In england we have bishops who stand in parliament, Theatres, Cinemas and other places have been open. Where are the people who do not curtail! I am not leader in a church just a member. We are allowed sermons but no singing. Where are the church leaders have we forgotten the john knoxs and latimer and ridleys or do we have a bad memory
_________________Dominic Shiells
In church we sing. And without masks. In my sister's church they sing but they have to wear face shields.As for the Knox's,Latimer's and Ridley's they are far and few between.But, glory to God anyway.
Dear brother,You are making an excellent observation, most famous christian leaders with big salaries are life-streaming safely from their luxirious homes. We need godly leaders to lead God's people, encourage evangelism during this time and preaching of the gospel.I join a prayer call with 3 other brothers even 7am and we encourage each other to do at least 2 days of evangelism in the city where we are. We must all be active now, this is an open door of opportunity to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon