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Joined: 2002/12/11 Posts: 39795 Canada
Online! | False Prophets or Just Mistaken? by Anton Bosch | | Prophets being wrong about their predictions is not new, but at no time in history have more prophets been so dramatically wrong about the same thing. The same prophets who all prophesied that 2020 was going to be a great and wonderful year, and who did not see Covid-19 coming, predicted that Donald Trump would be reelected and would have been installed for the second term. Not only was he not reelected, he was not installed and on the contrary, he has been impeached and may even be barred from public office for the rest of his life. Also, one of the most infamous events in the 245 year history of the United States has to be the 6th of January 2021. Not one of these prophets predicted the events of that notorious day, even though they all contributed towards its shame.
So how do we deal with the endless string of prophets who were not only wrong four times in a row (100% failure rate) but through their false prophecies contributed directly to the insurrection of the 6th of January 2021? And what of the hundreds of thousands who believe their prophecies and empower the prophets by subscribing to their lies with their pocket books?
At least 40 charismatic Christian leaders predicted Trump’s reelection starting around 2018, according to J. Gordon Melton, the compiler of the Encyclopedia of American Religions and an American religious studies professor at Baylor University. They range from Franklin Graham, who said at Trump’s inauguration that the rain was a sign of God’s blessing to Paula White who resorted to summoning demons from Africa to cause Trump to prevail. Some of them speak as though they are God’s direct mouthpiece: “thus saith the Lord” while others under the banner of “prophecy updates” take a more cerebral approach and analyze Scriptures and world events onto which they project their political fantasies.
Quite a few Evangelical leaders, like Dr Michael Brown, are rushing to the defense of these prophets saying that they're not false prophets but were simply “mistaken” (remember that they had a 50/50 chance of being right!). Much of their defense is based on the work of Wayne Grudem The Gift of Prophecy in the New Testament and Today, a work that has merit and that I have also quoted from in the past. The argument is that a New Testament prophet may be mistaken without being branded a false prophet. I agree with that premise – to a point. But the warnings concerning false prophets in the New Testament make it clear that there is such a thing as a false prophet (Mark 13:22; Revelation 2:20 etc.) and there is a difference between a true and a false prophet. So, at what point is someone a false prophet?
The Old Testament sets two tests for prophets: 1. “when a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the thing does not happen or come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously; you shall not be afraid of him.” (Deuteronomy 18:22) 2. “...and the sign or the wonder comes to pass, of which he spoke to you, saying, ‘Let us go after other gods’ – which you have not known –‘and let us serve them, you shall not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams, for the LORD your God is testing you to know whether you love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul.” (Deuteronomy 13:3-4).
So the argument is that since there are differences between Old Testament prophets and New Testament prophets (and I agree that there are differences), prophets of today should not be judged by the tests of Deuteronomy. But, there are two problems with that argument:
First the principles contained in Deuteronomy never change. Therefore if a prophet is constantly wrong, as most modern prophets are, they are clearly false prophets. And, if they divert you from following, worshiping and serving the Lord, they are false, even if their prophecies come true.
Second, these modern prophets do not style themselves on the New Testament prophets like Judas and Silas (Acts 15:32), but rather style themselves after the Old Testament prophets. I can give you many reasons for this statement but in the interests of brevity will confine myself to a couple:
OT prophets were part of the government of Israel. The Lord mostly spoke to the king through them, and they frequently acted as counselors to the king. Even Daniel fulfilled this role to a Gentile king. We do not see the same relationship in the NT. Not one of the NT prophets (or other ministers), including Jesus and Paul, were attached to the court. The only time they spoke to the authorities was when they had been brought before them to be judged. All NT prophets and preachers stood clearly detached from earthly rulers. Not only were they detached from them, they stood opposed to them.
But, these modern prophets have one and all attached themselves to the court of Donald Trump. Some have physically laid hands on him (and become partakers of his sins – 1Timothy 5:22), others have prophesied to him, and over him, and others have promoted him from their pulpits. This places such prophets clearly in the OT and not the New and therefore they must be judged by the standards of Deuteronomy. It is really quite simple: They have predicted that Trump would serve a second consecutive term and Biden has been inaugurated. They were wrong in a spectacular way. So that makes them wrong about 2020, Covid-19, January 6th, and wrong about Trump. Therefore they are false prophets.
The reason given why NT prophets may be mistaken is that the prophecy comes as a vision, a dream, a thought or a “burden” which the prophet then has to interpret and it is in the interpretation that mistakes could happen. There is just one small problem with that argument. These prophets have spoken in the first person “Thus saith the Lord…” Several others claimed that God, or Jesus, appeared to them personally and told them that Trump would be inaugurated for a second term. There is no interpretation – God told them Trump would reign again. This is neither how New Testament prophets operate, nor is it the truth. They have lied. God did not tell them and He did not appear to them. End of story.
They have also committed the second sin which describes them as false prophets: They have encouraged millions to follow another god! I know they (and possibly you as well) will deny this, but they have made Trump into a god. Yes, they say they still worship Yahweh and do not worship Trump, but please stay with me for one more paragraph.
The Children of Israel made a golden calf and declared “This is your god, O Israel, that brought you out of the land of Egypt!” (Exodus 32:4). I have lost count of how many (probably hundreds of times) I have heard and read that Trump is the man who will deliver the church from the bondage of liberalism and will set America free. For example, John MacArthur recently said that choosing Biden is effectively choosing Satan and choosing Trump is choosing God. Trump has been upheld as the savior of the American church. His son declared that his father “literally saved Christianity”. The worship of this man went so far that many conferred honorary born-again status on him in spite of clear evidence that he is less saved than my shoes. Oh, we do not worship Trump, we worship the Lord they say. That is what Israel also said. The celebration around the calf was a “feast to the Lord (Yahweh) (Exodus 32:4).
These prophets have preached another gospel, the gospel of American nationalism, they live by another Bible – the Constitution and they have another kingdom – America. They have literally seduced the American church to follow another god and they are therefore false prophets. (Deuteronomy 13:3). So was Trump not “the chosen one” as he himself claimed (after being so convinced by the prophets)? Yes, I believe Trump was indeed chosen by God: “... you shall not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams, for the LORD your God is testing you to know whether you love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul.” (Deuteronomy 13:3-4). Yes, God allowed Trump’s ascendancy, not to save the church, since only Christ can save it, but to test it. And the church failed the test miserably!
Since it has become clear that Trump will not serve a second term, these prophets are responding in one of three different ways: Some are doubling down and against reality and truth insist that he will still serve the second term. Such foolishness does not warrant a response. The second group are adjusting their prophecies to extend to 2024 or by saying that Trump was elected and is therefore the president but the election was stolen. This is no different to the Millerites, and other cults, who had set dates for the Lord’s return and when it did not happen, spun it to say He came in the spirit. They are all false prophets and should be isolated and deprived of their following and money. The third group are admitting they were wrong and are publishing their apologies. I am sorry, but they do not have my sympathy either. How are they going to undo the damage they have done in the lives of their followers, in churches and to the Gospel? I have not seen one of those apologies, as sincere as they appear, offering to return the money they made out of their false prophecies! I also do not see any of them publishing a caveat with every future prophecy, warning that they were very wrong concerning Covid-19, the storming of the Capitol, and the election of Trump. Neither am I hearing any of them say that they will cease the foolishness of trying to read the tea leaves and stick to preaching the Scriptures. In fact, several of them have already pivoted to promise the destruction of America and the church under Biden.
The fact that Trump did not serve a second term means only one of two things: Either God is weak and the Democrats were able to defeat God’s purpose or the prophets have prophesied falsely. Since the first is blasphemy, the second must be true. There are no other options.
Working hand-in-hand with the false prophets are those who operate so-called “prophecy updates”. This has become the quickest path to building a massive following and bank balance. The only difference between the false prophets and the prophecy updates is that one adopts a more “spiritual” approach while the other is more cerebral – watching Fox news and reading Qanon and squeezing what they see into the mold of twisted Scripture. Amir Tsarfati is a prime example. On December 15th he declared that Trump would be confirmed as the president on January 6th and then proceeded to explain how Congress would reject the legitimate electors and overthrow the results of the election in order to elect Trump ( The problem was that he was totally wrong about how the process works and blatantly misled the 280,000 viewers who watched that video. Now, here’s the problem: How do you trust a man about future things when he will blatantly lie about facts (what the Constitution says) that can be verified in a ten minute search of the internet? Sadly his subscribers and viewers are still supporting him! All I can say is if you are willing to be led by, and support, a man who will lie to your face, you deserve what you get!
But Tsarafti is not alone. Many others ply their filthy trade of twisting current events and Scripture to suit their political, or private, agenda, and suckers flock to their sites by the hundreds of thousands. Indeed the real prophet has been proven right: “An astonishing and horrible thing has been committed in the land: The prophets prophesy falsely, And the priests rule by their own power; And My people love to have it so. But what will you do in the end?” (Jeremiah 5:30-31).
I know that the thousands that are being misled by these prophets claim they are innocent victims of these deceivers and therefore not responsible. What does Scripture say? Well, in the church of Thyatira there was just such a false prophet. This is what the Lord Jesus Himself says about those who followed her: “Indeed I will cast her into a sickbed, and those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation, unless they repent of their deeds. “I will kill her children with death, and all the churches shall know that I am He who searches the minds and hearts. And I will give to each one of you according to your works.” (Revelation 2:22-23). Those who believe and follow false prophets are guilty and will suffer the same judgment as the false prophets because they have the Bible but choose to believe, and follow, men, rather than God.
But this is all part of a bigger picture. The book of Revelation tells of a false prophet (in fact, The False Prophet) who will persuade millions to follow the Antichrist and to take the mark of the Beast. (Revelation 13). What has happened in the past five years is a mini-fulfillment of this prophecy. The false prophets have convinced millions to follow a lawless man and a man of sin and to take his mark(s). This has been a conditioning process to train people, churches and preachers, to not follow Scripture but to follow men. My fear is if you have been deceived by the current crop of false prophets, you will most likely be deceived by the The False Prophet who will be much more convincing and actually perform signs and wonders to verify his “authenticity” (Revelation 13:13).
It is time for you to take stock of who you are listening to and who you believe. He who has an ear – let him hear.
“To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” (Isaiah 8:19-20) _________________ SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
| 2021/1/22 14:28 | Profile | Sree Member
Joined: 2011/8/20 Posts: 1953
| Re: False Prophets or Just Mistaken? by Anton Bosch | | Quote:
All NT prophets and preachers stood clearly detached from earthly rulers. Not only were they detached from them, they stood opposed to them.
But, these modern prophets have one and all attached themselves to the court of Donald Trump.
This is the point that I have emphasized here so many times. Even before we call them true or false prophets, it is clear that they are not NT prophets in the order of Jesus, Paul, and Silas. If we are living a New Covenant life following Jesus then why will we be interested in an Old Testament style of prophecy? The people who listen to such political predictions are clearly not following Jesus and are not living the New Covenant life. That is why they run behind OT style prophets (either fake or real).
They have also committed the second sin which describes them as false prophets: They have encouraged millions to follow another god! I know they (and possibly you as well) will deny this, but they have made Trump into a god. Yes, they say they still worship Yahweh and do not worship Trump, but please stay with me for one more paragraph.
This is my second point that I posted in my forum. These OT style self-proclaimed prophets are turning their listeners away from Jesus into an Idol. Which even the OT prophets did not do. Very dangerous.
Yes, God allowed Trump’s ascendancy, not to save the church, since only Christ can save it, but to test it. And the church failed the test miserably!
This also I already posted here in the forums. I also believe that God allowed Trump's ascendancy to also bring persecution for the true Church in the USA. I clearly see the hatred for Christianity has increased in the USA as a result of the Christianity represented by Trump and his worshippers. Not only these people who idolized Trump failed their test and fell from faith, but they also by their cheap conduct invited persecution to the true Church of God. Now the real Christians who had nothing to do with Politics will be targeted by the current government. _________________ Sreeram
| 2021/1/22 15:18 | Profile | staff Member
Joined: 2007/2/8 Posts: 2227
| Re: False Prophets or Just Mistaken? by Anton Bosch | | Hi Greg, A bit disappointed Greg that you chose (which is your right) to put this what i can only count as fourth rate for any kind of serious discussion.
1 Firstly we see Anton Busch has a bias and obviously doesnt like Trump and probably would be one of the Christians who would have rather seen Hillary Clinton in even though she had a completely anti Christ agenda.This is also a horrible slight on Donald Trump who has done more for Christians and Israel than any President in living memory and was clearly cheated out of the election.No doubt Anton was a cheerleader for this judging on his innaccurate comments.
"predicted that Donald Trump would be reelected and would have been installed for the second term. Not only was he not reelected, he was not installed and on the contrary, he has been impeached and may even be barred from public office for the rest of his life."
Again we see more bias from Anton Busch
"But, these modern prophets have one and all attached themselves to the court of Donald Trump."
2 ANTON BUSCH IS HIMSELF PUSHING A MAIN STREAM MEDIA CONSPIRACY THEORY So what Busch is doing is trying to paint millions of Christians who rightly supported Donald Trump as people who were following a right wing conspiracy.Anton unfortunately is doing the devils work here and his mouth piece main stream media who have been pushing this conspiracy theory since the 20th. 3 Then Anton not happy to defame millions of Christians in America and even more around the world goes into a complete rant about the Tribulation .He and Im only guessing is an extreme post tribulation believer who believes you can lose your salvation at the drop of a hat.Their is no grace in his gospel at all if this is the standard.
4 Anton Busch Is he himself a False Prophet?If not he is a spokeman for a false prophet.
"It is time for you to take stock of who you are listening to and who you believe. He who has an ear – let him hear."
He has followed closely behind the narrative of the greatest false prophet in the USA which is the main stream media.We dont have bigger false prophets than them.Who ever follows them in the tribulation will really be doomed and Anton might have written the script for them.For me he is showing very little discernment.The mainstream media pushed the discredited Russia collusion conspiracy,the impeachment on Ukraine which was totally false ,laughed when it was rightly said that the Trump campaign was spied on,hid the contents of the Hunter Biden laptop contents which were sickening ,manipulated polls and the were involved in the heaviest censorship we can ever remember.
He obviously chopping at the bit to have a go at a whole nation of Christians who dont believe his dry religion
He clearly has a very unbalanced approach to dividing all the issues regarding the election.He lumps every Christian who supported a president because he was Pro Life,Pro Israel ,Pro the Nation state in with some false prophet that I never heard off. On the numerous posts I have been on earlier we on both sides divided the issues very carefully,heated yeah but informative but Anton has not.
5 On the Amount of People on Social Media
We have millions more Christians today than in the 1st Century Church and Paul would instead of using parchment paper would have used the internet like we do here on SI. Because we have millions more Christians ,we have millions more gifts in the Church and when you add millions more gifts with the use of modern communication = alot of people sharing on the internet.
5 THIS ISNT OVER YET ANTON I have spent alot of time complaining and calling out people who have prophesied and then retracted their prophecy in as respectful way as I can over the last few weeks on other social media.New Testament prophecy should be released as "if you did get stoned to death " if it is wrong and then we wouldnt have all the dross if people approached it so diligently. I spent time asking the same questions of people why didnt you predict Covid ?or brexit? ,all the same questions but we cant throw the baby out just to get rid of the bathwater quickly.I have heard all the excuses and have responded to them . I didnt like it either but God is still able to turn this around ,he is no respecter of the 6th or the 20th or any other day Anton was waiting to have a go on.
It is scriptural and not an excuse to say that God does not get the glory until the body is stinking from laying in the tomb for a few days,cant we wait for the funeral to be over and see will Jesus show up. If Jesus does show up ,well Im not that gracious that I wont say "I told you so" is some nice way !
urs staff
| 2021/1/22 16:03 | Profile | billy1980 Member
Joined: 2016/3/9 Posts: 312 Tennesse-
| Re: False Prophets or Just Mistaken? by Anton Bosch | | Thank you for posting this sound word from brother Anton, Greg.
I pray we each re-asses our current direction, and if it has navigated away from Christ, our only hope. Let us repent and allow Him to redirect us to Himself. Our only safe haven. _________________ Billy Witt
| 2021/1/22 16:09 | Profile | staff Member
Joined: 2007/2/8 Posts: 2227
| Re: | | Hi Billy, Everybody can have their opinion but I couldnt agree that this word is at all sound in anyway, pretty disgraceful in my opinion and an insult to millions of true heaven bound Christians.I think Bosch should repent and redirect himself. Your qoute
"sound word" urs staff |
| 2021/1/22 16:43 | Profile | TMK Member
Joined: 2012/2/8 Posts: 6650 NC, USA
| Re: | | //Quite a few Evangelical leaders, like Dr Michael Brown, are rushing to the defense of these prophets saying that they're not false prophets but were simply “mistaken”//
This is false. Michael Brown has called out these “prophets” and has taken a lot of heat for it. _________________ Todd
| 2021/1/22 16:51 | Profile | staff Member
Joined: 2007/2/8 Posts: 2227
| Re: | | Hi Sree, So the left have burned,murdered and rioted all summer long and the likes of BLM whose co founder Patrisse Colores says she is a trained marxist have supported the democratic party and you are blaming "Donald Trump and his worshippers".Firstly Christians wanted to stop Abortion ,they wanted to support Israel and they want to support the nation state not open borders this is why they rightly supported Donald Trump. The reason the left hate the Church is because the majority of sane Christians didnt want Abortion ,they wanted supreme court judges that would get rid of it,they didnt wanted a Pro Israel President they didnt want an antisemit,they wanted some one that didnt encourage a one world government. The hatred for Christianity is because Christians were doing the right thing and its the first time in living memory their was someone who stood on a platform like that and then carried it out. We had a mainstream media who have been involved in Election Fraud,Conspiracy theories about Russia and have failed to report Hunter bidens laptop with all the criminal activity on that not to mention have been involved in censorship of all conservative views and its somehow Christians who had the guts to stand up against it and tell the truth,its their fault ?That logic is so warped its scary.Its like saying that because "the two witness" prophecy against the Antichrist that they are the cause of the tribulation Basically if we were good little Christians and shut our mouths about evil then the left will leave us alone and wont persecute us .What will actually happen is they will be emboldened and persecute us more. Donald Trump acted as a buffer against persecution and did more than any president in living memory to enhance religous freedoms . Again its difficult to get there but if anyone on SI wants persecution North Korea is an option ,urs staff
"This also I already posted here in the forums. I also believe that God allowed Trump's ascendancy to also bring persecution for the true Church in the USA. I clearly see the hatred for Christianity has increased in the USA as a result of the Christianity represented by Trump and his worshippers." |
| 2021/1/22 17:29 | Profile | deogloria Member
Joined: 2020/2/12 Posts: 393
| Re: | | Thank you Greg I was about to loose hope in this forum after everything I read in the last few weeks. Good to read a clear message again. "These prophets have preached another gospel, the gospel of American nationalism, they live by another Bible – the Constitution and they have another kingdom – America. They have literally seduced the American church to follow another god and they are therefore false prophets. (Deuteronomy 13:3)." "They preached another Gospel."...this has been my biggest concern since I joined again. It is not only in America, it is now world wide. Just recently I wrote the following: "The main problem are the false Gospels. The Apostle Paul warned already about them! Now they are everywhere, we are not concerned,we don't even seem to realise it anymore. "
Anton Bosch: "It is time for you to take stock of who you are listening to and who you believe. He who has an ear – let him hear." David Wilkerson's main concern was to preach holiness and to pursue Christ ! A quote from Paul Washer: "We must remember that every intellectual endeavor turns from gold to rubbish unless it results in greater devotion to Christ! " |
| 2021/1/22 18:37 | Profile | narrowpath Member
Joined: 2005/1/9 Posts: 1522 Germany NRW
| Re: | | I have been observing the election from distant Germany. It appears to me that the nation is now deeply divided and at a boiling point.
I pray that Christians in the US would calm down and do not put their hope in earthly, unsaved leaders. You must now pray for Biden and his administration as the bible tells us. Politics is and always was a dirty business. Most generations of Christians in history and various places endured unspeakable injustice and sufferings. Their reward will be great! Following Jesus must go beyond nationalism, voting Trump, supporting Israel, or being pro-life and against Antifa and gender mainsteam. Some who stormed Capitol Hill even held up a sign "Jesus saves" That is a disgrace to Jesus. He said:
John 18:36 My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.
Matthew 26:52 Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.
| 2021/1/22 18:45 | Profile | dolfan Member
Joined: 2011/8/23 Posts: 1727 Tennessee, but my home's in Alabama
| Re: False Prophets or Just Mistaken? by Anton Bosch | | 1. I find no instance of NT post-Pentecost prophecy outside of the context of the local church (except for the apostles' own epistles, which are exceptions).
2. Apostolic writings clearly link the gift of prophecy in the NT to the local church for testing and accountability.
3. There is no reported instance of such words of prophecy/knowledge/etc. being given generally into the public stream "to whom it may concern" as we have seen in our recent past.
For these reasons, I do not find anything related to the New Testament from any of these people who "prophesied", predicted, opined that Trump would remain in office. I dismiss them categorically as having any significance beyond the "sounding brass and tinkling cymbal".
If there is repentance due, let it be ours for hearing them. If we rejected them, may we ask for God's forgiveness on their behalf; they are deceived. Perhaps they are deceivers, too -- in that case, I wouldn't pray for them except that they would be silenced and that believers would seek God's face to know the truth.
Dr. Brown has tried to weigh this as even handedly as any I've seen; maybe it doesn't call for even-handedness. I do think he's motivated in large part by love and caution seeing as how we've just walked freshly from the opposite of that.
_________________ Tim
| 2021/1/22 18:48 | Profile |