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Joined: 2020/4/23
Posts: 1
Southeast TX

 New Member Testimony

Dear Ones in Christ,
I am brand new to Sermon Index. I hope to learn more about the Doctrines of Grace. I came from a rough childhood into the church when I was a young teenager at my new sister-in-law, Nancy's, insistence I attend church with her and my older brother. (Nancy was my angel.) At her Baptist Church, the preacher approached me after a few months, saying he believed God wanted him to give me the New Testament. I read the Gospels and was awestruck with the realization of who Jesus is. My "ideas" about Him paled as I was convicted by the words in red. I loved my Savior! In time I read the whole Bible. Still, I've strayed at times and failed, but God always redirects my path and continues to convict me. I'll not stop chasing the hem of His garment. I've found so much peace and joy there!! God bless you all.
Your sister,

Metha "Leanne" Todd

 2020/4/23 11:17Profile

Joined: 2016/11/15
Posts: 282

 Re: New Member Testimony

Dear Sis,
God is faithful and true. Thank you for your testimony.
He will keep you as you stay in the Word, listen for His voice
And stay in fellowship with sound and mature believers.
SermonIndex preservation of many precious followers of Christ has kept me going through this generation of watered down theology.
Perhaps God is bringing an end to that in this generation.
Safe in His Arms,
Another sister in Christ


 2020/4/23 11:35Profile

Joined: 2009/11/7
Posts: 1532

 Re: New Member Testimony

Welcome Sister,

May the blood of your uncleanness cease as by faith you are made well. I look forward to hearing how He makes your life a witness amidst the clamor that silences the wisdom of this age that has failed to make you whole. Grace and truth be yours in abundance.

 2020/4/23 14:08Profile

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