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Joined: 2018/10/6
Posts: 29

 Prayer Requests- receiving a Spirit of Supplication

Dear brothers and sisters,

Just wondering if any of you has prayer requests..that we can petition God for?

...Do any of you have a financial burden (eg need for a job)?

...A health need?

...Do any of you have children or a spouse who need to draw closer to the Lord?  (I do)

...Any of you have areas of ministry where you want to see God break through?

...Any of you have divisions within your family, or other relationships, that need to be restored?

...Any of you have burdens for your church or leaders of the country you live in?

United prayer, brings a unity of heart and purpose to God's people :)

I remember hearing Bill Mcleod, (a pastor used by God during the Saskatoon Revival of 1971) about God pouring out upon his people, 'A Spirit of Supplication'. He understood this to mean 'The Spirit's empowerment to supplicate'.

Here are some verses that relate to this idea:

Romans 8:26, NIV: "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans."

Zechariah 12:10 "And I will pour on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of grace and supplication"

God bless :)

 2020/4/22 4:39Profile

Joined: 2011/10/21
Posts: 2009
Dothan, Alabama

 Re: Prayer Requests- receiving a Spirit of Supplication

Ha! This is good :)))
Just this morning I felt compelled to start a thread of testimonies of how God has moved in our lives and areas during this time of worldly uncertainty, so that God may receive His glory for all He is doing 😇

When I read over your thread it made me smile, and it occurred to me that this is such a great idea and would not only be a means to address the needs of others but also unite us in this cause allowing God to meet our needs ;))))

Perhaps God is doing a new thing here on SI 🙏🏻

So as stated in a previous thread, being a self employed barber we have been without an income for weeks now, and due to the structuring I received $0 dollars from the stimulus package.
On top of that, had the oil changed in my truck at a local “quickie lube” and they overfilled my front deferential and effectively blew out my front end 😳 so my small savings was used up to replace it leaving my family even further depleted financially. And I’m already facing potentially losing my house and business...
If that weren’t enough, there is road work in front of our house and (long story short) they didn’t “grade” it correctly and during the storm Sunday night our yard & house flooded and had 6inches of standing water in our living room, kitchen and boy’s bed rooms, closet etc... My wife woke up first just before midnight and called for me and we “shop-vac” our home for hours to try to mitigate the damage and get the water out.
Wheeew..... 😅
There’s more to tell but I’ll stop there because it’s not my intent to cause people to think we “feel sorry for ourselves” as that is not at all the case -
I’m only mentioning this because thru it all, God has been faithful to strengthen us, our resolve and kindle our faith in His abilities and His plan.
Interestingly thru this time many others are worried and panicked and the Lord has ironically allowed us to encourage them :))) Indeed His presence and faithfulness has been a lamp unto the feet of others 🙏🏻

So my supplication request is that you all would Thank Him and Praise Him on our behalf ! That through all this He has not forsaken us and tho the trials are many and the waters rose high above the banks, the foundation the Lord has laid held fast and firm !
So please join us in praising Him for He is not far off but is indeed alive and nearer and more caring than we imagine - Emmanuel 🙏🏻


 2020/4/22 8:34Profile

Joined: 2018/10/6
Posts: 29


Dear brother,

Was greatly encouraged by your God glorifying testimony. Your words are a real blessing, a healing balm!

Will pray for God's continued strength to you during this Covid situation. Are self employed barbers still allowed to remain open at this time? Am interested to hear more about your experiences as a barber. It's interesting, some of my kids tell me they never say much while getting a hair cut...But I really enjoy having the chance to connect with my long as I don't say something that upset them and end up with a funny haircut :)

I work as an employment counselor at a social service agency, in western Canada. So far, we've stayed open, but that could change. It's an inner city organization and they provide many wonderful services for the people down here. However, in their desire to preserve people's rights to self determination, sometimes they unwittingly foster the drug and alcohol problems, that many are in bondage to. Could you please pray that the light of Christ will shine forth, here in the inner city? I witness so many lives that are devastated each day. But Jesus is able to transform their lives. Praise God!

Thanks again for sharing and please free to share more. I have a few more things I'm needing for prayer for as well..that I'll talk about later. Am really thankful to have all of my family back home at the moment. Our son is studying to be a youth the US, in Iowa. He has made many great friends there. Could you pray that the Holy Spirit is poured out on these young people, who are preparing for the ministry? My son wants to see more emphasis on ministry to the lost. However, the Bible college has a wonderful focus on the Word of God!

Great chatting. Blessings in Christ! :)

 2020/4/23 10:30Profile

Joined: 2011/10/21
Posts: 2009
Dothan, Alabama

 Re: brother John

That’s great to hear your son is home for a season and yes of course I’ll pray and am grateful for the opportunity to be knitted together:)
(In my experience) a sincere hunger and thirst for righteousness, being poor of spirit creates an environment where Holy Spirit can inhabit-

Regarding the concern of self determination,.. yes sometimes, liberty allows for people to go further down a self destructive path often including drugs and alcohol however the alternative is, at best, behavior modification with no heart change so although they painted a new exterior color to give a fresh and renewed appearance there is still mold underneath and the decay continues unless we allow Jesus Himself to wash it clean -
Having said that it sounds less you are a light shining forth and are unto a lamp that the Lord has placed there 😇
So how about we also pray that He will renew you, refresh, strengthen and rest you,... increasing His manifest presence in you so that the light of His presence might be brought near enough to them that they can literally feel it 🙏🏻

We should also pray and petition that He would release Holy Spirit to pursue them, that the obstacles in their hearts would be removed and those whom the Lord has round about them would be quickened and raised up and begin ministering to them .

Also we should pray that the lies the enemy is speaking to them would be exposed in the light of truth (His presence) .. petitioning the Lord to speak to their anxious thoughts, calming them - bringing peace to give them an opportunity to experience Him as a provision .

Also that they would no longer find pleasure in their sin...

But most of all that He would have mercy on them and reveal Himself to them in a way that captivates their hearts 🙏🏻

(In my understanding) Everything God does in the present tense is to produce a testimony that glorifies Jesus- so when we pray and seek to lift up Jesus we are assured that we are doing Gods will and therefore our prayers will not only be heard but answered.

It seems the enemy is busy these days attempting to distract the saints from putting on the armor and doing battle in prayer... wether through the pursuit pleasure or a self preserving fear, the goal is distraction, distraction, distraction... keep us focused on anything but the Kingdom of God so we must stick together and be alert.

Hope this isn’t to “forward” ?
Just knowing sometimes a fresh perspective from an outside source can be a help 🙏🏻


 2020/4/23 23:14Profile

Joined: 2018/10/6
Posts: 29


Dear Fletcher,

I hope you don't mind if I throw out an idea here. Often times I come up with ideas that may turn out to be crazy..and maybe not the most practical...but I just felt I wanted to try.

Since you were mentioning that you are a barber....and It's sounding like work is not available during this Covid situation, I wanted to run something by you:

I get the feeling that you enjoy writing, and it seems like you are good at it :) So....what would you think of starting your own, online haircutting training course? This type of course might be appealing to the thousands of people who are having their hair cut by someone at home, for the time being. As a barber, would you be able to certify people in some passing on your knowledge?  Or maybe some people would be willing to pay for such a course...just so they could get better at cutting family members' hair....for the time being.

Possibly you could cut the hair of your family members etc...and provide training videos of doing that. Then, after students had taken your could potentially review videos or online sessions of them cutting someone's hair....So you could provide feedback on what they could do differently. In other words, them cutting someone else's hair would be like a mini 'practicum'.

Again, this is just an idea. Not sure if it's something that would be of interest to you...but the idea popped into my I wanted to see what you had to think.

Take care and God bless, brother!! :)

 2020/4/24 18:59Profile

Joined: 2011/10/21
Posts: 2009
Dothan, Alabama

 Re: brother John

That’s a very creative way to utilize our skills :)
Thank you for this suggestion, you seem to be a problem solver- trouble shooter .... the Lord has definitely blessed you with these talents and attitudes 😇

We had another storm pass through Thursday afternoon and the berm broke again, flooding our house, this time worse than Sunday....
so we do ask for prayers as the storm has passed but there is much to clean, and flooring to pull out - and all while our street has been closed for construction-
But... the forecast is for lots of sunshine so that will definitely be considered a blessing and we are thankful 🙏🏻
The Lord is very good to us and we hope we have an opportunity to testify to this ends <\\\><

Thanks again for the creative ideas!
If after we get out home straightened out, we are still in quarantine that may indeed be the way to go. In either case we are grateful for your consideration and will pray and see if the Lord puts this idea to use in our lives 😇


 2020/4/25 9:06Profile

Joined: 2018/10/6
Posts: 29


 2020/7/13 2:00Profile

Joined: 2003/7/31
Posts: 2850
Phoenix, Arizona USA

 Re: Prayer Requests- receiving a Spirit of Supplication

talk about God pouring out upon his people, 'A Spirit of Supplication'. He understood this to mean 'The Spirit's empowerment to supplicate'.

Amen, we need that spirit of supplication poured out in these days. Supplication is something more than prayer and petition, the word has the idea of earnest pleading that comes from desperate need. Surely it's time for supplication for God to renew us personally and corporately.

As a personal request, please pray for my wife Bobbi, she is not yet saved. We were married before I was saved and she came to church with me for a while and then ran back to her Catholic roots. She doesn't really attend church at all now. God has blessed our marriage but there are difficulties when unequally yoked. You men with godly wives should be ever thankful.

In Christ,

Ron Halverson

 2020/7/13 20:36Profile

Joined: 2018/10/6
Posts: 29


Dear brother Ron,

Please know that I've been praying for your wife Bobbi and will keep praying for her. These situations where loved ones of ours are away from the Lord or may not have come to the Lord yet, can produce such a yearning in our hearts it's almost painful at times.

May God bless and encourage you as you faithfully represent the salt and light of Christ to her, and may she be attracted to the aroma of his character. Can you please pray for me, for a stronger relationship with my daughter..that God will bring restoration between us?

Take care and God bless! :) John

 2020/7/19 17:03Profile

Joined: 2003/7/31
Posts: 2850
Phoenix, Arizona USA


Thank you for praying brother! I will certainly pray for you and yours as well. I know that God teaches us many things through our closest relationships. Mostly He teaches us about ourselves.

In Christ,

Ron Halverson

 2020/7/20 19:46Profile

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