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Joined: 2018/9/6
Posts: 279

 Stop fighting, stop struggling, stop wrestling with flesh and blood. Chip Brogden

I always say that when Jesus revealed Himself to me, it was the beginning of the end of my career as a preacher for Organized Religion.

Of course, I didn't realize it at the time.

But in a moment my eyes were opened to "see" Christ seated in the heavenlies.

Just as amazing - I "saw" myself seated TOGETHER, TOGETHER, TOGETHER with Him (Eph. 2)!

Of course, this is the only possible outcome for all of us who have been "crucified with Christ" (Gal. 2:20).

Why was that moment of revelation "the beginning of the end" of my church ministry?

Because, at the same time I "saw" Him, I "saw" the Body of Christ - the REAL Body of Christ, the Ekklesia!

And I saw the difference between the Church that Man Built and the Ekklesia that Jesus is building.

I've spent the rest of my life walking in this and teaching it to others "outside the camp" because the ones "inside the camp" don't want to hear it.

But the truth of the matter is that a religion ABOUT Jesus is the greatest single hindrances to a relationship WITH Jesus that I know of.

To be seated with Him, we have to "come out of her"! (Rev. 18:4).

The revelation is free but there is a price to be paid.

I will say this: the price is worth the cost; what I have received is far more than what I have given up.

To be seated TOGETHER with Him! Who or what can touch you there!

To overcome as He overcame! Who can resist that?

Now is the time to ARISE TOGETHER with Him!

Stop fighting, stop struggling, stop wrestling with flesh and blood.


 2020/7/14 14:30Profile

Joined: 2012/4/8
Posts: 1

 Re: Stop fighting, stop struggling, stop wrestling with flesh and blood. Chip Brogden

I have been listening to Chip for years and I have struggled with Churhanity. We now worship in our home with others. We disciple and teach how to do the Christan life with out religion.

 2020/7/18 14:02Profile

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