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Joined: 2007/2/8
Posts: 2227


Hi Oracio,
And their are times when Christians make a fool of themselves in the eyes of the world laying hands on sick when they are sick themselves and pass on sickness.
How stupid do some of the Pastors appear to non Christians laying on hands in this climate.
Assembling together ,the Lords Supper ,baptisms are covered under the law of grace.The Lord knows we cant do these things in this season and it would be bad stewardship to do them.
It is a Christian right to speak up at the right time but its also our responsibilty not the "cry wolf" because when the wolf really comes we want to be taken seriously.
Their is a time to protest but especially in the USA its not now ,You have the most "Godly President" not maybe in outward manner but in deeds he has shown to stand up for Christians and Israel and the unborn.If Hillary Clinton was in power at the moment you may be on the borderline on whether to protest or not but she is not and protesting is too much too soon,staff

 2020/5/3 21:16Profile

Joined: 2007/2/8
Posts: 2227


Hi Oracio,
If I thought that the enemy was trying to take away freedoms at this time I would protest too.I think over all some good things are going to come out of this sad time.People will turn to God no doubt,The EU an ungodly entity if ever their was one may actually fall and China will be put back in their box.
On the other hand I am weary this may be by accident or design a dry run for something in the future,staff

 2020/5/3 21:22Profile

Joined: 2007/6/26
Posts: 2094
Whittier CA USA


Flu is only in the same ball park as Covid only if you take into account that social distancing measures were put in place.
If social distancing was not put in place what would the figure be?I dont know but it would have been a huge amount more if everyone went to ball games ,concerts ,restaurants and Churches that is for sure,staff

I'd point to the fact that Sweden has kept businesses and churches open and has fared similarly to other countries with strict lock-downs.


 2020/5/3 21:36Profile

Joined: 2007/2/8
Posts: 2227


Hi Oracio,
But that is a totally different perspective than what you started with .
Yes they did but the question was whether the Lockdown was about taking away freedoms or not?
Their were three trains of thought one to lockdown and take pressure off health services or let everyone who is going to get it get it or contract trace and wear masks everywhere(this only worked if you were able to contain it)
The Swedes had another problem they were already after coming out of 6 months of winter where it was dark at 3 OClock and they decided they couldnt do lockdown.
The Swedes may end up being right or not but that is not the point ,it wasnt about nabbing freedoms but about which scientific approach a country would take.The Uk did what the swedes were doing but had to change course as it was clear it wasnt working for them.The Tawaineese have the best record they havent closed the economy ,they are close to China but they have contained it to contract tracing,mask wearing and cleaning everything.They have 6 deaths and a pop of 23 million.Sweden also are not measure free ,restaurants for instance have a table free between customers.The USA feared swamping the health service and chose the lockdown approach for the right reasons and motivations to save lives not take freedoms staff

 2020/5/3 22:33Profile

Joined: 2007/6/26
Posts: 2094
Whittier CA USA


Hi Oracio,
And their are times when Christians make a fool of themselves in the eyes of the world laying hands on sick when they are sick themselves and pass on sickness.

I never even hinted on sick Christians laying hands on people, so I don't know why that was brought up. I've never known of any sick Christians laying hands on people. Hate to say it brother but that right there seems like a straw man :)
How stupid do some of the Pastors appear to non Christians laying on hands in this climate.

As stupid as many Christians have appeared to non Christians throughout history for seeking to abide by the Word of God. All who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.

The enemy and many of the powers that be which are largely at his disposal, will always hate the godly and the advancement of God's kingdom and truth. He will always seek to lie and manipulate believers into submission and compromise. Many times he starts off with certain subtleties, then once he gets a foot hold he comes in stronger to get a strong hold. Before you know it you end up denying the Lord under pressure in a weak moment like Peter.


 2020/5/3 22:49Profile

Joined: 2007/6/26
Posts: 2094
Whittier CA USA


Assembling together ,the Lords Supper ,baptisms are covered under the law of grace.The Lord knows we cant do these things in this season and it would be bad stewardship to do them.

My concern is that for too long the churches in the west have displayed a very lackadaisical attitude when it comes to obeying the Scriptures in many areas. We've seen that same type of attitude regarding many other Christian duties, such as prayer and evangelism. That's why the prayer meetings have essentially died, as well as evangelizing the lost. We have been so comfy for so long.
My question is, when are we going to see God's people rise up and stand up against the enemy and take back stolen territory? What's it going to take? Could this be a wake up call for churches and Christians that have been lukewarm?

I'll mention a few good things that may come from this. For too long many of us have gotten used to an individualistic type of Christianity wherein we only come to church once a week and don't really seek to fellowship with believers. Could it be that the Lord may be saying, "Okay, since you've wanted an individualistic type of faith and have not sought to fellowship as I've prescribed in my Word, you can have your solo faith now if you really want it. You didn't take advantage of how much easier it was to try to seek out true fellowship among believers. Now you're going to have to work hard if you really want true fellowship and it may cost you dearly."

Also, for too long many of us have been used to depending on pastors to provide everything for us while we are mere spectators. But right now I've been hearing of many Christians being convicted to do more for the Lord now that they see the persecution that lies on the horizon.

May God raise up His people as a mighty army in these dark times. Amen.


 2020/5/3 23:19Profile

Joined: 2007/6/26
Posts: 2094
Whittier CA USA


If Hillary Clinton was in power at the moment you may be on the borderline on whether to protest or not but she is not and protesting is too much too soon,staff

Not sure if you've been keeping up that much with the news brother. But the president has been pretty much cheering on all the peaceful freedom protesters across the nation. He's essentially come out and said the same thing, namely, "free America!" It seems that it's mainly many tyrannical governors that have been impeding the opening back up of the economy; and it seems that the president has also been under pressure by some in his coronavirus task force, a few of whom seem pretty shady if you ask me.

There are a few governors that have kept "non-essential" businesses open.


 2020/5/4 0:24Profile

Joined: 2006/9/16
Posts: 2753

 Re: Defiant pastor dies after holding packed services


The evangelical pastor who vowed to keep preaching unless he was "in jail or the hospital" has died of COVID-19 ... only weeks after defiantly opening his church doors.

Bishop Gerald Glenn showed off his jam-packed congregation back on March 22 at the New Deliverance Evangelistic Church in Richmond, VA ... telling followers to stand up and prove their numbers ... despite social distancing guidelines and warnings against large gatherings in the face of the coronavirus pandemic.

His church announced that Glenn died on, of all days, Easter Sunday from COVID-19 a week after testing positive for the novel coronavirus.

During that infamous in-person service, the Bishop said he firmly believed God was larger than the virus and said he was proud of being "controversial" for violating safety protocols. The Bishop also claimed he was an "essential" worker, saying he's a preacher and he talks to God.

The Bishop's wife, Marcietia Glenn, is also infected with COVID-19.

The couple's daughter, Mar-Gerie Crawley, reportedly said her father dismissed his symptoms at first because he has a health condition that often results in fevers and infections. Now, she's urging everyone to stay home, saying the virus has become very real to her.

David Winter

 2020/5/4 9:32Profile

Joined: 2006/9/16
Posts: 2753

 Re: 43 sick after Pentecostal revival meetings


Forty-three people fell ill after a revival at a Pentecostal church in Illinois. Of those 43, 10 have tested positive for COVID-19.

The Daily Herald reports that 80 people gathered at The Life Church of Glenview for a revival service on March 15, days before a statewide stay-at-home order was issued in Illinois. Pastor Anthony LoCascio says he considered canceling the meeting but decided not to, since the number of cases in the state were so low at that time. Plus, he reasoned, they were hosting an out-of-town guest speaker and had been promoting the event.

"A lot of people are sick," LoCascio says. "My whole family has the same symptoms."

When LoCascio woke up the morning after the service, he thought he had the flu. He had leg cramps and a fever of 102. A week later, he started coughing.

"My lungs felt very hardened and stiff, like leather," he says.

LoCascio's wife, Layna, posted on Facebook that "one of the main pillars in our church, who has cancer, is in the hospital with pneumonia and a blood infection and pancreatic cancer and Covid19. He is not doing good. He's in ICU and on a ventilator. My husband is tore up about it! SO torn up! He's been so sick as well.

"It's been 11 days straight of fever and sickness. He still has fever, and now a cough but he's able to walk and talk and eat at least. (It had gotten so bad he asked me to check on his life insurance, poor thing.) Without the prayers of precious people all over the nation praying, we might would've had a different scenario."

The church released an official statement, saying many of those who are sick are on the road to recovery.

David Winter

 2020/5/4 9:38Profile

Joined: 2007/2/8
Posts: 2227


Hi Oracio,
It also proves that Trump has your back and the ultimate power in the USA isnt buying any crap.He also said the protesters are keeping social distancing while protesting,staff

 2020/5/4 12:00Profile

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