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Joined: 2011/1/12
Posts: 1395
Lakeland FL

 Prophets of Trump

I am curious to know who of you , on the forum, will continue to uphold those people who prophesied that Trump will have reelection and not call them false prophets?

It is very obvious that there is an infestation of false prophets masquerading in the churchn and the reelection has exposed them. When the church does not call them out and expose it it shows why the church, in America, is in the state that it is in.



 2021/1/7 15:11Profile

Joined: 2006/9/16
Posts: 2753

 Re: Prophets of Trump

The inauguration is Jan 20 and the Supreme Court said they will make their decision by Jan 22, two days after the inauguration. What if they rule in favor Trump? It makes no sense to me for them to make their decision two days after the date for the inauguration.

Meanwhile, if Trump is not reseated I wonder if the "prophets" will come up with excuses and perhaps blame the church and its lack of faith in responding to their prophecies. I will not be receiving it if they do.

David Winter

 2021/1/7 15:18Profile

Joined: 2007/2/8
Posts: 2227


Hi Docs
I did hear about that date and if I remember correctly its something like when a case is lodged it gets an automatic date of 30 days or so from the the day its lodged.This date is not written in stone its just a proceedure .so if the case was lodged on 22nd dec then it gets a day of 22nd of jan but this is open to change.
Also on ur second point I think i did make the exact same case about a month ago that I noticed some prophets trying to build an escape route for themselves which were the Church didnt pray it in and President Trump will get a second term just not this term.
After saying all this I still think this is not over and its very scriptural to say that God acts best and greatest when he is the last man standing like lazarus who was stinking and the Red Sea.
Their is also another few issues
1 Some Christians wrongly think Prophesy is not for today and wont come out and plainly say that but are secretly hoping Trump loses as to prove a theological stand point.
2 Some Christians wrongly have not supported Trump and have gone over like David to the Philistines and have offered support to the opposition thinking it was the right thing to do but it wasnt.
3 Some people have a warped view of persecution and have talked themselves into a frenzy over it and couldnt believe that God put Trump in office (which he clearly did in my opinion )to put a blocker on the said persecution.Nothwithstanding persecution will come but its not to be eagerly sought after but endured when it comes,
urs staff

 2021/1/7 15:54Profile

Joined: 2006/9/16
Posts: 2753


I keep thinking of the clear and overwhelming scriptural evidence that this present evil age ends not on a high note for man and his progress. Nor does it end with the church overcoming and redeeming the institutions and cultures of this world. It ends with a time of tribulation such as never has occurred not ever will again and if this time was not shortened no life would survive. No amount of present revival, and I am all for revival by any means, will cause the church at that time to be able to circumvent around it. There is much talk of revival but so little talk of the circumstances that will accompany it. The last and greatest revival will take place during the greatest time of time of rejection and outright persecution the church has ever experienced. The present day "prophetic" stream seems to say little about this in my opinion.

My 2 cents worth.

David Winter

 2021/1/7 16:21Profile

Joined: 2007/2/8
Posts: 2227

 Re: Prophets of Trump

Hi Deadn,
I agree in part but we have not been careful in seperating the wood from the trees and we have thrown the baby out with the bathwater because of our lack of diligence.

If I can make a few points
1.Just because we have an infestation of false prophets doesnt mean prophesy is wrong both forthtelling and foretelling .
2 False Prophets in the past,present and future or any charlatan will attach themselves to the part of the Church that believes in Spiritual gifts because it would benefit them nothing if they didnt as those believers are the only ones they can exploit.Importantly though it does not mean that prophesy is wrong .
3The New Testament clearly states that the purpose of Prophesy is to Exhort,Comfort and Console the Church and if we do not have Prophesy well the consequences are we cant Exhort,Comfort and Console the body in such a direct way from the throne of God.
4 When exposing false prophets we have to be careful because alot of these people are real Christians who we will see in heaven.However this issue must be dealt with as it is giving God a bad name,I do believe that strongly too.
5 Importantly if Trump wins in the end it doesnt mean all the people that prophesied or said he would are true prophets either

This is not over until its over so it premature by three days ,the three days Lazarus spent in the tomb and all seemed dead.Lastly Christians who want Trump to lose and are gleeful at the chance of it happening are on the wrong side,you are like David a great man of God who was willing to support the Philistines against his own.
If five years ago someone told me that we would have a President of the USA that was against Abortion,Supported Israel,The Nation state as God does,supported prayer and Christians being brought back into the White House ,Supported free speech and Christians who were persecuted,attended pray functions,mentioned Jesus as being Lord and got prayed over publically I would have been overjoyed because thats what we wanted right?
urs staff

 2021/1/7 16:22Profile

Joined: 2007/2/8
Posts: 2227


Hi Docs,
I dont think its at all clear or overwhelming the evidence that the Church ends on a sour note.The evidence is that the Church ends without denominations like it was in the beginning and under Apostolic Doctrine again as it was in the beginning.
Again and Again their is a huge difference between the period of time called "The Great Tribulation" and Persecution and regular Tribulation.They are not connected at all.
The first half of the 7th week which is 3 and half years are great times for the Church as we come under the Ministry of the Two Witnesses who restore Apostolic Doctrine and Authority.This will be the greatest revival because of this restoration.

As for being involved in institutions etc we are to be involved as we are a restrainer on evil .What is the alternative ?allow Abortion because we dont elect Presidents who picks the right Judges?
By not being involved and changing things we are saying go ahead kill as many babies as you want....
Im sure thats not the right approach,just my couple of cents worth too ...God bless mightly

 2021/1/7 16:38Profile

Joined: 2006/9/16
Posts: 2753


I didn't day the church ends on a sour note. I said its final ministry and witness will take place during the time of greatest trial it has ever known. It won't all be fun and roses at that point no mater what happens in the years preceding it.

Where does it say the church will come under the ministry of the Two Witnesses as they restore apostolic doctrine like it was in the beginning? It seems they are sent to prophesy against the Kingdom of the beast.

Meanwhile, what the OP posted needs to be considered. If it does not come out as many prophets have spoken we need not hang our heads and be reluctant to say there is only one main reason and that was false prophecies.

David Winter

 2021/1/7 17:00Profile

Joined: 2011/8/20
Posts: 1953

 Re: Prophets of Trump

Here is my take on the whole incident.

As I have told in this forum multiple times, prophesying election results is not a new covenant prophecy. Not that God is incapable of doing an Old covenant type of prophecy. But a person like me who is part of a new covenant life and Church cannot accept such prophesy to be fruitful to the CHurch by any margin. Because I have witnessed and still witnessing real New Covenant Prophesy. But there are many Christians who do not even have a clue on New Covenant, they can rejoice and celebrate such prophesies!

Looking at the political picture, this is what I feel has happened. I would be happy if I am proven wrong. I post it not to bring a political view but to show a pattern of events that supports we live in the end time, awaiting persecution.

1. 2016 Presidential winner used the anger in a particular race who were totally ignored in the past 8 years. He served as a voice for them and they supported him and he won in 2016.
2. He tried to be faithful to his vote bank and since the majority of them are Christians, he stood for certain Christian values to retain the vote bank. (I wish I was wrong here).
3. Even when the huge issue of racism came, he did not fail his vote bank by voicing against them but still kept on hanging to it. Believing that the same people will back him up again in 2021.
4. Most Churches are filled with this race and hence they started raising this president as a God-sent answer to make America a God-pleasing country.
5. But the arrogant behavior seen in public by their elected leader and still the continuous support of the Church, has resulted in many to start hating him as well as the Church.
6. I sense people have now developed an aversion to Christianity and also to Christians as a result of the Church supporting this arrogant political leader.
7. Now that in 2020, this person lost. Though most Christians from his vote bank supported him strongly and still believed in him.
8. I see the purpose, God allowed this leader to continue from 2016 to 2020 is to bring this hatred upon the Church who lost their primary purpose and hence resulting in the persecution of true Church. The political platform (after election win) as well as general people mentality is clearly against the Church in 2021.
9. I believe God allowed the unsuspecting Christian leaders to be deceived by a Conman to bring persecution upon the CHurch. (I wish to be proved wrong here). This point is based on the scripture-

2 Thess 2:11- For this reason God will send them a powerful delusion so that they believe the lie, 12in order that judgment may come upon all who have disbelieved the truth and delighted in wickedness.

I developed the above theory based on observing the life of the 2016 President elect, the blind support that most undiscerning Church leaders gave to him and also seeing the rise in hatred for the Church. I clearly see a pattern here to start great persecution.

I wish I was proved wrong here. I actually prayed for a different election result in 2020 and rejoiced with the result in 2016. But I cannot deny what I have witnessed which is opposite to what I desired.

I apologize if I have hurt anyone by my views here. As I said, I will be happy to be proven wrong. This is just my observation of the sequence of events in the last 12 years that I lived in the West.


 2021/1/7 17:14Profile

Joined: 2007/2/8
Posts: 2227


Hi Sree,
I cant even begin to express how totally wrong I think your analysis is but I will try.But this is what you believe and in the cold light of day have look at the facts.What actually happened not whether Donald Trump appears to be nice guy or not .The Anti Christ is going to be a hell of nice guy ,he wont appear arrogant or be protrayed as a racist though ,he will be loved by CNN,Msnbc and Nbc for his beautiful manner but by their fruits you will know them .

Clinton-Biden -Obama Democrats

Abortion (millions of dead babies)
Supported Planned Parenthood
Put in and Supported Supreme Judges that were for Abortion
Anti Semitic Hates Israel
No Borders(Babylon)
Socialist Economics that has kept minorities in ghettos
Supports BLM the founder patrisse colors says she is a marxist fully trained

Identy politcs,gender,race etc
Not to mention the greatest election fraud in the history of western democracy in 2020
Supports censorship of conservative values through CNN ,facebook and twitter and more
Could not care less about Christians

Then Compare to Trump

Pro Israel recognised Jerusalem as capital and confronted Israels enemies
Pro Life
Defunded Planned parent hood
Put in 3 supreme Judges that were Pro Life
Believes in the Nation State rather than one world government
Did More for African Americans and other minorities economically than almost any previous president
Best unemployment rate for African Americans for 40 or 50 yrs
Black College support
Free Choice of Schools for minorites which is critical economically for minorites
Brought Prayer back to the Whitehouse,allow Christian Pastors in ,supported free speech
Condemned Christian persecution

So what you are saying in my mind anyway is because Trump appears arrogant(i think hes bullish and rightly throws his wait around not arrogant) and you think he is racist (which he not) you think Christians should vote for Atheism ,Abortion etc
You then have concluded that because Christians have supported Donald Trump because he has done the right things that he is drawing persecution upon Christians.

The reason any right minded in my opinion Christian voted for Donald Trump is that it was an unexpected chance to get rid of Abortion ,to stop the spread of liberal communism, that he gave Christians a voice in the highest office against atheism and that he is a wealth creator not a career politician.
The Present Democratic party with the help of some republicans are the most spiritually evil group of people to have power since the foundation of the state .By their fruits you know them and their fruits are rotten to the core

I honestly think you should and I mean it sincerely reflect on who is best for Christians in the land ....and you will come to the only conclusion that democratic leaders hate Christians with a spiritual passion and Trump has delayed persecution not encouraged it.If Hillary was in power where would we be in 2020?

urs staff

 2021/1/7 19:20Profile

Joined: 2011/8/20
Posts: 1953


Continuing on my previous post. I see the same pattern in India as well. As most of us know, India currently has a Hinduthva based government. But before this, the party that ruled India probably some 7 years back, were trying to please all people. In order to get the vote from minority (Muslims and Christians), they gave them many freebies, like a priority in Jobs, Government-sponsored trips to shrines like Hajj to Muslims and Israel to Christians, etc. As expected minority grabbed with both hands, but they did not see that the people around them the majority of Hindus are getting irritated by this minority appeasement program.

In the subsequent elections, the party that came to power totally ignored the minority vote and banked on Majority Hindus. They won convincingly. Now because of all these minority appeasement programs by the earlier regime, people developed an aversion for minorities. I have close friends and relatives who hate Christians. A strong sense came among people that only Hindus are patriotic. Also a hatred for secularism. I believe any government that does not respect secularism is doomed to failure.

Now with the Hindutva government in power and also the growing hatred among the majority for the minority religion, Christian persecution is inevitable. Especially fellowships like mine which are not backed by big denominations, they are soft targets in India now.

This raises the question, what should Christians expect or pray for from the Government? I believe this is where most Christians are going wrong. According to 1 Timothy 2,

First of all, then, I urge that requests, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made on behalf of all people, 2 for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.

We are asked to pray for a tranquil and quiet life to worship our God in peace. This should be our only requirement from the government. Anything else can be a bonus but not a priority at all.

But in India, the nominal Christain community demanding extra freebies from the government has now caused so much hatred for Christians among majority Hindus. I see the same pattern in the USA as well. In the greed for a government that should hold Christian values, we have invoked so much hatred for Christianity among common people.

No government can be governed by Biblical principles. Sadly based on my observation the elderly Christians in the USA have this thought that the USA is modern Israel and hence it should be governed by the Bible. They will not openly admit it, but it can be easily discerned that they believe they live in a Christian nation and everything should be governed by the Bible. This is wrong, and such extra-Biblical expectation is the reason that people supported a wrong conman for the presidency.


 2021/1/8 1:50Profile

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