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Joined: 2011/4/4
Posts: 49
Jos, Nigeria

 Help with 1 Peter 3:4

Greetings brethren and ”sisthren".
First I want to appreciate the Lord for this site and the members for being part of my spiritual life. I have gained much spiritually since coming across this site a couple of years back. Thanks alot all of you who have taken time to write on many topics regarding our most precious faith. You may not get acknowledgments or thumps up while in the flesh, but continue as the master leads you, and you will get your reward in full.

We read 1 Peter today at church. I read on and got to chapter 3:4 which speaks about a
humble and quite spirit which is a precious thing in the sight of God.

That got to me. If that is so dear to my saviour, I felt it ought to be something I possess, even though the passage is addressing the sisters.

My problem is, I might guess what a humble spirit is, but I don't know what it means to have a quite spirit. I therefore ask for your help. Thank you all

Emmanuel Luka

 2020/4/19 17:16Profile

Joined: 2012/2/8
Posts: 6650

 Re: Help with 1 Peter 3:4

The quiet spirit in Jesus that led him to ride into Jerusalem on a donkey colt is the same quiet spirit that led him to cleanse the temple with a whip.

I guess my point is that it is not about outward appearances.


 2020/4/19 17:53Profile

Joined: 2006/5/11
Posts: 519
West Sussex, England

 Re: Help with 1 Peter 3:4

And I also believe some times the word humble in scripture means to be abased or to abase oneself.

I believe taking up our cross in self denial of the flesh is a humbling thing.
Women have their own will and desires but to obey their husband will cause them to have to abase themselves. The breaking of the will can make us humble.

David Keel

 2020/4/19 18:05Profile

Joined: 2011/10/21
Posts: 2009
Dothan, Alabama

 Re: Help with 1 Peter 3:4

Dear brother,
I have been blessed by your presence here on SI and your posts have both encouraged and challenged me 🙏🏻

(For me) a quiet spirit is reflective of an internal disposition before the Lord- meaning we are quiet in His presence... waiting on Him to lead/initiate...
When we are quiet we can can listen.... it’s amazing what we can hear when we are listening <\\\><


 2020/4/19 18:15Profile

Joined: 2017/2/12
Posts: 964


In the context of 1 Peter, a quiet spirit does not respond to evil against the holder of it with evil but responds with good to evil. It responds with silence, a blessing and a prayer of forgiveness when reviled.

In a larger context though, perhaps a quiet spirit is one that is asleep in the front of the boat in the midst of a monstrous storm. It is content in plenty and in want.

Todd is very right though, a quiet spirit does respond when God's glory is dishonored. It takes no personal offense but does take offense when His glory is maligned. The spirit of Steven when stoned and the spirit of Phinneas when there is blatant sin in the camp.


 2020/4/19 19:37Profile

Joined: 2006/5/11
Posts: 519
West Sussex, England


Ah I didn't read the end part of the original post. Sorry I was focusing on the humility part and not the quietness.

David Keel

 2020/4/19 20:32Profile

Joined: 2009/11/7
Posts: 1532

 Re: Help with 1 Peter 3:4

If you want to understand what 1 Peter 3:4 means for men, just examine the previous chapters. They demonstrate what it means to be humble and in quietness while interacting with and being persecuted by the World.

 2020/4/20 2:19Profile

Joined: 2011/4/4
Posts: 49
Jos, Nigeria

 Re: Help with 1 Peter 3:4

I've been following the submissions and I am most grateful for all your inputs. I've always been amazed at the debts of insights the Lord has given to the brethren here. Thanks everyone who took time to respond. May the Lord richly bless you all.

Emmanuel Luka

 2020/4/21 14:50Profile

Joined: 2011/10/21
Posts: 2009
Dothan, Alabama

 Re: brother Luka

If I’m not mistaken, it was you whom introduced brother Akanni’s ministry into this forum ?
If so I am eternally grateful as the Lord has used him (Gbile Akanni) in a mighty way in my life 🙏🏻


 2020/4/21 15:45Profile

Joined: 2017/7/14
Posts: 1165
Snoqualmie, WA


Hi Brother Luka:

A humble and quiet spirit?

I think several good responses have already been given, but to confirm more than add...

A humble and quiet spirit in a man is not the Alpha Male, take-charge-man. It is a man whom knows a man's flesh in-charge is not seeking God's glory but something of his own glory. Therefore his leadership, insights, opinions are directed by the guiding of the Holy Spirit. Humility waits upon God, the flesh has it own ideas and methods pre-packaged and needs no prayer or guidance from God's Spirit in order to act.
A quiet spirit, is as I understand it is not talking about silence...although that might be required in many circumstances. A quiet spirit is a meek spirit, bridled. A very strong spiritual man is strong as a result of proven and experienced interactions with God and man where he has begun to understand surly attitudes, harshness, rage or belligerence toward others worketh not righteousness in himself or others.
Being at peace, and knowing to pursue peace within oneself and in other matters creates a willingness in open hearts.

Unhurried confidence in a very present Lord, a rest in God demonstrates a humble and quiet spirit.

A quiet spirit in the face of liars, detractors, persecutors, accusers, haters...all of this Jesus stood silent, not because he had nothing to say, but had nothing to say at that moment, God guiding him and portraying godliness to everyone of his accusers.
No defense was to be made at that moment, His Father defended him...not by delivering him from his cup, but from anyone saying what he did he did for himself. A humble spirit is nailed to a cross, listening to falsehoods, false accusers, weak and ungodly men whom he knew God's wrath was only a few absent breaths from their bodies.

So much to be said, and there are others here who can say it far better and show it far better than I.


 2020/4/22 17:26Profile

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