Hello Brother and sisters ..I apologize i acted hastily. I will have to pray about joining. The Holy Spirit has corrected me... If people are not in agreement spiritually it will not please GOD I believe. Many in this hour are saved in their heads and not their hearts. I am not saying this in judgment but with a discerning heart. I am honored that I am involved with others to pray with who I know. GOD sees all the hearts and motives. I will ask the Holy Spirit if I am to be involved in praying with people on this forum. I will wait...Thanks for mentioning me in the post.Many Blessings to you all and a Merry ChristmasIn Christ SisterFrannie
As the Spirit leads others I to feel pulled to a time of prayer weekly with other believers. My contact email is [email protected]
_________________Billy Witt
To set up a prayer call, Go and register on this website.https://www.freeconferencecall.com/
Brother if u have a conference call pls post it on here and I will continue to seek the LORD..In ChristSister Frannie