I am curious how many people today hold to this view of wives, I have been in intense discussion with someone over the last few days regarding the ills our world faces. A scenario was presented to me asking which I would be happier with; a homosexual couple adopting an orphan, or the state bringing up the child within care, now naturally I would assume people would have to choose between those two options to answer to the satisfaction of the person asking. This did get me thinking however that the answer really lies in a failure to grasp the dynamics of Godly marriages and how these are under ever increasing attack today ideologically, which in my opinion have created some of the problems around children being in care. I listened to Christine Lamincela's sermon on wives, and while I cannot fault what she has said, I did wonder if believers today hold to this view?http://ia800301.us.archive.org/19/items/SERMONINDEX_SID13422/SID13422.mp3http://www.ephrataministries.org/remnant-2002-03-treasures-of-darkness.a5w