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Joined: 2005/6/1
Posts: 71

 what if you dont love god

if you dont love god then how can you get to heaven. I believe you have to love god because if you do not then how can you do what he asks. how can you follow the gospel. If you dont love god then how can you love the world if god is love. then you will be living in darkness for hating people and not loving them. If you do not love god then how can you humble yourself to him and repent. Some people have told me that you can still get to heaven even if you dont love god. but what can i tell people. what if one day i want to stand up and speak out loud and give a good preech to a crowd that says this, but i dont know what to say that would convince them they must love god.


 2005/7/21 2:22Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
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 Re: what if you dont love god

Some people have told me that you can still get to heaven even if you dont love god.

This puzzles me how people believe in going to heaven without knowing God or Loving Him. How exactly do they obtain their salvation to get to heaven in their minds?

I encourage you to read this article and even share it with your friend:
[b]Hell and Everlasting Punishment, Part 9: Indignation[/b]

A dear brother* wrote this after I posted the article:

This is a fearsome portion of scripture to meditate on. Not just the intense magnitude of the torment, but that it is forever and ever. Who could endure such a thing for a few minutes? What if that few minutes became a few hours? And the hours became days and weeks and months and years and decades and centuries and milleniums and eons of ages. I think of the reverse of the beloved tune Amazing Grace:

For the sufferers it will be... When we have been there 10,000 years suffering in pain to be delivered, we've no lest days to howl in pain than when we first begun. And while the Saints sing the songs of Zion the damned with be perpetually tormented day and night without rest. This is wrath without mixture or relief.

How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation?

*(brother Robert Wurtz)

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2005/7/21 2:33Profile

Joined: 2005/7/3
Posts: 96
Sydney Australia

 Re: what if you dont love god

:-) The bible itself is, from cover to cover, a book about God wanting a personal relationship with mankind. So often part of being an evangelist is living the word rather than speaking the word. You've heard the phrase 'actions speak louder than words' I know my parents have probably used that one on me a thousand times and im still getting that one! But thats because its true.
Also (but a little off topic)in the book of james (which is an excellent book, so challenging to anyone out of step!) but in particular, james 2:14,17 "faith without deeds is no faith at all"

If they are missing the relationship with God then
a) they're not getting into the word of God enough to realise what he's actually saying and i'd challenge them on that, which is another reason why it says 'that the law of the lord be on your lips', it helps to have the word of God back you up, becuase noone can tell you its wrong. If they do try, though, then they have no understanding of the word of God.

and b) they havent been praying with faith and expectation, their attitudes are all wrong. Again, it needs a challenge, but you need to understand whats going on. So before you try to minister to people i suggest you get into that bible of yours; you'll probably find that you answer your own question.

I know i used to hate it when i asked questions like that where people would simply respond 'go do your homework', but reading the bible is a thrill. You try putting all of what you read into practise, its not as easy as it looks. Infact, its really hard, but thats the path to righteousness. I suggest that if you havent already then read the 2 books of the Corinthians. This book gets the convictions out in the open and is a good place to challenge yourself from. I have a couple of personal favourites from the second one! Really, I want to bring to light a passage in Ephesians chapter 6 verse 12 which says:
"For we are not wrestling with the flesh and blood [contending with only physical opponents], but against the depositisms, against the powers, against [the master spirits who are] the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere." AMP.
Which is saying, we aren't trying to fight peoples views, character or behavior, infact, we're not trying to oppose people at all, but when you do come against what we are fighting, you'll realise that its actually the very things that God himself is not. ie, lust greed envy, etc. See Galatians 5:19-23. It pretty much comes against everything God stands for, which is why this turns into a battle. You have to realise that, yes, people may get offended, but thats because not everyone likes a challenge.

You need to have something to give before you can pour our your spirit on people. I pray that God absolutely fills you with his word so much that you wont be able to contain it, the rest will come naturally. Then effectively you'll again answer your own question. God bless you! -arbustum.


 2005/7/21 3:45Profile

 Re: what if you don't love god?

I know i used to hate it when i asked questions like that where people would simply respond 'go do your homework', but reading the bible is a thrill. [b]You try putting all of what you read into practise, its not as easy as it looks[/b].

This made me smile... so [i]true[/i].... Respect to all who give 100% to the effort (to put it 'all into practise'). God sees the heart which thirsts after righteousness.

luckyd, you're on to something (again ;-) ). The basis of your preaching is that God does [i]know[/i] everyone and He wants each one to know [i]Him[/i]. This is a mystery to human minds, but, everything falls in line when a person begins to seek after the knowledge [i]of God[/i].

 2005/7/21 7:13

Joined: 2005/6/26
Posts: 55


How does one love God? Its hard to love someone we dont know. So to know Him is to first seek to have a relationship with Him. Love comes later and I think thats alright with God. I believe to God, the seeking is the loving.

When I first came to seek after God, I longed to love Him. I saw how others proclaim their love but I couldn't in all honesty do the same. I did not know Him. I only know of Him (as they say). Yet there is this strong draw. Now I know that it was the pull of the Holy Spirit towards the Father. I also know that there are many like me, whose mind has to be sold before it can lead the heart to love. So, I studied the Bible and wormed through the entire Church library. Now, I truly believe that my heart loves Him more than my head does.

Each person's path towards God is different, but the goal is the same. Studying the Bible is a good thing but there are some who do not and yet love (obey) God much more than Bible scholars. The movement towards Him is an act of obedience and that act in and of itself is Love.

As Dorcas said

everything falls in line when a person begins to seek after the knowledge of God.

God never fails a true seeker. So the question posed - what if you dont love God? applies only only to those who have refused the gift.

 2005/7/21 8:53Profile

Joined: 2005/7/11
Posts: 1132


One MUST love the Lord our God!

 2005/7/21 10:08Profile

Joined: 2005/6/26
Posts: 55


Jay wrote:

One MUST love the Lord our God!

I suppose he means, one must love the Lord our God to be saved (?). Im trying to put myself where I was years ago, a brandnew Christian with a desire for God in my heart but with a wide-eyed honesty to say that I did not (yet) love Him as I know how to love. There is this movement of the heart but there is a "not-yetness" about it. Was I "saved" at that spot then? I believe so.

Conversion is a process, so is Loving the Lord. Truly God's love is a gift. So is ability to love.

 2005/7/22 4:46Profile


Ever heard the old hymn "Count Your Blessings"?

Count your blessing,
name them one by one
Look what God has done...

I look at the many blessings God has bestowed on me, and I cant help but love Him. We tend to focus so much on ourselves and how bad we have it (which NO ONE in America can complain about their lot in life when it comes to God's provisions!) when we ought to look at what He has done for us.

I think when you do that, you will grow to understand love for God.

Love isnt a feeling anyway. If you're looking for warm fuzzies, you wont find it. If you do, it wont last. Love is a decision, and it is hard work... just ask my wife.


 2005/7/22 9:15

Joined: 2005/7/11
Posts: 1132


If I did not love my wife, I would not have married her. In the same respect, if I did not love God I would not have become a Christian.

 2005/7/22 9:37Profile

Joined: 2005/5/30
Posts: 51
Washington state


How do you love God?
good question, i was raised in a household where it was considered weak to show your emotions, so years of stuffing i learned not to feel anything, not even love incoming or outgoing, I did what was right in regards to my husband and children, but to show love was not in me, I was 28 when i got saved and i remebering reading the bible and the scripture that says to love the lord your god with all your heart mind and strength, well it must have been in every chapter and evry other verse, But i caught myself skipping them, finally I faced them and confessed that it was not in me to love how can I love if I dont have it in me, now if you can imagine i was so frustrated in my prayers,I was on my knees weeping and pleading ( I recognized I was broken) then I said as i prayed unless you give me the love to love, your Godly love, i'am guilty here and empty,well the next morning i awoke in love with evrything my family, the trees the birds, every person i met i loved, I was a brand new creation in Christ, Ialso began to pray in others aeras in my life that i was weak in like forgivness etc and the lord fullfilled every one of his attributes in me where i was short of.
That is how I came to love the lord with all my heart. and his love is ever growing in me.


 2005/7/22 13:30Profile

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