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Joined: 2018/9/6 Posts: 279
| Sin in NOT inevitable | | Have you ever been at the point where you consider that sinning is inevitable for you? You have sinned and confessed that sin many times before without any victory? You may think to your self "I can never hold out. I'm going to end up doing the sin anyway, so why should I torture myself? I may just give in and sin because God will forgive me." Now It is wonderful to be forgiven, but when you continue to live in defeat and failure you are rejecting the truth of the Cross and act as Christ’s death on the cross and His resurrection was insufficient to totally defeat sin. You are calling God a liar when you act if there is no remedy for sin and no remedy for dealing with temptation.
When you are sick and tired get to the point you can say "I can't go this way anymore; is there a way out?" Yes there is way-out available and this availability of deliverance opens the door to faith. Once the possibility of rescue is realized, the desire for it will increase more and more. God's keeping power looks better now than it ever did, and you know that going the same old way again is futile and stupid. Then desire intensifies to show you your own human powerlessness and His divine strength - God living through human weakness. When all your will powers and efforts have totally failed then you find out and know "I cannot do it , that is impossible - only Christ can do it in me." Then through Him you do it. It is you doing it, but it is He doing it - as you.
The desire alone, however, is not enough. Desire will move toward faith through increased tension, which God uses as the set up for us to take Him. What you take, takes you. This is the law of faith, even when it does not appear that you have been taken by what you took. Hold on; God is testing your faith. Do not draw back, but rather stick with what God says. Agree with Him now that He is keeping you no matter what your experience may be. This is the taking.
Now by faith, you can thank God that you are dead to sin. Thank Him that He is keeping you - and He is doing a perfect job of it. How could He not? Do not worry about apparent delay of the Spirit's witness or the devil’s lying voice that says, "See, you have claimed that you are dead sin,' but it's not working. You just sinned again" The witness of the Spirit will come in God's timing, which is always perfect. Do not try to get the witness; just know it is coming. _________________ Vern
| 2020/7/21 15:08 | Profile | drifter Member

Joined: 2005/6/6 Posts: 1025 Campbell River, B.C.
| Re: Sin in NOT inevitable | | I'm convinced that the devil fights viciously against christians being sanctified. Sadly many christians and pastors have experienced defeat after defeat and part of their theology is that no one can have complete victory over sin.
Charles Finney met a woman that said she had not consciously sinned in decades (he believed her). Her life proved it.
I see no reason why a christian is forced to sin, in fact I find the complete opposite; Jesus died for us so we can be free from sin. I know some people will call this perfectionism. It is a hard doctrine for some people to understand. People have quoted 1 John 1:8,10 to try to prove to me that a christian can't be free from sin; I just can't believe that. I think those verses are twisted and taken out of context often.
I'm okay with people disagreeing with me on this subject, but I would recommend they read Heart Talks On Holiness by Samuel Logan Brengle. _________________ Nigel Holland
| 2020/7/21 22:29 | Profile | LIGHTOFGOD Member

Joined: 2020/7/22 Posts: 2
| 2020/7/22 4:21 | Profile | TMK Member

Joined: 2012/2/8 Posts: 6650 NC, USA
Do you mean it is impossible for us to sin or that it is possible for us not to sin?
There is a subtle, yet vital difference. _________________ Todd
| 2020/7/22 7:28 | Profile | drifter Member

Joined: 2005/6/6 Posts: 1025 Campbell River, B.C.
| Re: | | To clarify my position and answer the question to Kire; It is possible for us not to sin. _________________ Nigel Holland
| 2020/7/22 11:51 | Profile | TMK Member

Joined: 2012/2/8 Posts: 6650 NC, USA
| Re: | | I agree in principal because I think it is possible to go minutes, hours, maybe days without sinning in word thought or deed, so theoretically at least it would be possible to go much longer.
Realistically however I do not think it is possible for a Christian to never sin. _________________ Todd
| 2020/7/22 16:16 | Profile |
| Re: | | My understanding is that:
- we have all sinned - those who are born again of the Spirit get a fresh start and now have the power to not sin ever again - yet we can still choose to sin - if we sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous - if a born again one continues in sin (falls away), it is impossible to restore them again to repentance
| 2020/7/22 19:15 | | JFW Member

Joined: 2011/10/21 Posts: 2009 Dothan, Alabama
| Re: brothers | | Caleb, Yes! AMEN 🙏🏻 Very well articulated- and believe the scriptures bear this out.
Also it helps in discussions like these to all be on the same page. When there are so many perspectives there’s usually a reason and in this case there’s 7 -
Here’s a cut/paste overview;
Contrary to many modern teachings, all sin is not the same in the New Testament. There are at least 7 different Greek words for sin, each one having a different shade of meaning. This subject is so large that we only have space, in one devotion, to introduce the Greek words for sin:
1. "Hamartia" = "To miss the mark", as in archery competition, and therefore fail to receive the prize, or blessing. This is the general Greek word for sin, and is used 221 times. "Hamartia" encompasses the other 6 words for specific sins, in the sense that in all types of sin, we are "missing the mark". Example: Heb. 12:1, KJV = "the sin (hamartia) which doeth so easily beset us". We are aiming at God's best, but miss it.
2. "Hettema" = "Diminishing what should have been given full measure". Example: 1 Cor. 6:7, KJV = "there is a fault (hettema) among you". We all need God's constant help on this one! Placing emphasis on the things that please God will bring God's wonderful blessings into our life.
3. "Paraptoma" = "Falling when one should have stood". This one is actually an unintentional slip. I guess you've experienced this, as I have, and we are surprised when we realize we've sinned. Example: Eph. 1:7, KJV = We have "the forgiveness of sins (paraptoma), according to the riches of His grace". Even our "slip-ups" are forgiven.
4. "Agnoeema" = "Ignorance when one should have known". Example: Heb. 9:7, KJV = "the errors (agnoeema) of the people". This passage speaks of how the Old Testament was a shadow of the New Testament. Ignorance is no excuse, that's why we stay in the Word!
5. "Parakoe" = "To refuse to hear and heed God's word". Example: 2 Cor. 10:6, KJV = "disobedience". In this passage, Paul urges us to hear God's Word and to bring every thought into captivity for Christ.
6. "Parabasis" = "To intentionally cross a line". Example: Heb. 2:2, KJV = "every transgression (parabasis) & disobedience (parakoe) received a just recompense of reward". When God "draws a line in the sand", we can suffer great loss of rewards and blessings by intentionally "stepping over".
7. "Anomia" and "Paranomia" = "Lawlessness, or willfully breaking God's written rules". Example: Titus 2:14 KJV = Jesus gave himself for us in order to "redeem us from all iniquity (anomia)". God has "rules" to bless us, not to curse us. Someone said "the Bible is the owner's manual for human beings". Can you imagine trying to operate something as complicated as a human life without referring to the owner's manual? That would be just asking for frustration and failure!
The GOOD NEWS is that Jesus paid the price in full for ALL our sins! Isn't our Heavenly Father wonderful! He has given us an owner's manual; permanently forgiven us all 7 types of sins; He disciplines us to correct us when we commit the sins Jesus paid for on the Cross; He restores us to fellowship when we honestly confess our sins to Him; and, as we maintain fellowship with Him, He empowers us to live a life pleasing to Him!
God has provided everything we need to live a successful Christian life, and in Phil. 3:15 , He even promises to reveal to us the areas where we are falling short.
Bob Jones
_________________ Fletcher
| 2020/7/22 20:28 | Profile | Sidewalk Member

Joined: 2011/11/11 Posts: 719 San Diego
| Re: Sin in NOT inevitable | | One would think, if sin were inevitable, that the Bible would be full of gracious sympathies for those who sin.
It would have many passages resembling the sympathy cards on the rack at the Dollar Store, telling us how wonderful and talented we are, encouraging us to do the best we can, to always be encouraged, and to put things on our walls with angels and poignant calligraphy.
It does not. It tells us rather that as sinners we are the children of Hell- in fact, Jesus referred to the religious leaders he met as the children of Satan. They were, of course offended. Because that was exactly what they were, and they proved it.
Sin is disobedience to the law of God- given to us to ensure our good, and never requiring that which we cannot do. (Deut. 30:11)
Moreover, sin can be forgiven when individuals properly present themselves for such- the gospel we know well.
I understand Repentance as a character quality. One that can always be kept in close readiness in a humble person, and used when the Holy Spirit throws down His challenge flag. Some will get the flag more often than others- but repentance always cleanses and clears the heart so that righteousness can continue. God has a reasonable expectation of our righteousness, because His burden on us is not too hard for us!
Jesus had a very simple word for the woman taken in adultery- "Go and sin no more."
So......Did Jesus have the authority to speak that to her?? _________________ Tom Cameron
| 2020/7/25 18:55 | Profile | passerby Member

Joined: 2008/8/13 Posts: 742
| Re: | | Galatian 6:1
Brothers if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted |
| 2020/7/26 8:20 | Profile |