Poster | Thread | AbideinHim Member

Joined: 2006/11/26 Posts: 5185 Louisiana
| God Is Looking For Intercessors | | Several years ago Brother Blaine (Bear), Sister Frannie, and another Sister and I would have a weekly prayer call.
There is no time or distance in the Spirit, and we have sensed the anointing and presence of God Praying together in agreement for that which the Holy Spirit puts on our hearts.
I believe that believers on this forum could connect even if it is only two or three to pray together.
When I think of the great moves of God throughout history, and understand that it was hungry, desperate saints that interceded and travailed until they received an answer to their prayers, I know that God is looking for intercessors that will pray the prayers of the Kingdom so that the will of God would be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
Sent from _________________ Mike
| 2020/12/17 8:01 | Profile | Mustacheglasses Member

Joined: 2016/4/25 Posts: 17 New Jersey, USA
| Re: God Is Looking For Intercessors | | Brother Mike,
I'm disappointed in my heart's immediate response to this post.
Actually, in general, I feel quite gun-shy about interacting with folks on this forum.
No one has done anything wrong, at all.
It's simply my experience, after being saved for over twenty-two years that when I let my guard down in Christian circles things go awry.
Believe every single word you wrote in this post. Mr. Ravenhill, though I never met the man, is the closest thing I have to a spiritual father. My theology very closely aligns with him and Dr. Tozer and other folks like Parisreidhead.
I've read through Reese Howells; Intercessor a number of times. John 'Praying' Hyde is my favorite book outside the Bible. I love reading George Mueller's Autobiography. And I feel a longing for God to make me an intercessor.
It may be (and I hope it is) that other parts of America and the world have a different experience than mine, but I cannot name a single church in New Jersey where this kind of white-hot Christianity and desire for prayer, the kind we read about in such works and in the Bible, would be welcome.
That is to say; I've been kicked out of churches for this very thing. For this desire. I was told by my first pastor that I prayed too much. I have never prayed nearly enough!
And every time I encounter a group of folks who I think share this burning desire, I am severely let down or blind-sided by some strange theology.
Please forgive any cageyness I may display. If we are truly of one mind and one heart, I do not want to pass that up due to previous experiences.
Unfortunately, I am wary. But I do agree and desire to be a part of a true movement of God's intercessors.
It must also be said that my own praying is weak. I find it difficult to pray with others. For being saved and walking with Christ for over two decades, my praying is quite poor. If I am with others who have cold prayers, it is easy for my own praying to be doused like icy water over a spark. And I also suspect that the fire in some right praying is, to some degree, lost on me. I don't perceive it, though it may be there.
I am afraid, as well, that my praying cannot bear many burdens. I am afraid that if I take on a list of prayer requests, I will do no one any good, least of all God. I have a handful of burdens on my heart and I do not believe I can divide my desire any further without weakening my desire. I am a simple man and cannot give many issues my undivided attention or passion.
However, again, I am keen. For what it is worth, I desire to pray with other Christians and I desire to be an intercessor.
And I hope that my post here doesn't come across as any kind of negative commentary on what you wrote. These are my own struggles and they entered the room with me. _________________ Joseph Martin Lowsky
| 2020/12/17 10:00 | Profile | AbideinHim Member

Joined: 2006/11/26 Posts: 5185 Louisiana
| Re: | | Brother Joseph,
Thank you for your honest response, and the truth of the matter is that none of us know how to pray as we ought to, and this is why we rely on the Holy Spirit for His guidance and anointing.
Most of the Church in America is weak when it comes to prayer, and prayer is looked upon as an activity for those too old or feeble to do anything else.
Many pastors and deacons will not be at the prayer meeting because they would tell you that they are just too busy. This explains the lack of power in the Church.
Most of the Church in America knows very little about spiritual warfare, but we know that we are not in a war with flesh and blood.
I am encouraged however because of deteriorating conditions in our nation, a remnant is arising and taking their stand on the wall of intercession.
We desperately need revival and awakening that will bring about Reformation in our nation.
Sent from my iPhone
_________________ Mike
| 2020/12/17 17:20 | Profile | NeedHim2018 Member

Joined: 2018/10/6 Posts: 29
| Re: God Is Looking For Intercessors | | I think this is a great idea.
God bless, John |
| 2020/12/17 23:01 | Profile | NeedHim2018 Member

Joined: 2018/10/6 Posts: 29
| Re: | | It would be great to meet with other believers as we look to God in prayer. Makes me think of this hymn:
’Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, Just to take Him at His word; Just to rest upon His promise; Just to know, Thus saith the Lord. Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him, How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er, Jesus, Jesus, Precious Jesus! O for grace to trust Him more.
2 O how sweet to trust in Jesus, Just to trust His cleansing blood; Just in simple faith to plunge me, ’Neath the healing, cleansing flood.
3 Yes, ’tis sweet to trust in Jesus, Just from sin and self to cease; Just from Jesus simply taking Life, and rest, and joy, and peace.
4 I’m so glad I learned to trust Thee, Precious Jesus, Savior, Friend; And I know that Thou art with me, Wilt be with me to the end |
| 2020/12/18 6:04 | Profile | Renee_is_His Member

Joined: 2016/3/9 Posts: 74 Garland, TX
| Re: God Is Looking For Intercessors | | Greetings Brother Mike! I was on the prayer call with you, Blaine, Franny and another sister (Bea?) Its funny, I was just thinking about that time we came together in 2016 to meet for prayer. 5 different individuals, in 5 states, with one heart and mind to seek the Lord. I haven't posted or responded to anything in almost 3 years, but I am still blessed by your heartfelt passion for prayer and unity. You and Franny (or anyone else) are more than welcome to email me: [email protected]. The Lord has been laying things on my heart and I will share as He leads. Blessings to all! _________________ Renee
| 2020/12/18 14:25 | Profile | EAGLEFLYING Member

Joined: 2012/9/25 Posts: 886
| Re: God Is Looking For Intercessors | | Hello Brother Mike I am open to praying again.. I am praying with some bro and sister on Tue. we pray led of the Holy Spirit and for revival and the nation. we are all from different denominations and it is a wonderful time with the HOLY Ghost. We just pray as the Lord leads and start one way and end another.. My favorite kind of meetings. I still pray with Bea on Monday nights and we study His word. I am open.. we could do a conference call but must be focused on the revival and focus on commonalities. I am daily praying now for a move with this situation in USA.. AMERICA WILL BE SAVED.. my email is [email protected] I was led to get on here tonight perhaps this is why. IN Christ Sister Frannie _________________ Frannie
| 2020/12/22 18:48 | Profile | EAGLEFLYING Member

Joined: 2012/9/25 Posts: 886
| Re: | | Hello sister DIdnt u sing.? I would love to pray again. Miss Brother Blaine perhaps he is up there telling us to pray again.. Those cloud of witnesses are sure powerful. [email protected] In Christ Sister Frannie _________________ Frannie
| 2020/12/22 18:50 | Profile | EAGLEFLYING Member

Joined: 2012/9/25 Posts: 886
| Re: | | Hello Mustacheglasses, You are honest and I like that. I tend to run away from negative Christians. However I have been an intercessor for many years and learn to look at my heart first which is far from perfect. I am a woman of unclean lips Isa 6. However I am open to praying with others on this forum if we are led to.. I hesitate coming on here because of such negativity at times and come on here only by the prompting of the Holy Spirit. I have responded to Mike and he has my email. I will give u it too [email protected] I love to let the Holy Spirit lead. I am involved in Northern NY with people from other churches. I pray on Tue and it is a wonderful time with JESUS. I also have been going to other prayer meetings with other churches. I believe GOD loves Unity noone has arrived and we must look at commonalities I believe some of us will be surprised who is in heaven.. some might slide in like me. (: I have been saved since Dec 1982.. I have been a Catholic, Baptist, Pentecostal and now Im a disciple of JESUS and just want to love on people. I am also a retired counselor and focus on the downtrodden. I am originally from Staten Island NY and moved up near cold Northern NY in 1992 But i live where Finney used to be.. Im believing every day for revival and it MUST START IN THE CHURCHES. I was led to share that I see u are in New Jersey.. The only way to pray better is to jump in the river.. But MAKE SURE THE HOLY GHOST IS WITH YOU SO U DONT DROWN. He is the great intercessor, teacher and comforter. He has taught me all I know and I have many spiritual fathers like David Wilkerson, A.W.Tozer, Leonard Ravenhill Andrew Murray and C.H.Spurgeon. Hope to see this come together. in Jesus Sister Frannie _________________ Frannie
| 2020/12/22 18:59 | Profile | EAGLEFLYING Member

Joined: 2012/9/25 Posts: 886
| Re: | | AMEN I believe as long as the HOLY GHOST shows up its a good prayer meeting. Its all about Jesus CHANGING US AND USING US TO CHANGE things in the atmosphere.. Im open. Blessings and see what happens. my email [email protected] in JESUS Sister Frannie _________________ Frannie
| 2020/12/22 19:07 | Profile |