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HopeinChrist Member

Joined: 2005/8/8 Posts: 258
| Trump’s ancestors | | I just ran across some information online saying the two sisters that prayed for revival in the Hebrides Islands were Donald Trumps great aunts. I did find a few articles and references upon a quick google.
If this is true, what meaning or relevance could it have?
2020/4/20 21:05 | Profile |
wildhorse86 Member

Joined: 2005/5/20 Posts: 87
| Re: Trump’s ancestors | | Nothing if Trump doesn't lead in the way that God asks of him. I understand that God will allow unfaithful people to rule or govern a nation, and we are to follow the law as long as it doesn't contradict His law (Romans 13), and all of this will work for His will.
But Trump isn't going to change the nation of the US by himself, and is no saviour to America and while interesting, I personally fail to see the relevance in the fact that Donald Trump had faithful ancestors.
I know God goes before people and sometimes prepares lineages and roles for people ahead of time, but his heritage doesn't mean he will automatically be faithful and we only have to look at his history and language behind some of his attitudes in the to see he hasn't been a follower of God for most of his life.
But even if he has since been converted, and I hope he has and only God can truly judge that, we will start to see change over time to be more Christ like.
While he holds some views that are compatible with our faith and holds prayer meetings etc, at times I don't see behaviour that is Christ-like. An example of this is threatening revenge and throwing tantrums on live TV accusing people of fake news (which does exist) etc. and not acting on professional medical advice surrounding the pandemic we're in before it's too late. Sadly, it lacks wisdom.
Only God can change America and the world if the rest of the church in the US are faithful to God.
My point is - some need to be careful not to idolise Donald Trump. |
2020/4/21 2:19 | Profile |
HopeinChrist Member

Joined: 2005/8/8 Posts: 258
| Re: | | Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts. They are very much in line with my own. I didn’t want this to turn into a political hornets nest. I just wondered if I was missing something.
I live in an area that heavily supports Trump; people I call friends; people that are good neighbors, people that profess the name of Christ. Yet, they blindly believe and applaud everything Trump says and does. It does appear that they idolize him.
There was a clip of a preacher (I didn’t recognize him) on FB telling the story of Trump’s heritage and ancestral connection to the Hebrides revival. He said the bible from the revival is in the Oval Office. It was presented in a way to give it great relevance and I believe further deceiving people. I don’t understand why so many people cannot see his true character. It isn’t like he tries to hide it.
It seems nearly everyone around me thinks he is sent to save America and is so wonderful. I sometimes pause to question .... am I the one who is missing something. Again, thanks for sharing your thoughts. |
2020/4/21 8:51 | Profile |
JFW Member

Joined: 2011/10/21 Posts: 2009 Dothan, Alabama
| Re: | | Hi hopeinChrist
Being a barber I get to see and talk with a wide swath of people on a daily and while I too have experienced allot of people who believe President Trump is trying to save America, I haven’t experienced people who “idolize” him... often it seems they find themselves defending him because they feel he is unjustly attacked and so perhaps that’s why it seems they “idolize” him from your perspective? As far as I’ve experienced, most believers place their trust in Christ alone but hold out hope that God can work through imperfect vessels including President Trump.
I have read about how allot of “christians” are claiming that President Trump is a not Christian and I had the opportunity to inquire of one person about this just yesterday- They stated he wasn’t a Christian and I asked “compared to what” ? Because you see there are allot of different metrics one could use to determine a thing... So if we look at King David for example there are allot of parallels if one cares to see them, and although he stumbled and had vices God nonetheless called him as His own :)
So just imagine your “favorite” living Christian had the global geopolitical media apparatus weaponized against them and every detail of their past was combed thru and used to form narratives to attack them? Also having their spouse and children and followers attacked,... all while having traps set for them on a daily basis involving the safety and well being of large groups of people only to catch them in a misstep so their can be publicly crucified in the media .... how would your “favorite” Christian fare in that environment much less one of us ?
We’d do well to pray for our President as the scriptures command rather than lay judgments of character at his door lest we be judged by the same standards! Just imagine if your child (son) was President and was being treated as President Trump is,... would you think it appropriate for fellow “Christians” to be throwing rocks all while taking their cues from a godless secular media?
Food for thought Edited for clarity/correction _________________ Fletcher
2020/4/21 9:59 | Profile |
wildhorse86 Member

Joined: 2005/5/20 Posts: 87
| Re: | | That same video was posted in another thread here I believe. Some of my perspective may also be because I am an Australian looking in.
While it is interesting that the Bible in question may be in the oval office we need to not read meaning where none exists.
My Bible is a collection of words printed with ink on paper and the physical object has no power. It is only when the Bible is read and integrated into ones life that the words scripture come alive and have power. The Bible could be destroyed by accident in a fire and it wouldn't matter as it is an inanimate object. The power comes of a combination of reading, believing and engaging God and the Holy Spirit. That will bring a revival, not the fact the book belonged to someone else in another past time of revival.
I know some Christians who make a 'christian celebrity' out of and applaud my countries prime minister because he's a professing Christian in the assembly of God denomination. Sadly though Australia also has an issue with authority and are either apathetic and don't care or are quite proud, lumping attack on those we vote in to lead us.
2020/4/21 10:18 | Profile |
JFW Member

Joined: 2011/10/21 Posts: 2009 Dothan, Alabama
| Re: | | Also it is important to understand the context and reason why the video in question was produced and released to the public... it was to give hope to those who seek it and to demonstrate that God has a plan and has, as foolish as it may seem, placed the man He chose in this place at this time to carry out His plans 🙏🏻
Objects, wether a bible or [in Paul’s case] a handkerchief can indeed be imbued with the power of God (anointed) to bring healing and hope for a testimony that glorifies Lord Jesus :)
In the end, it’s faith that activates what had laid dormant,... hence we are encouraged in the scriptures to “stir up the gift that is in you” and that gift is Faith, a measure (or talent) of which has been given to ALL PEOPLE _________________ Fletcher
2020/4/21 11:26 | Profile |
docs Member

Joined: 2006/9/16 Posts: 2753
| Re: | | /While he holds some views that are compatible with our faith and holds prayer meetings etc, at times I don't see behaviour that is Christ-like. An example of this is threatening revenge and throwing tantrums on live TV accusing people of fake news (which does exist) etc. and not acting on professional medical advice surrounding the pandemic we're in before it's too late. Sadly, it lacks wisdom./
From my perspective which I suspect is the present perspective of many in the USA, "fake news" is a mild statement compared to what the modern mainstream press in this country has become. They have reached the lowest depths of unprofessional totally biased reporting. Objective news is to be found almost nowhere. Their aim no longer is to report events but to help sway society in the way they think it should be structured and lived. Someone for a long while has needed to look in their faces and tell them they are purveyors of fake news because most of the time that is what it is.
/...and not acting on professional medical advice surrounding the pandemic we're in before it's too late. Sadly, it lacks wisdom./
President Trump acted decisively before any other world leader even got alarmed. He was told of ONE case of the virus in America and this BEFORE even ONE person had died from the virus in the United States. Upon hearing of this one solitary case of the virus in America likely originating in China he made a instant decision on the spot and decided to mandate a ban on travel from China. This was a month to six weeks before any other world leader was even becoming alarmed because of the virus. The "fake news" media labelled him xenophobic and racist because he enacted the ban on travel from China and later Europe. Fully a month after Jan 31, Nancy Pelosi was encouraging people in San Francisco to gather in mass and come out to the big annual parade in Chinatown. The health commissioner of NYC at that point was telling people to carry on with life as usual because there was nothing to fear and if something did occur New York City was well prepared to handle any crisis. NOT!!! The World Health Organization was continuing to tell the world that the virus could not be transmitted from person to person. And President Trump gets the blame for lack of wisdom?
The news media, set on fire by hell itself in my opinion, has done the public a great disservice dissing the president as they have. He's not perfect but he isn't what is being portrayed. And no, he can't save America.
_________________ David Winter
2020/4/21 14:00 | Profile |
TMK Member

Joined: 2012/2/8 Posts: 6650 NC, USA
| Re: | | //Their aim no longer is to report events but to help sway society in the way they think it should be structured and lived. Someone for a long while has needed to look in their faces and tell them they are purveyors of fake news because most of the time that is what it is.//
Even Bill Maher, a radical liberal and someone who I disagree with 99% of the time (I don’t watch Bill Maher regularly, but occasionally I will see a snippet of him speaking and I almost always disagree) put out a video very recently calling out the MSM for their opinion oriented “news reporting.”
It’s truly disgusting. Most of Trump’s so called bad behavior and “temper tantrums” are due to the way he is treated by the MSM. I guarantee that if Obama was still president and if he made the exact same decisions regarding Covid that Trump has made, he would be glorified by the MSM.
I was always frustrated by Bush’s refusal to defend himself. I am glad Trump refuses to be trod upon by a biased ungodly left wing MSM. _________________ Todd
2020/4/21 14:17 | Profile |