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Joined: 2009/11/7
Posts: 1532

 The Principalities and Powers by Art Katz

Apostolic Foundations - The Principalities and Powers (Part 7) by Art Katz

Topic: Apostolic, Principalities and Powers, Wisdom, Spiritual Warfare
Description: nil

 2020/8/3 22:35Profile

Joined: 2016/11/15
Posts: 282

 Re: The Principalities and Powers by Art Katz

Oh dear Father,
That the church would heed and listen and act on these words in this day.
In the precious name of Jesus we ask!!!


 2020/8/5 10:26Profile

 Re: The Principalities and Powers by Art Katz

Apostolic Foundations PDF book:

A foundational premise for the churches!

Edited to provide a workable url that does not default to a short code url.

 2020/8/5 13:28

 Re: The Principalities and Powers by Art Katz

A coequal primacy of understanding the potency of apostolic and church authority to the disarming of principalities and powers in heavenly places in the lives of those who are called and chosen in Christ.

As a réponse in obedience:

First apostolic
Second warfare

Get the order wrong and the church will fall away!

 2020/8/5 13:48

Joined: 2010/11/20
Posts: 1482


Just listened to this excellent message by Art Katz. It appears to be part of a series as he mentioned what he’d be covering in weeks to come. Does anyone know how to locate the next message(s) after this one on the same topic?

 2020/8/7 15:37Profile

 Re:The Principalities and Powers by Art Katz

Perhaps here sister!

 2020/8/7 16:01

Joined: 2010/11/20
Posts: 1482


Thank you so much! Will try to listen soon.....

 2020/8/7 18:21Profile

Joined: 2009/11/7
Posts: 1532

 Re: Apostolic Foundations

Hi mama27, it’s from the Apostolic Foundations series. It’s a 12-part series. Art taught these messages many times but this specific time was at a Lutheran church in one of the cities close to the Ben Israel community. There are versions with live translation into French, German, Arabic, Japanese and Russian hosted on SI as well.

The contents of Apostolic Foundations have been put into a book as well which is available as a PDF. You can get a print copy from ministry website or the digital version here.

English only presentation:

PDF of Apostolic Foundations:

 2020/8/8 3:01Profile

Joined: 2010/11/20
Posts: 1482


Thank you so much. Haven’t had a chance to look yet. Is the Powers and principalities message the beginnning? (I would think not). I was hoping to copy down his prayer at the end, but it cuts off in the middle. I doubt it would be in the print version. Thank you so much for sharing this. As the days get darker and darker, I am so very appreciative of the messages on this site.

 2020/8/8 11:05Profile

Joined: 2010/11/20
Posts: 1482


Sorry, Jeremy. I should have looked first. I see it is part 7

 2020/8/8 11:13Profile

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