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Joined: 2011/9/1
Posts: 9

 Have you heard of the Bible smuggler Dumitru Duduman?

I am desiring to hear from others who have read or would read about this man and his life and particularly about his message for America that the Lord gave him. It is powerful. And maybe very timely. When I began to read his visions and about the angels who came to him, I felt like I was reading something straight out of the books of Daniel or Revelation. I felt the Lord strongly telling me that this was of Him. May the Lord be glorified and may His people be revived and ready!

 2020/5/31 23:59Profile

Joined: 2010/1/9
Posts: 261

 Re: Have you heard of the Bible smuggler Dumitru Duduman?

'Through the fire without being burned.' What an amazing account of God at work in the midst of persecution. And those who brought bibles to him. Not mentioning any names. One of my favorite parts was when the 'bad guy' lost all of his pet rats as the angel smote them.
When I think of Dumitru, Hebrews 11 comes to mind down towards the end of the chapter, { of whom the world was not worthy )

Concerning his word for America, I think we can say we have been warned. Let him who has an ear, hear.



 2020/6/1 12:42Profile

Joined: 2008/10/25
Posts: 3699
East TN for now!

 Re: Have you heard of the Bible smuggler Dumitru Duduman?

If only more people after a vision, dream or voice of the Lord would say, "How will I know this is for real - that this will really happen?"

And the Lord respond with, "As a sign that I have spoken to you...."

Wooo Oh for the courage to ask the Lord, 'what I just heard, how will i know this is real?'

Come boldly to the throne of Grace!!!


 2020/6/2 7:55Profile

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