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Joined: 2005/6/26
Posts: 55


Jay wrote:

If I did not love my wife, I would not have married her. In the same respect, if I did not love God I would not have become a Christian.

Do you think Paul loved God on the road to Damascas or did he learn to love God in the "wilderness" after the experience. Was not his address "Lord" good enough for God for THAT INSTANT. That the gift of love was given to him to love God Himself after Paul's submission to Him. That is Michelle's experience. And I think mine.

 2005/7/22 13:44Profile

Joined: 2005/7/11
Posts: 1132


Before I became a Christian, I did not love God. I might have said that I loved him, but I didn't. My actions proved it. If I would have loved him, I would have followed his commands.

One day, I was convicted of my sins. I became aware that my sins were against God and that I had done wrong in his sight. Did I love him at that moment, probably not...I was very afraid of him at that moment. I realized that I was condemned in his sight. My "wages" for my sin was death. I repented of my sins. I turned to Jesus Christ and put my hope and faith in him. I became a Christian at that moment. Did I love him then. You bet I did! I have loved him ever since. Now, have I always done what he has said? No. Have I lived a sinless life? No. Have I felt an overwhelming conviction that has led me to repentance? Yes. Have I ever stopped loving God? Never. He loved me, he proved his love for me by sending his son Jesus to die for my sins. As soon as I realized that, I began loving him. I love him because he first loved me.

Is it possible for a Christian not to love God. In my opinion. No. But, if someone could point me to scripture (old or new) that shows a Child of God that does not love God I will be more than willing to pray it over to see if my thinking is correct.

 2005/7/22 14:14Profile

Joined: 2005/7/11
Posts: 1132


I guess we should look at what Loving God means.

1 John 5:
1 Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Messiah has been born of God, and everyone who loves the parent also loves his child. 2 This is how we know that we love God's children when we love God and obey His commands. 3 For this is what love for God is: to keep His commands. Now His commands are not a burden, 4 because whatever has been born of God conquers the world. This is the victory that has conquered the world: our faith. 5 And who is the one who conquers the world but the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?

If Loving God is keeping his commands, then is it possible to love God by accepting Jesus as your Savior?

I would like thoughts on this. I am wanting to understand this topic because it is very important. I love this website and it is for this reason, talking about the word of God with fellow Christians. Thank you all.

 2005/7/22 14:28Profile

Joined: 2005/7/11
Posts: 1132


I think we can all agree that God loves all of us. We must seek after him and strive to obey his word. If we do these things, we love God.

 2005/7/22 15:08Profile

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