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Joined: 2007/2/8
Posts: 2227

 Christmas Message By President Trump

Hi All,
Christmas Message From The White House,urs staff

 2020/12/19 21:03Profile

Joined: 2008/10/30
Posts: 2265

 Re: Christmas Message By President Trump


 2020/12/29 14:44Profile

Joined: 2020/2/12
Posts: 393


6. January is not far away - a day - or may be days of "wildprotests".
People are invited to "be there, will be wild" (6sec. into the promo clip)
1. why is a "wildprotest" promoted on a Christian site ?
2. many of you probably don't realise how wild this could really turn out.
Watch this space - and pray for your country and God's protection

 2021/1/4 22:53Profile

Joined: 2011/8/20
Posts: 1953


why is a "wildprotest" promoted on a Christian site ?

A Christian should not be involved in any protest. I know a Godly man who never joined any protest in his job even though all his colleagues did. In the country he worked, it was normal for employees to form unions and protest against the employers. But he would never join and also make it a point to work on that day, even though he is the only employee in the whole office! He was mocked, threatened, and even suffered personal loss for his stand. Yet he never protested.

I don't see either Jesus or the apostles protesting against Roman authority even though they were one of the evil regimes on the earth.


 2021/1/5 17:28Profile

Joined: 2007/4/25
Posts: 1839
Scotland, UK


Well well

Protestants - meaning protesters.

Protestants there are between 800 million to a billion in this world.

Colin Murray

 2021/1/5 17:38Profile

Joined: 2007/2/8
Posts: 2227


Hi Sree,

Jesus did protest violently by kicking over the moneychangers tables in the temple!which appears to be at odds with "my kingdom is not off this world ,if it were of this world they would fight"(paraphrasing) scripture but it is not.
I think what he is saying here is that if my kingdom was off this world my followers would see it and in having the ability to see it they would fight.It isnt saying that Jesus's Kingdom is not worth fighting for, only that you cant see it the way you would other earthly kingdoms. He also referred to Herod as "A fox"which is strong language against a ruling politician. urs staff


I don't see either Jesus or the apostles protesting against Roman authority even though they were one of the evil regimes on the earth

 2021/1/5 19:52Profile

Joined: 2011/8/20
Posts: 1953



Protestants - meaning protesters.

Protestants protested against the authority of the Catholic Church by coming out of it. They did not protest by staying inside the Church authority. There is a big difference. Since they left the authority of the Catholic Church they were considered protestants. Not because they fought. I consider myself as a protestant, I do not go and fight with any catholic Church! It is a laughable comparison!

Jesus himself left the authority of the Pharisees. But he told the people to listen to them because they sit at the seat of Moses (Matt 23:1). Jesus never commanded anyone to rebel against authority. A true disciple of Jesus will walk out of false authority but never protest against authority!

For example, if you do not like the authority of a Church then quietly walk out of it. Protesting against the authority is not a Christian action at all. All these people who fight against authority by staying within the boundaries of the authority are clearly unchristlike. If you do not like your boss at work better leave the job instead of fighting against the boss by staying in the work. Such people do not even have the Spirit of Christ in them. Insubordination is a spirit of devil in all matters.


 2021/1/5 22:17Profile

Joined: 2011/8/20
Posts: 1953



Jesus did protest violently by kicking over the moneychangers tables in the temple!which appears to be at odds with "my kingdom is not off this world ,if it were of this world they would fight"(paraphrasing) scripture but it is not.

Jesus did not protest for personal gain. He did this to the money changers because they dishonoured the name of God in the context of the temple. Even today if someone is dishonoring the name of God in the context of the Church, we can also expose them. But the same Jesus did not speak a word when he was beaten and spit upon. This proves that he never fought against authority for personal gain or any earthy reasons. That is why he said, he nor his disciples will fight for any earthly kingdom. There is no conflict or contradiction if we read the Bible by the Holy Spirit. There will be all kinds of conflict if one reads the Bible to justify their false understanding.


 2021/1/5 22:25Profile

Joined: 2007/2/8
Posts: 2227


Hi Sree,
But you are making a huge assumption in your view that Christians who protest are doing it for personal gain.None of the Christians protesting are doing it for personal gain just exactly like Jesus.In the future Jesus will use justified violence against his enemies.
Your argument is that Jesus didnt protest and he did.You then changed it to the motivation behind the protest which is a different arguement.So is the motivation behind the protest Godly and correct absolutely yes.
Jesus was saying that because the disciples couldnt see the Kingdom of God they didnt fight.They could see earthly kingdoms .It wasnt an arguement for pacifism.
The truth is I believe that some Christians have not done the right thing and backed a person that has been amazing in comparision to all recent leaders for Christians and Israel,instead hiding in the basement on the subject urs staff

 2021/1/6 5:26Profile

Joined: 2011/8/20
Posts: 1953



Your argument is that Jesus didnt protest and he did.You then changed it to the motivation behind the protest which is a different arguement.

Before you start pointing mistakes in my post, please take a few seconds to read what I originally posted. I am copy-pasting what I wrote in my post and quoting it below for your reference.

Sree's quote:-

I don't see either Jesus or the apostles protesting against Roman authority even though they were one of the evil regimes on the earth.

Jesus's act against temple sellers is not a protest against Roman authority by any margin! You clearly did not read my post and your example of the temple clearing is not valid in the context at all. I initially thought of ignoring your post but you misquoted me as well as Jesus. You compared the temple clearing incident with what Jesus mentioned to Pilate in a different context and interpreted scripture John 18:36. This is clearly taking the scripture outside the context to suit one's point! I only tried to show the mistake in your explanation of John 18:36.

I have no desire to defend myself against someone who misquotes me without any regard to what I have written. I refrain from posting further.


 2021/1/6 8:17Profile

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