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Joined: 2006/11/26
Posts: 5185

 What Should the Church Be Doing Right Now

What Should the Church Be Doing
Right Now - Joe Sweet


 2021/1/22 21:04Profile

Joined: 2006/11/26
Posts: 5185

 Re: What Should the Church Be Doing Right Now

God showed Rick Joyner that if the election goes the way that we want and the Church doesn’t wake up, the Church will be in a worse condition than she is now.

The Church has still not fulfilled 2 Chronicles 7:14, and that is the answer for this nation.

Most of the prayer in the Church is prayer for temporal needs. There are relatively few that are seeking the face of the Lord, and fewer still thatcare turning from their wicked ways.

“God will now use the difficulties coming to the nation to wake up the Church.”

“Harvest and glory are coming to our nation, and in what looks like the death of the nation, resurrection will come.”

“God is going to light up His Church, and sent a fresh Baptism of the Holy Spirit and Fire, to bring in the harvest.”


 2021/1/23 3:16Profile

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