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staff Member

Joined: 2007/2/8 Posts: 2227
| Re: | | Hi So Ive been watching an american doctor qoute the Cdc seasonal flu of 2019 2020 season as somewhere between 22,000 and 55,000 deaths .Already the US is at 65,000 plus deaths for corona virius and thats after the lockdown has been in place for many weeks.This doctor says a good average would be 1 in 1000 die from flu each year.Already we are at 2 in a thousand for Corona virus and thats after the strong measures. Also important is the incubation period of the flu is shorter ie you get infected and have the symtoms 3 days later but an average 5 days on corona. On hospitalization Flu patients :If you get the flu around 2percent need to be hospitalized Covid:If you get covid around 20 percent need to be hospitalized (as of march 18 figures) That means a possible huge pressure on the health system. Treatment: Their is a flu vaccine although not perfect it does help reduce the amount and severity of the flu.Also their are anti viral drugs .Corona virus up until yesterday with Remdeisvir their was no proven treatment
I think comparing flu to coronavirus to being the same doesnt wash at all,staff |
2020/5/3 19:13 | Profile |
staff Member

Joined: 2007/2/8 Posts: 2227
| Re: | | Hi Oracio, Isnt it more presumptuous to think that Spurgeon would keep ministering knowing that he could cause people to die?Spurgeon would do what other Christian leaders did today and distanced himself.
I think your CDC figures are wrong .Here is a link from right now reading 65,000 deaths from corona virus
Even if you take that 74,000 die from Corona thats only because people followed guidelines ,social distanced etc if they had not the figure would be very much higher .So again only if you compare flu with corona with social distancing in place are the figures anywhere near similar , staff |
2020/5/3 19:25 | Profile |
Oracio Member

Joined: 2007/6/26 Posts: 2094 Whittier CA USA
| Re: | | Yes, I realized that there are two figures that have been on the CDC's website, one which is a "provisional" count and the other which is supposedly more up to date. Here's the chart that had the 37k figure I was referring to: _________________ Oracio
2020/5/3 19:29 | Profile |
staff Member

Joined: 2007/2/8 Posts: 2227
| Re: | | Hi Oracio, I heard this brilliant qoute A sucessfully halted pandemic is indistinguishable from an over reaction.staff |
2020/5/3 19:35 | Profile |
staff Member

Joined: 2007/2/8 Posts: 2227
| Re: | | Hi Oracio,
I think a bigger question revolves around this.
As Christians we know that at some stage the enemy will try to take over control completely of the worlds systems and we dont want to be caught out! It is so difficult to know is this the time or is that he time and so we react differently. staff |
2020/5/3 19:42 | Profile |
Oracio Member

Joined: 2007/6/26 Posts: 2094 Whittier CA USA
| Re: | | Quote:
Isnt it more presumptuous to think that Spurgeon would keep ministering knowing that he could cause people to die?Spurgeon would do what other Christian leaders did today and distanced himself.
I think it can be argued that it's possible that Spurgeon could have sided with those pastors who have continued to congregate in spite of the situation. There is a handful of respectable pastors that have had that conviction. Those pastors have based their decision on several factors, first of which is their desire to obey Scripture; also scientific data available to us, and using their God-given logic. Spurgeon whould have had to consider both sides prayerfully and biblically.
Both of us can share info from certain doctors, scientists and other sources and our info and conclusions may yet be contradictory.
That's why I think it's beneficial if we are open to differing sides of this issue, because there are respectable professionals on both sides. _________________ Oracio
2020/5/3 19:44 | Profile |
Oracio Member

Joined: 2007/6/26 Posts: 2094 Whittier CA USA
| Re: | | Quote:
Hi Oracio,
I think a bigger question revolves around this.
As Christians we know that at some stage the enemy will try to take over control completely of the worlds systems and we dont want to be caught out! It is so difficult to know is this the time or is that he time and so we react differently. staff
Not sure what you mean by being "caught out." Could you explain a bit brother? _________________ Oracio
2020/5/3 19:51 | Profile |
staff Member

Joined: 2007/2/8 Posts: 2227
| Re: | | Hi By Caught out I simply mean,let it happen and not react,staff |
2020/5/3 20:01 | Profile |
staff Member

Joined: 2007/2/8 Posts: 2227
| Re: | | Hi Oracio Their is no way the figures in any stretch of the imagination show that the Flu being the same as Covid 19 . Look at them With social distancing 65,000(my guess it will be closer to 90 to 100,000 in the end)
Flu Max 60,000( 2018 Was 35,000 but this year It could be as low as 22,000) Flu is only in the same ball park as Covid only if you take into account that social distancing measures were put in place. If social distancing was not put in place what would the figure be?I dont know but it would have been a huge amount more if everyone went to ball games ,concerts ,restaurants and Churches that is for sure,staff
2020/5/3 20:12 | Profile |
Oracio Member

Joined: 2007/6/26 Posts: 2094 Whittier CA USA
| Re: | | Quote:
Hi By Caught out I simply mean,let it happen and not react,staff
I see. A couple things come to mind. Firstly, even when the enemy is exerting his final power over the saints via tyrannical government agents, Christians must never disobey Scriptural mandates such as assembling together, keeping the Lord's Supper, performing baptisms, praying for one another in person, and laying on of hands (for example, elders are to anoint the sick with oil per James 5:14, and elders and deacons are to be appointed via the laying on of hands as seen in Acts 6:6). I venture to say that those biblical ordinances and/or mandates and practices are non-negotiables regardless of any kind of oppression or persecution brought upon the Church.
Secondly, there are times when it's right for Christians to speak up and stand up for their rights and freedoms, as we see with Paul in Acts 22:25 and other places in Acts. If there is a possibility of keeping certain freedoms that will continue to help advance the gospel without hindrance, why not take advantage of that? Why give up our freedoms so easily without any kind of protest? _________________ Oracio
2020/5/3 20:38 | Profile |