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 I repent

I repent for the way I wrote to Krispy today. I repent if I stumbled or offended anybody by what I wrote. I repent for any grief I caused my brother Greg.

and I ask that God bless us all and fill and re-fill us with His Spirit.


 2005/7/19 22:29

 Re: I repent

why repent when Jesus has already died,
the reason you have said things is because God wanted you to express the person you really are!
this is not a bad thing ,its a God thing ,God loves you for who YOU are and if you think that repenting is going to please others,this is not of God,the only thing that matters is that God knows your heart....
this is why i will not repent for the way i am ,because God made me this way and he Loves me just the way I AM ,i cannot repent to others because that died with Jesus on the cross,
you are a beautiful person to the Lord,so whatever you say to others it was meant for a reason:
PLease do not try and please others,be a GOD pleaser,thats more important because its one here can give you eternal life but CHRIST !!!
God bless you Neilgin1
God will open your eyes ,its great seeing the truth that God is ALL in ALL !!!
I know the Lord will touch your heart today and i will pray that you will not feel dougt or guilt as these feelings are from the other Not GOD,Satan has a great way to make you FEEL [not real]bad ,its a good thing though because it opens your eyes more to the Lord!Satan works for God remember that...if Satan was in control we would all be in trouble.
Love you xxx
marinaX :-)

 2005/7/20 6:33

 Re: I repent

I forgive you, Neil... and I ask that you please forgive me.


 2005/7/20 6:43


please GOD not others xxx
i may speak out of turn,but i please GOD not another human,its good to make up but i think everyone here should give thanks for this x

 2005/7/20 6:48

Joined: 2005/1/6
Posts: 2359
Hemel Hempstead


i Think this is a good thread as i need to do alot of repenting as in turing away from my sins such as lust and not spending enough time in the presence of god and being a failure before god and man!!! I have been on holiday and want to spend alot of time with god it has been hard trying to stay pure if you are on a beach where people are half dressed and I normally carry a cd case so I can play bible cds but that is not enough I need Jesus!! as in england we have had loads of bombings I am a mess generally need jesus and almost need to be converted from my wordly mindset !! I needhelp jesus!!

Dominic Shiells

 2005/7/22 15:58Profile

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