son of Amon, king of Judah. I will utterly consume all things from off the land, saith the Lord. I will consume man and beast; I will consume the fowls of the heaven, and the fishes of the sea, and the stumblingblocks with the wicked; and I will cut off man from off the land, saith the Lord. I will also stretch out Mine hand upon Judah and upon all the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and I will cut off the remnant of Baal from this place, and the name of the Chemarims with the priests;" Zephaniah 1: 1 - 6

It is the days of Josiah, the great king, who turned Judah back to God in full measure. It is Josiah the king who went and destroyed all the images and idols from the land and restored the land of Israel back to service to God. And yet, here is the prophet of God being sent forth, during these days of revival, of cleansing, of returning to the Lord, that God speaks and declares, His judgement is coming. We know in another Scripture, that God had said, 'for the sins of Manasseh, who shed innocent blood, in the land; will I judge them."

Manasseh was dead and had been buried for over 20 years. Josiah was leading one of the great revivals of the Old Testament for God's people. and yet, God is going to judge the land severely.

In verses 2 - 4 there are 5 "I will's of God" for what He is going to do against them. None of the "I will's of God" are good, all are in God's anger and fury. There is 3 times mentioned that God is going to consume them all; and one reference of 'cut off'. God is going to remove them from the land; and many of them will be killed and die from famine and pestilence. For all their blood shed, all their idols, all their iniquities against the Lord; it is now time to pay the price.

If there was ever a time for the church to sit up and know the Word of God, and the God of the Word, it is now. For these same actions of Israel and Judah against the Lord, to provoke Him to anger, fury and wrath are now upon us. We are as guilty of the same sins of provoking the Lord to anger, as they were. It is a parallel that is horrifying. For if God responds the same as He did to them; and why wouldn't He, is He not immutable, the God Who changes not? Then we will receive exactly the same judgement as they.

All the remedial judgements that God has been sending us, has largely gone unheeded. All the natural disasters of storms, flooding, fires, and fury against us, has not been marked by the church as an 'act of God'. All the increase of evil from men's minds and hearts greatly increasing the wickedness of our society. All the judgements against our foundations of government, family, schools and society as a whole. God judges the sins of the people, by judging the land and using the land to judge the people of the land. 'For the land will spew you out' for your abominations. 'Blood defiles the land' and must be judged. All the blood shed through abortions, homicides and suicides and the huge, drastic increase of these stats has not humbled us, nor caused us to seek the Lord. Thus, God will come and judge us and consume us.

And we are being consumed. There are annually:
--70,000 drug deaths;
--80,000 alcohol related deaths;
--2,200 abortions per day;
--66 suicides per day;
--50,000 homicides on our streets and in our cities and homes;
--and by March/April we may hit 500,000 covid deaths;

Death and dying; God is consuming us. But what? Even now.

The church should know these truths. They should be so alarmed and moved by this and seek the Lord like never before. Yet, this is not the case. Too many spiritual leaders are making plans for years down the road, and completely unaware, that God has already stretched out His right hand to smite, consume, and cut off. We are out of time!

We did not see, nor understand, nor hear of the remedial judgements for the last 20 years. Only slightly was they preached, taught and brought before the church. Even less was they feared, for what it meant; and even less did they understand why the remedial judgements was happening to us. It was for our iniquities, that God sent them. But we did not repent, we did not pursue holiness. Although, I and several others have studied this and noted and shared; but largely it was to deaf ears. You see, the church is still largely guilty of the old sins shared in the Old and New Testament, 'having eyes to see, but cannot see; and having ears to hear, but cannot hear.' Speaking, planning and sharing, 'OH, we have plenty of time'; but they failed to read the handwriting on the wall, and hear Daniel say, 'Tonight thy souls shall be required of thee.' For even Darius was at the gates of the city and the king of Babylon died that night.

Consume, cut off and stretch out HIs hand against should be enough to realize the lateness of the hour and the day. It should be enough to hear and see these things, and know that time's up! And the only left is to thrust ourselves before the Lord and seek Him for an act of grace through revival and spiritual awakening. God has done that before as well. Before the Civil War, God moved Lamphier to call for the prayer meetings that ushered 3 million into the kingdom. And no doubt, many of them probably died in the Civil War just a few years later. God judged them; God consumed them; but there was an act of mercy and grace before the final judgement.

We stand upon the same threshold. WE stand at the last hour, and we should be engaged with Him for grace and mercy before His final assault upon our land. You cannot provoke the Lord God to anger and not expect to pay the price. But failure to seek Him and call upon Him has been and still is our greatest iniquity, a prayerless people and house of God which are not houses of prayer. One last moment, to do something. Why? why will you delay and wait?

As I expressed to spiritual leaders most recently. It is Dec. 6, 1941; knowing what comes tomorrow, would you be careless and apathetic for those of your loved ones in Hawaii? It is Sept. 10, 2001, would you be carless and send your loved ones into the towers? No you would compel and fight to deliver every one from harm.

Then why church, leaders, would you not rise up and respond in this hour, like never before. To pray so as to prevail before He comes in wrath and fury.


epidemics -
1. Drugs/Alcohol -

2. Children - Super Bowl is coming soon; and the child sex trafficking for this is upon us; continued abuse and all signs of robbing and causing children to lose all innocence and naiveness is gone;

3. Natural Disasters - 7.0 earthquake in Indonesia; Chile and Argentina continue to see a high rate of earthquakes which may mean a huge devastating one is coming; continue increase of volcano activity;

4. LGBT - Bidens first day brings the war to a head and the evil doors are opened to bring us to our end; The end goal is to silence the church and allow all wickedness and evil to pervade.

5. Plagues - covid continues to change its strains; numerous places around the world, that boasted they handled the covid better, are now facing cases and deaths; some of the high rates are South Afica; Japan; UK; Germany; pretty much all of Europe and South America; world cases are getting ready to hit 100 million cases; and over 2 million death; US has seen several days throughout January of over 4000 deaths per day; and we are at 25 million cases and over 400,000 deaths;

6. Great Evil - homicides/suicides/murder-suicides - Suicides are still averaging 66 per day; 3 weeks into this year and we are at over 1400; homicides are averaging 45 - 50 per day; over 1000 deaths; murder-suicides are at 37, just shy of 2 per day, completely unacceptable; 2 police officers have been shot and killed on duty; and there has been 1 mass murder; but there has been 25 mass shooting, over 1 per day;

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2021/1/23 14:35Profile

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