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Joined: 2007/6/26
Posts: 2094
Whittier CA USA


Just got back from picking up my mom from a nearby hospital here in Whittier CA. She's 75 years old. She went there wanting to get tested for covid-19 because she's been having a pretty bad dry cough lately.

When she called me from the hospital she was freaked out because they told her she has the coronavirus. You gotta understand my mom only speaks Spanish and doesn't understand things that well sometimes. She was so worried about infecting us that she was considering not coming home for a while and trying to find some other place to stay like another hospital. I told her not to worry because if she has it, we all likely have it or have had it (I know I had flu-like symptoms not that long ago and some people are asymptomatic), and it hasn’t affected us in any serious way.

She was still very worried as I tried reasoning with her, and eventually the nurse asked to talk to me. The nurse told me they had recommended for her to quarantine herself for a few weeks and to keep at a distance from us in case we haven’t gotten it yet.

I asked the nurse if they tested her for covid-19, she said no, and that they based it on my mom’s described symptoms (i.e. what my mom told them). I asked the nurse again just to make sure, “So you guys didn’t do the swab in the nose test or anything like that then right?” She said no, but that my mom likely had covid-19 based on described symptoms. I thanked the nurse and she handed the phone back to my mom, and I told my mom that they hadn’t even tested her for the virus and that she need not worry.

My mom also told me that they told her that many in our apartment complex have contracted it as well.

This further confirmed what I've been hearing. I've heard of other hospitals also giving covid-19 diagnoses based on mere flu-like symptoms without testing.

I believe there are incentives for reporting the virus haphazardly.

I am more convinced now that both the case numbers and death toll have been largely inflated and that in many cases there is no basis in reality or valid reasoning.

Bottom line, regardless of whether or not my mom and the rest of us here have this virus (we may or may not have it or may have already had it), it's not right for them to diagnose her with covid-19 based on mere assumptions without due testing. It's like telling someone they have stomach cancer based on symptoms of stomach pain without testing for cancer.


 2020/4/29 1:01Profile

Joined: 2011/10/21
Posts: 2009
Dothan, Alabama


Firstly I’m sorry your mom was put through that, as it sounds inhumane not to mention lacking any medical soundness or scientific basis and ultimately didn’t do anything good for her. I will def lift her (and your family) in prayer dear brother 🙏🏻
Would you be willing to share her name ? if not I understand-

As you already know- boosting her immune system with sunshine, fresh air, minerals and vitamins is always a good and promising practice:)
Also apparently foods that have an anti inflammatory effect (Cinnamon etc) are useful as well as foods that detox the liver (red onion etc ) also help our body’s inherent systems mitigate the effects .

How long has she had symptoms and what are the specifically?
(Again if you don’t mind sharing )


 2020/4/29 8:31Profile

Joined: 2007/6/26
Posts: 2094
Whittier CA USA


Thanks Fletcher! Her name is Gloria. She has been battling a host of complications for many years, things like diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis. She's had many bouts of dry coughs on and off over the years. Right now it's mainly at night that she gets it. It doesn't seem life-threatening right now. Last night she was fine, with very minimal coughing, slept very well thankfully. The paperwork stated it's a viral infection. They took X-rays and blood, no pneumonia thankfully. They prescribed cough suppressant medicine.

Basically based on her descriptions it sounds like a viral infection of some sort, could be a common seasonal flu, could be covid-19, God only knows. But it seems very manageable so far thankfully.


 2020/4/29 12:17Profile

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