//Several "fact-checkers" have been shown to be liberal, biased and untrustworthy. //Well I certainly am no liberal but it seems a lot of the crazy ideas come from right wing sources. I’m sure if a person looked hard enough the could find debunkers from both sides of the political spectrum. In religious circles, the vast majority of conspiracies come from dispensationalists.
I understand where you are coming from and honestly can appreciate it. When I say that the information doesn’t directly affect my daily life, I’m saying it doesn’t get enough attention to cause paranoia. That would be an infidelity (as I’m sure you know) on my part. Having said that, the term “conspiracy” being applied to a circumstance, situation or series of events doesn’t throw me off the train as it were. For example- could you agree there was, amongst the Jewish religious leaders in 1st century Rome, a “conspiracy” to kill Jesus of Nazareth? Does the word conspiracy (for you) automatically stereotype, marginalizing the perspective of the person so that you can easily discount it without thoroughly researching it? Does your subsequent research have the same integrity as your pursuit of truth or does it look for and more easily accept things that confirm our preexisting bias? Please understand dear brother these are not thinly veiled accusations wrapped in questions,... these are observations I made about myself as the Lord broke down my “box” that I kept trying to make Him and everything else fit in so I could be comfortable (control) with it... it would seem these are the latent tendencies of our “old man” . For transparency’s sake, I do believe someone could attempt to do that which was described in the video posted by brother Edgar. I also do not believe the official record of the “excuse of blasphemy” the religious leaders used to crucify Christ,.... call me a conspiracy theorist 🤷🏽♂️ I also do not believe the “official narratives” regarding several national and international events,... while I understand your perspective (may) allow you to label anyone who goes outside the mainstream narrative a “conspiracy theorist” and thereby discount what they are saying, that alone nor the subsequent “fact checks” which also seek to get everything and everyone back inside the corral of the mainstream narrative and is ultimately a means of control. Having said all this, the labeling of conspiracy doesn’t automatically mean it is one... for example a 14 yr old boy often finds his instruction at odds with his hormones leaving his desire and curiosity to produce a climate that seeks opportunity to advance its objective with any ill-equipped young girl. Is this a conspiracy...? I wouldn’t say so tho there are similarities in that the situation is fluid and ever changing with few fixed points of reference, ultimately it’s a opportunistic endeavor fueled by a force (hormones) the boy himself doesn’t understand or have control over yet. Likewise a person can under the influence of the enemy and all the while believe they are an agent for good,... it’s called deception and could that person be involved in conspiring? Sure but I personally find that people “conspire” all the time they are just doing it in mass so it’s not as noticeable if most everyone is participating ;)Added: This came to mind- there is an observable phenomenon occurring in our country. There is a tendency to overreport a crime (murder, violence, robbery) where the ethnicity of the participants differ and underreport crimes where they are of the same ethnicity. Is this a conspiracy to fuel a race war? I can’t say for certain but it is a possibility in my mind,... but that situation could also be an ideological alignment where servers unconnected people have a common objective based on a shared perspective. That would look very similar to a conspiracy but would ultimately lack the organizational infrastructure required to qualify as one, with one of those factors being “funding”. Like with the 30 prices of silver used to purchase a pawn to sell out Jesus .
There is no doubt that there was a conspiracy to kill Jesus and I have little doubt there was a conspiracy to kill JFK. If you want me to go out on a further conspiracy limb I definitely think there is a conspiracy to hush up info regarding UFOs although there are signs some sort of disclosure may be imminent. I am even somewhat on board with the idea that Covid craze was some sort of global social test. I do however believe the virus is real and potentially deadly for certain people, just like other bugs that have come and gone. So I am not “anti” every conspiracy. I will admit however that my end times views colors my view of conspiracies that try to force current events into apocalyptic biblical narratives. That’s been going on for years and years. The bottom line is that we are already tracked, daily, through our devices. If there is a vaccine developed that will fight against Covid, I expect I will take it, just like I get a flu shot every year. Vaccines have been around for hundreds of years. If someone tells me to get a chip or tattoo **that is combined with the requirement that I disavow Jesus Christ and a requirement that I pledge allegiance to some other person as god*** of course I would not do that. But I honestly think that is not going to happen. I don’t think there is a literal mark of the Beast. If there is, a person could not be tricked into taking it and also “lose their salvation.” It would have to be a conscious voluntary decision. For example, going to your Dr and getting a Covid vaccine, like a flu shot, is not the mark of the beast. Even a chip is not unless it has the conditions attached that I mention above. Technology has advanced for years and years and I don’t expect it to stop. Who knows what wonders await 20 years from now. I expect we will have hologram doubles who can go out and do risky things like mountain climbing while we can experience it from our “real bodies” sitting at home. Or do a walking tour of Israel if we can’t afford to go ourselves. Or something like that.
Yes and Amen to all you said and your candor is edifying 🙏🏻 One thing to add,.. a person’s perspective on their environment will color their interactions, so when the scriptures continue to say and illustrate that we are in a war I take heed to that and apply it. In war there are moves and counter moves,... likewise when one side is outmatched and lacks the resources to adequately match to pace of force of the opposition, often (I’ve found) conspiring begins as a tactic when a strategy has proven insufficient to gain the desired results. Or to say it another way, when we lack heavenly instruction corruption will be our companion ;)
//Or to say it another way, when we lack heavenly instruction corruption will be our companion ;)//Whoa- good one!