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Joined: 2009/11/7
Posts: 1532

 Reconciling the Body of Christ by Art Katz

K-006 Reconciling the Body of Christ by Art Katz

Topic: Reconciliation, Community, Walking in the Spirit
Scripture(s): John 17:20-23, Psalm 130
Description: Brother Art gives a challenging testimony on the topic of reconciliation. He gives powerful exhortations and words from the Lord for the present day body of Christ. May God raise up a last days unifying of the body of Christ so the end-time purpose of God will be fulfilled.

 2021/1/23 8:26Profile

Joined: 2016/3/9
Posts: 312

 Re: Reconciling the Body of Christ by Art Katz

I’m looking forward to listening to this tonight when silence is ushered in tonight by bedtimes. Thanks for posting!

Billy Witt

 2021/1/24 17:39Profile

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