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I missed the whole thing... forunately. I reviewed it breifly at Jeremy's referral in a PM, and all I can say is... she needs our prayers.

Truth is worth contending for, and she is a perfect example of why. As for me, I need to learn to contend for it without my own self getting in the way.

Like my friend Zeke says... we can be completely right, but completely wrong. Thats where I was yesterday.


 2005/7/20 13:26

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795



I thank you for your intiative to write this thread. It is very reedemable and really does show your heart to edify and in the end not to cause division. Bless you brother and allow these things to change you not just for today but long-term. It is amazing how interacting on these forums have changed me and allowed me to really evaluate the way I say and think things through. Praise God for this online fellowship and brothers that are desiring to be unified.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2005/7/20 13:44Profile

Joined: 2003/7/18
Posts: 6566
Reading, UK


you don't fool me, marine? coach? you're a teddy bear! would love to be near enough to give you big hug. God bless you. This was courageous and the action of a real man!

Ron Bailey

 2005/7/20 13:59Profile

Joined: 2003/5/12
Posts: 573



"This was courageous and the action of a real man!"

Yes, this was wonderful to see and very refreshing. Way to step up bro!

 2005/7/20 14:02Profile


you don't fool me, marine? coach? you're a teddy bear!

At the beginning of football season the new kids are scared to death of me and the other coaches. By the end of the season they would follow us in hell... (just an expression). Somewhere between August and November they realize that I love 'em... every one of 'em.

So yea, there is a teddy bear side of me. My players see me around town long after football season is over and still call me coach and try to get my attention. It's finding the balance, ya know?


 2005/7/20 14:53

Joined: 2003/6/11
Posts: 9192
Santa Clara, CA


It's finding the balance, ya know?

The scroll we all need to eat.

Mike Balog

 2005/7/20 15:56Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


The Bible teacher and president of an bible school (L.E. Maxwell) used to state over and over to the students that the hardest thing to achieve in the Christian life is: BALANCE.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2005/7/20 16:14Profile


The Bible teacher and president of an bible school (L.E. Maxwell) used to state over and over to the students that the hardest thing to achieve in the Christian life is: BALANCE.

Oh how true...

My wife loves to tell people that don't know me well that if they want to know what I'm like... watch the DVD "Remember the Titans". She says I am her personal Denzel Washington... just whiter. She says I have much the same personality as the character he plays in the movie.

She recommended this afternoon that I suggest anyone on here who wants to gain some understanding into me rent that movie. It's a clean family movie... great moral to the story...

This is my wife's suggestion. Blame her. :-)


 2005/7/20 16:28

Joined: 2004/10/13
Posts: 2132

 Hey Krispy

Does this mean we'er not going dumpster diving???? :-(


 2005/7/20 16:43Profile

 Re: Hey Krispy

Does this mean we'er not going dumpster diving????

Well, that was an illustration I was making, not in any way meant as a personal attack. I still think it was a good illustration, and I'll probably use it again...

But yea... the garbage trucks come thru tomorrow, so if we're gonna do it... tonight is the best night of the week! :-)

Olive Garden or Pizza Hut? Your choice...


 2005/7/20 16:58

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