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ginnyrose Member

Joined: 2004/7/7 Posts: 7534 Mississippi
| Got a question | | Got a question that I am hoping someone can answer.
At our business on Friday - we retail tomatoes to the public at our store - we had a customer come in with her mother. The younger woman was 45 and her mom in the mid 60s.
The younger woman - will call her Tammy - was very jolly- laughing all the time, talking about the LORD and the Holy Spirit using exaggerated gestures almost like a dance.
Then she told me how a relative came to the LORD and he saw angels, spirits and the Holy Spirit. So she said.
My reaction: I was baffled, astounded - never heard anybody ever claim they have seen the Holy Spirit; scripture does not say anything like that either. I shared with her what the LORD has done for me/us and she seemed to appreciate it. However, whenever she talked it was with exaggerated gestures, laughing and dancing all the while. She went on and on and we were wishing she would be quiet and get out of there - we have never seen anything like this before. My husband and I are at a loss to interpret what we saw other then the woman seem to be "high" on something but she did not look like a druggie.
Any thoughts?
_________________ Sandra Miller
2020/7/5 21:30 | Profile |
davidkeel Member

Joined: 2006/5/11 Posts: 519 West Sussex, England
| Re: Got a question | | I would be careful myself about thinking it can't be from God.. as I think we should look at the fruit in their life. When I was a young Christian I told one of the respected men in our church the testimony of my being baptized in the Holy Spirit and told him of the fruit following it. Of having amazing compassion and love for people and having my heart changed from hating people.. He told me point blank it was the devil that had come into me. His reason was that the Holy Spirit apparently only comes down from above on to someone. And I felt the powerful in filling coming from my feet upwards. Needless to say his personal interpretation of my story catapulted me into terror and psychological trauma for quite a while.
What I would say.. and I'm nobody but I've just heard a few stories. Maybe it's best to find out the fruit of her life ? Will she go on to follow Jesus ?
_________________ David Keel
2020/7/6 2:56 | Profile |
HeartSong Member

Joined: 2006/9/13 Posts: 3179
| Re: Got a question | | Ask the LORD to show you what He would have you to see in the matter. |
2020/7/6 5:11 | Profile |
ginnyrose Member

Joined: 2004/7/7 Posts: 7534 Mississippi
| Re: | | "Will she go on to follow Jesus?"
Good question. Tammy is a total stranger to us - we have never heard of her before. Since then I did check her out on FB. Religious, yes.
We are just stumped. It was so weird. I keep asking my husband if there was not anything we could have done for her? In asking the question here I figured there may be a Pentecostal here that could enlighten me.
The thing that raised a red flag was the report of seeing the Holy Spirit and other spirits. (The person who reportedly saw this was killed three days later in a car accident.) There is no incident recorded in the Bible of anyone seeing the Holy Spirit.
Sandra _________________ Sandra Miller
2020/7/6 7:34 | Profile |
davidkeel Member

Joined: 2006/5/11 Posts: 519 West Sussex, England
| Re: | | What about Abraham being visited ? we don't know who it was.
Then John testified, “I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove and resting on Him. I myself did not know Him, but the One who sent me to baptize with water told me, ‘The man on whom you see the Spirit descend and rest is He who will baptize with the Holy Spirit.’…
_________________ David Keel
2020/7/6 9:20 | Profile |
jochbaptist Member

Joined: 2010/11/24 Posts: 341
| Re: Got a question | | Sandra, your story reminded me of an incident during the “holy laughter“ days. We just finished a mission trip and gathered for coffee in a posh hotel. Our diggs were rough during the mission and we went there for a treat before we all went home. One of the girls on the trip used to convulse repeatedly whenever the Spirit moved. On her way back to our table from the restrooms she walked past the door of a small casino and fell to the floor and started convulsing. 2 of us picked her up and brought her to our table, but she continued to convulse, greatly scaring other tourist. Me and another guy picked her up and took her to one of the mission cars. We each had her by an arm and when she convulsed her legs would pull up against her chest so we carried her while she repeatedly convulsed an relaxed. I finally had enough, stoped, put my hand on her back and said “ straighten in the name of Jesus”. She let out something that sounded like “ whooop” and straightend up and walked for a little while before she convulsed again. I prayed again and she said “whoop” again. We repeated this till we reached the car. I realized with hindsight that I should have said “ straighten in the name of Jesus, and keep straight.
_________________ J Kruger
2020/7/6 15:57 | Profile |
twayneb Member

Joined: 2009/4/5 Posts: 2256 Joplin, Missouri
| Re: Got a question | | I guess I would answer the question with another question. Is there any good Biblical reason why angels would not appear to a person? Is there any reason why a person would not, upon seeing angels, also feel as though they had seen the Holy Spirit?
I think David, I think he was the first to respond, had wise counsel. See what fruit this encounter produces. Remember, a good tree will not bear bad fruit, nor vice verse.
As to seeing spirits, I know many people who have come out of either the occult or methamphetamine use. In all cases these people have had conversations with or at least have seen what they used to call "shadow people", the demonic spirits that the drugs or the occultic practices opened them up to. If that is the case, I cannot see any good reason why a person might not see angels. I never have with my physical eyes, but the Lord has revealed to me that they were present a time or two. I am also not chasing after encounters with angels. However, I am not discounting them either.
_________________ Travis
2020/7/6 17:19 | Profile |
TMK Member

Joined: 2012/2/8 Posts: 6650 NC, USA
| Re: | | I am curious about what you mean when you say she was “dancing”.
I used to go to a church where numerous folks would seem to spasm or twitch and say things like “whoa” with a head jerk when they allegedly felt the HS. I called it Kundalini twitching. I think it was less genuine manifestation of the HS and more imitative behavior that they had seen elsewhere. Anyways, it got weirder and weirder so we left.
I do believe in manifestations of the HS but it would seem they would bring glory to God, not make someone look like a fool.
Andrew Strom has some videos where he warns of the Kundalini invasion into charismatic fellowships. Here is one: _________________ Todd
2020/7/6 18:40 | Profile |
savannah Member

Joined: 2008/10/30 Posts: 2265
| Re: that deaf, dumb and blind kid | |
You may call it the spirit of Kundalini or Houdini, just don't call it the Holy Spirit!
People of this ilk ought to be in the circus or the asylum, but not in the church!
2020/7/6 19:47 | Profile |
savannah Member

Joined: 2008/10/30 Posts: 2265
| Re: that deaf, dumb and blind kid | |
Deleted. Triple post.
2020/7/6 19:47 | Profile |