Hey guys, If you have not picked up and engulfed yourselves in the pages of Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning, I do not know WHAT you guys have been doing with your time ...lol ...God Bless
_________________Arnaldo Santiago, Jnr.
Why read a dirty rotten rag of a new age book like that?? I have the original gospel, and get "all engulfed" in reading that. lol Greg :-?
I haven't read "Ragamuffin Gospel" but I did read "Abba's Child." I really enjoyed most of it. I do believe the author has a special message to share about God's amazing love and grace. I have heard numerous testimonies from people I know of how Manning's ministry really helped them relate to God better and receive His love, grace, and acceptance even in their weakness and immaturity. That's good fruit.
Smokey wrote:Why read a dirty rotten rag of a new age book like that?? I have the original gospel, and get "all engulfed" in reading that. lol Greg :-?
tiltedhalo You most certainly have the God given right to believe anything that you want. I again state that the book mentioned is a new age/false doctrine book.. The reason that it is false doctrine is because it presents a one dimentional god that is all loving only... The God of Creation, who is revealed in scripture, is loving, and judgemental, and will hold us accountable for our sin. A book that fails to point that out is a false gospel...Check out Acts 17:31 .Ragamuffin does not tell the sinner to repent, and turn from their sin, but leaves a person believing that they can go on living life as usual..Some scripture you might like to check out:Matthew 24:24 Romans 16:17-18 2 Thes.2:1-111 John 3:7 Ephesians 5:6There are lots more scripture that warns us about material like this, so if you think I am on a high horse for pointing it out, so be it.. A quick Google search will take you to numerous Christian sites that have reviewed this material, go have a look. Some very good insight can be found.. I am not going to get into a running debate with you on this book, I have contributed all that I am going to. lol Greg
Hm. Forgive me for coming off that way. No matter how I felt you came off your reply, I shouldn't have followed that route. With that said, there are books of the Spirit, there are books of Sin, there are books of Love, books of Wrath, books of prohesy, books of Grace. The grace that we must thrust ourselves upon.Brennan Manning, many times, explains the route to salvation. He explains that you must repent & with the Spirit turn from sin & run the other way. But have you ever found yourself thinking of things you shouldn't ... for the SLIGHEST of moments. Doing something you shouldn't have done. Treated a person the wrong way. We live a very imperfect life, just like the greatest Christian who ever lived. Paul bickered about not doing the things he ought to and doing the things he hates. We need GRACE. The Christian needs grace. We need to trust His love more than anything because IN that love lays repentance.He proclaims repentance, & forgiveness.Love you brother, your reply is welcomed in peace & humility.