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Joined: 2006/11/26
Posts: 5185

 The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit

The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit
By Samuel Chadwick

The baptism of the Holy Spirit is the baptism of fire. That is the miracle of Pentecost. It kindles the fires of Christ’s soul in the souls of men. They receive, realize and reproduce His mind, His heart, His life. His zeal becomes the all-pervasive character of their lives. They manifest His fervent devotion to the will of the Father, His holy passion for reality and righteousness, His consuming desire to seek and to save the lost. Religion at flame-heat illumines the mind, energizes every faculty, and impassions every element of compassion.

Herald of His Coming


 2020/6/28 22:11Profile

Joined: 2011/4/24
Posts: 214
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

 Re: The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit

Amen, brother. May Christ through His Holy Spirit have full reign in us with the entirety of His being. This is the Tree of Life - Christ Himself who is the river that flows bright as crystal as mentioned in Revelation. May we eat of Him and drink of Him in order to experience Him and express Him to a dying world. (Colossians 1:27, Galatians 2:20).

"Christ is the Head and He is also the Body." -Watchman Nee

- Amen!

Michael Liao

 2020/6/30 1:03Profile

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