How do believers called to full-time ministry support their families while preaching at college campuses, abortion clinics, street evangelism, etc? It has been on my heart for a long time to be a full-time evangelist. It seems like pastors have a church organization that would provide for a salary, but this is confusing, especially in America when churches are set up like businesses.I had a discussion with a brother who said that if a man is not out at an abortion clinic, that it's putting family, and self first. I said how am I to support my family if I am not working my job but outdoing "ministry", which is a Godly and noble thing to do. Just some thoughts for reflection and prayer.
_________________Doug R
Hi Doug,I think you have touched on a bigger subject which is why do we have a term "full time ministry"This term has single handedly caused the Church to be ineffectual and divided.Why?Because we are all Full Time Ministers.And that is huge.If we dont precieve our real position in Christ then we wont assume that position .Everybodys primary position in life is to be a minister of Christ in what ever gifting we have.Why division ?Because the term Full Time Minister has elevated the gift of Pastor into a position where it was never meant to be and anywhere the gifts are working out of sync you will have division ,urs staff
Thanks brother, I need to hear what then the Lord wants me to do then for ministry and trust the Lord to provide.I am stressed and not at peace with the secular work I'm doing currently, but thankful for the process He is showing me. I had a business and was self-employed for a long time, but have a job currently, but want to return to the place I was before while being content.
How do believers called to full-time ministry support their families while preaching at college campuses, abortion clinics, street evangelism, etc? It has been on my heart for a long time to be a full-time evangelist. It seems like pastors have a church organization that would provide for a salary, but this is confusing, especially in America when churches are set up like businesses.
Bro sree wrote "I would suggest you to start praying that the Lord will bring you to a local representation of his Body of Believers. Then from there, you will get your calling."Thanks for saying that. Jesus is the head of the body and from Him everything flows- our gifts, roles and designations etc. Go to Him and you will find Him true who has abundantly promised to answer all who call on Him.OP said he is not at peace... This reminded me of the verse of that hymn "o what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear. All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer."The Lord bless you all my dear brethren.
_________________Emmanuel Luka