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Joined: 2004/6/28
Posts: 141

 Help! Is this all biblical? Im getting opposition...

Hey guys, I mentioned my site in another post url and didnt check these forums for a while, and found a heap on encouragement from you all. All the more so, given the reason I haven't been on:

Im having trouble with my site! Basically, I took what was said in this thread: Law and Evangelism
and opened up discussion on using the law in evangelism (i know, it could have had a bit of opposition, but i think it just got out of hand!)

Ive noticed (at least around my area) that most youth have a tendancy toward humanism, and sort of think using the law as one way to evangelise is wrong. I got a big backlash from just two people. In fact it went from there and they sent many PMs attacking things I have said on the site, finishing with this:

Btw, should warn you, your site is losing more and more members… And there are pastors onto that too.. Your articles etc are now under scrutiny from real Bible experts, and they are warning other people away from the site. Thought I might warn you. You either change your message, or it will shut down completely... It has gone very wrong. And the Kingdom now knows it. Don’t think it’s just me. There are more people than me praying about this, and there are more people than me who are concerned. Don’t think this is a personal things from me, it’s not. You’ve been warned. Delete my registration on the site please...The pastors are onto it, so I don’t need to be.

guys, this is hard. ive never had so much personal attack, and i really need to know from someone who isnt so angry, is there anything on the site that need changing?

In regard to the law: I said there are many roads to the cross, and one of them is law. When people come to it by law they often get on the cross. Lets not avoid it when it needs to be used.
The topics regarding it all have been moved to a private area of the forum because it just got bitter and I dont want anything to posion the site.

I honestly dont care for defending myself. I honestly just want to help high school students reach out to their classmates and encourage them to seek God for revival. This thing about the other local pastors: thats not nice, because they were going to consider promoting the site at youth groups...

This is not a "plug" but a plea... Can one (or some) of you have a browse around? (No need to join or anything...) But please just if you have advice then its more than welcome. I want to make sure everything is biblically correct and full of truth. Please alert me of anything, and if you cant find anything then let me know.

I wanted to help, but im getting attacked... this is new for me...

p.s the site is:

thanks guys

pps. prayer would be nice too :-)


 2005/7/18 9:10Profile

Joined: 2003/6/11
Posts: 9192
Santa Clara, CA

 Re: Help! Is this all biblical? Im getting opposition...

Hi Coops,

Took a browse through and couldn't find specifically what you were referring to here but will give it a more thorough look today at lunch.
In the mean time I wouldn't take these words to heart because they sound more threatening than borne out of real concern, despite the alluding to that.

Your PPS is always the starting and finishing point and were I will add my support. This is a lofty task you have taken on brother and you well know that it is an utter impossibility lest the Lord go before you. Put your trust fully in Him.

Mike Balog

 2005/7/18 9:33Profile

Joined: 2004/6/28
Posts: 141


Took a browse through and couldn't find specifically what you were referring to here

Yeah i took the threads down because they got just plain bitter and had alot of flaming. It was going around in circles and those opposing the law would not consider looking at the resource I suggested (Ray Comfort's main message).

So I figure thats not the way to go about it (probably obviously to everyone else!). Not sure what to do now, but would like to first make sure theres nothing now ont eh site than can be unbiblical, or if theres any advice: please go ahead guys!

Thanks so much


 2005/7/18 9:41Profile

Joined: 2004/10/29
Posts: 335
The Netherlands


He coops

just a question, why can you post as a guest? i mean it can be a door to some who want to mess the place up, i don't know if you have trouble with "guest posts"

but he i browsed your site, looks good!

btw you made a post on your opposition, and it sounds familiar to me, because there are people who say to me "it's about love" and things like you don't have/use love.

it's hard also because you get it from your brothers/sisters. it's like enduring enemy-fire and friendly fire.

but bro, i'll pray for you, and we will suffer persecution when we want to live a godly life in Christ (2 Tim 3:12) but He is your Light and your Salvation, whom shall you fear? (Psa 27:2)!

be encouraged and keep looking at Jesus Christ!



 2005/7/18 9:51Profile

Joined: 2004/6/28
Posts: 141


William, its so people can ask questions about life annonymously. its only in that one section and i havent had trouble with it...

yeah there was alot of "its all about love, you are tricked and loveless" and stuff like that in the discussion, but i replied that love is often amplified when we get an understanding of how sinful we are before God, and He still loves us! Anyway i didnt mean to stray off topic :-)

You are right, one if from a sister in Christ, another is from someone who used to be a leader of mine, so they sting a little.

Thanks for your encouragement, and everybody please feel free to put it under scrutiny and test it, i'd love to make sure its all truth, so let me know any advice!

Thanks all


 2005/7/18 9:59Profile

Joined: 2004/10/29
Posts: 335
The Netherlands


Hi David!

Amen, love is not always mentioned it's mostly the reason why speaking The Truth!

You are right, one if from a sister in Christ, another is from someone who used to be a leader of mine, so they sting a little.

i made a topic on this once, because i experienced it a little the same:

but i will take a closer look on later on God willing.

be of good courage!



 2005/7/18 10:09Profile



I'll be praying for your wisdom through all this.

 2005/7/18 10:16


Churches today cater to the youth. Many churches don't feed the youth, they entertain them... therefore it shouldn't be any wonder why the youth are opposed to truth. They've never heard it. They have bought into the idea that in order to evangelize you have to entertain, and make Jesus cool to the culture. Even tho the youth posting on your site probably wont admit it... the ones giving you a hard time probably rarely open their Bibles.

To say that "Bible experts" disagree with you, and that pastors are catching on to you is nothing more that immaturity and intimidation on the part of the poster. How do they know pastors are against you? It's probably some youth pastor they know who disagrees with you. Big deal.

When you stand for truth you can expect to be attacked. I wouldn't let it bother me, if I was in your shoes. It's some kid who feels empowerd by the fact that he has a keyboard and can say whatever he wants without anyone to hold him accountable.

If this is your site you have the ability to block those users, right? If they are posting bitter and hateful posts... ban them and their IP address. It's a free country. What are they gonna do? Sue you?


 2005/7/18 10:24


Let me also add that as the owner of this site you have a responsibility to police the forum and keep it civil... there are many many people who read your forum who will judge how Christians behave by what they read on there. I believe you have an obligation to shut these people out, not just a right.

I'm aware of at least one anti Christian site that specifically takes quotes (usually completely out of context) from forums like these and puts them up on their site for a everyone to get a good laugh. It's called something like "Christians say the dumbest things", or something like that.


 2005/7/18 10:33

Joined: 2003/11/23
Posts: 4779


Hello Coops...

I was about to suggest Ray Comfort's book, [i]Hell's Best Kept Secret[/i], but I noticed that you might have mentioned it through your post.

There are many Scriptures that make it clear that the Law is neccessary to convict sinners. Ray Comfort's messages offer wonderful explanations about the importance of the Law. Sadly, as Mr. Comfort states, many of today's youth (and adults for that matter) are fed a very humanistic and rather cheapened Gospel message.

Many of these youth choose "Christ" as just an alternate lifestyle out of a supposedly "remote" fear of going to Hell, promises of prosperity here on earth ("Jesus adds [i]pizazz[/i] to your life!" type of messages) -- or perhaps because they just want to join the Christian "club" out of a desire to belong.

I've seen so many youth give testimonies that never mentioned a realization of how lost they were without Christ, or a unquenchable hunger and thirst to [i]know[/i] the Lord. Instead, many ministers offer Christianity as an [i]alternate lifestyle[/i] for these youth. They just replace a few friends, song lyrics and lifestyle choices, and *presto*, the child is now a "Christian."

I've seen youth who were "leaders" in their youth group who did not know whether the book of Ephesians was in the Old or New Testament. Yet these teens had been saved for over five years, and were mentioned from the pulpit as being "examples of the faith" to other youth. Their lifestyles and attitudes are often indifferent from those in the world, yet they are encouraged to go to Bible School in order to become Pastors and Youth Pastors.

This is particularly close to my heart because I became a Christian at the age of 15. I was not lonely, depressed, sad or unhappy. I was popular in school, athletic, intelligent and I cared about others. I attended Church every service, and the Pastor often bragged on me to others as a strong Christian young man. In the eyes of the world, I was a [i]good kid[/i]. In fact, most people (including my Pastor) thought that I already [i]was[/i] a believer. I was baptized and encouraged to attend Bible School. But I didn't know Jesus.

It wasn't until I read the Word and realized how hopeless that I was that I began my search. I became incredibly thirsty to know the Lord. I came to a point that I was willing to give up anything and everything to know Christ. One night, while walking in a field alone at a Christian summer camp, I gave my all to the Lord. I told the Lord that I would trade all that I was, and all that I was ever going to be, if I could just know Him and be His friend. Immediately, I began an intimate relationship with the Lord.

Like you mentioned, someone who mentions this problem to parents, youth or ministers (especially alot of today's youth pastors) will become quite unpopular.

I have been praying for a holy hunger to grip the hearts of youth everywhere -- especially within the Church! Anyway, I will be praying for your situation. Please keep us updated on how this is going!


 2005/7/18 10:46Profile

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