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Joined: 2006/1/16
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 FAITHFUL - Are you?

Rom 7:4 Wherefore, my brethren, ye also are become dead to the law by the body of Christ; that ye should be married to another, even to him who is raised from the dead, that we should bring forth fruit unto God.

What is the "law", spoken of in this verse. Well, if you consider the context here, and that of this writer in his other epistles, it cannot be other than what is commonly called the law of Moses.

Yet there are millions today, who attempt to put new wine into old wine skins, be they jews, catholics, protestants or whatever.

It should be obvious, as stated in this text and illustration, that we cannot possibly be wed to the REDEEMER if we are not first CRUCIFIED with HIM.

Rom 6:3 Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death?

This "immersion" into CHRIST (wedding) follows our death to the old covenant. Yet so many well intended folks attempt to keep these things alive. Why study and attempt to live by the type, when we have the living reality before us?

As the woman is free to marry, whose husband dies, so we are free to be wed to the MESSIAH "ONLY" if we have first died to MOSAIC LAW, our own works of "righteousness". YESHUA fulfilled this law completely, by paying in full for our disobedience to it.

And this brings us back to our text again. Are we spiritual bigamists? Or have we laid all religious zeal down before HIM at the CROSS and surrendered ourselves to HIS LORDship. If we are indeed wed unto HIM, then we should bring forth "fruit unto GOD". And what is this fruit?

I've been wrestling with these things over 45 years trying to make compromise work for me, and reliance on my works to make me HOLY. FRUIT unto HAYAH (I AM) cannot be other than HOLINESS. For without HOLINESS no man can see HAYAH. Do you believe this? Well do you?

You do? I'm glad. But of course I have a question for you. If you believe this TRUTH, how is it you pay so much attention to man's do's and don'ts, and yet put obedience unto the LORD aside and call it "grace"? How can our HOLY HAYAH call INIQUITY GRACE? It is absurd to even utter such a thing. ALL DISOBEDIENCE IS INIQUITY. IF we are solely and FAITHFUL unto our new spouse, YESHUA HA'MACHIACH, we cannot be other than obedient TO HIM ALONE. For that is what "LORDship" means. As an earthly woman is obliged to obey her husband without argument or contention, so are we OBLIGATED to OBEY YESHUA!

If we say we are "faithful" to HIM, yet live in and with iniquity, are we not as a woman who sleeps with her husband one night, and another man the next? Would you not call this "unfaithfulness"? I would. When you say someone has been unfaithful to their spouse, we know exactly what is spoken of. Why are we so willing to excuse THIS among those who profess CHRIST? I'll tell you why? It's because misery loves company. Most of what is called "evangelical christianity" is not "faithful" to HIM, as evidenced by their willing obedience to what HE asks of us. Or, they have yet to be repentant and espoused to HIM.

Can you honestly profess your fidelity to the MESSIAH while you are in bed with iniquity and debauchery? It does not take a theologian to see this is deception. It's not our "profession" that identifies us with HIM, but our OBEDIENCE. And it is that FAITHFUL OBEDIENT BRIDE that HE has come to save.

Heb 5:9 And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him;

Are you a man/woman of "faith"? FAITHFUL to only HIM in full obedience? Or are there yet....... other loves that you enjoy being intimate with?

If you do not live to be "holy" (separate from all other loves), you do not live in obedience and faithfulness to the one you profess to be espoused too. Selah (pause and think about that).

Lahry Sibley

 2020/5/16 7:31Profile

Joined: 2018/9/6
Posts: 279

 Re: FAITHFUL - Are you?

Have you seen what David Jones saw?

"Jesus had died for my sins, and I saw it like I had never seen it before. Like the eyes of my heart was opened and I became a true believer. Not in myself or my efforts but in the work he had done. My sins and my life, both bad and "good" was nailed to the cross. All of this I had believed before when I tried to live for God but this time I really SAW it. So that is my story. I am retired and have a lot of time to immerse myself in the Word of God and good teaching."


 2020/5/16 10:06Profile

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