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Joined: 2005/1/6
Posts: 2359
Hemel Hempstead

 A Christian scientific view of the coronavirus

I am amazed at how little has been posted on this subject as Christians we believe that everything was created good and it was sin that made things bad through things like genetic mutations

I have heard so many bad things from Christians as it was Joseph lister who was a Christian who came up with germ theory.

As previously working in a hospital and seeing people come out in a blue bag dead

That we should all trust in Jesus and know him as death is as sure as anything in this life

I know they have done genetic analysis of the coronavirus and protein folding is happening to analyze the coronavirus as it is like a parcel with some RNA inside

What were virus used for in gods perfect universe before the fall.

I had someone that I know die from the coronavirus in the hospital who was one of the wards where I live.

There are more crazy theories regarding the coronavirus

Where are the Christian doctors and nurses and research with the fact that virus looses genetic information rather than gain genetic information

Where are the Christian scientific papers regarding the coronavirus.

Dominic Shiells

 2020/4/8 15:42Profile

Joined: 2012/2/8
Posts: 6650

 Re: A Christian scientific view of the coronavirus

Not sure what you mean Dom. What do you think a Christian researcher should look into or say that a Hindu researcher will not look into or say?

There are already hundreds of scientific papers written on CV since it started and there will be many more. But I am not sure why the researcher has to be a Christian.


 2020/4/8 19:16Profile

Joined: 2010/11/24
Posts: 341


Dom asked -

"What were virus used for in gods perfect universe before the fall." (sic)

We know that our immune-system is part of the original creation. So germs and viruses, probably as well. Because of the fall it adapted (in severity) with the thorns & thistles, fangs & nails and difficulty in giving birth?

J Kruger

 2020/4/9 10:40Profile

Joined: 2005/1/6
Posts: 2359
Hemel Hempstead

 Re: viruses

I was interested in what function would virus do in an unfallen world as there is as many micro bacteria in our body as there is cells
Joseph lister
Invented germ theory as a Christian

What I mean is that if we know things are genetically mutationing backwards

It is good to hear from you tmk

What I was meaning is that our worldview affects the way we view science . A Hindu scientist who has a Hindu worldview such as pantheism and karma. It may not affect the science as they have to use the scientific method hopefully not adding there worldview to science.

Before Pasteur I think it was people believe that germs spontaneously came from nowhere but it was due to a Christian worldview that things do not evolve from our marmalade or peanut butter

Our DNA is so complex it is crazy that the coronavirus can change our RNA
DNA is information and so is RNA

As coming from a computer background I know that our body makes the most complex computer systems look like calculators .

It is amazing being so complex yet so fragile

I have always wondered if you could you use a virus to produce good DNA but it would be like changing code of a kernal of an operating system as our bodies are so complex and without having a thorough knowledge it is like shooting in the dark

I was hoping to speak to some Christian drs and experts specifically in this field .

Dominic Shiells

 2020/4/9 17:01Profile

Joined: 2012/2/8
Posts: 6650


It is true The CV is rather remarkable. Especially how it is the most contagious before people show symptoms. That’s pretty sneaky.

If God created viruses then obviously they did no harm initially. But after the fall Satan went to work in his laboratory. Bad and harmful mutations resulted; however I don’t think we read of everyday sickness in the Bible although it is very likely colds and flu etc were around. Maybe it took a good long while for them to take hold and perhaps very early humans had great resistance/constitutions. After all they lived hundreds of years.


 2020/4/9 18:39Profile

Joined: 2011/10/27
Posts: 338

 Re: A Christian scientific view of the coronavirus

So I asked my daughter who is a Chemist/Biochemist, and she said there is a positive reason why viruses could have been originally made by God: to control the size of the bacterial population.


 2020/4/9 19:48Profile

Joined: 2008/9/14
Posts: 980
Pineville, LA


I know I don't post often and this is certainly a strange post after several months, but I think I can help on some of this.

Viruses did not necessarily have to be so diverse and widespread before the fall of man. There could have just been a few types, all of which had a useful function. Since viruses require other cells to replicate, they are technically not even living organisms, although that is a human classification. They are at least unlike any other living thing ever created. I do like the bacterial population theory.

However, regarding the transport of good DNA, it is important to understand how a virus works. Viruses, even if they carry a strand of DNA or RNA, must invade a host cell, inject the genetic material contained within the envelope and hijack the cell's processes. The cell then begins making many, many copies of the Virus until the cell wall ruptures, killing the cell. This rapid replication gives PLENTY of opportunities for the genes to change. Any slight change in the genetic information will change the configuration of the virus, making it more or less effective against the host. Some viruses change so rapidly (the flu and coronaviruses are good examples) that a body has difficulty producing antibodies for each strain that appears. That's why you get the flu every couple of years. The virus has changed and the old antibodies your body made are no longer effective markers for the updated version of the virus.

Now, you need to understand what the genetic material is for. The genetic information contained within a virus is basically instructions on how to build the virus envelope, or the shell that contains the genetic material. It works similarly in your own cells. Each cell contains DNA that codes for making more copies of itself. So, a virus must contain DNA that codes for its own self. Let's say someone has a genetic defect that causes them to have a protein deficiency. If we had a bunch of empty virus envelopes and put a strand of DNA in them that coded for the deficient protein missing from the person, the virus would attach to a cell, inject the DNA and the cell would begin to produce that deficient protein. However, it would not make more copies of itself. You would have to continue to inject these viruses because they would be unable to replicate since the contained DNA actually creates something different from the virus itself. This is a VERY expensive process. And eventually, your body will create antibodies to the foreign virus and the treatment will be rendered ineffective.

If you wanted, somehow, to make a self-replicating virus that creates proteins that are needed in a person with a genetic problem, you create a terrible conundrum. The virus will act exactly as it always has--it will replicate and kill cells. This replication process, although also coding for proteins that are needed, will have many, many opportunities to mutate. If this mutation occurs, it may not only change the virus, making it more dangerous to a person, but it may also modify the protein, which would render the more virulent strain completely ineffective in helping supply deficient proteins.

It would be like handing the reigns to a hamburger restaurant over to a bunch of kids. They might start making hamburgers, but after a while, they are going to be making whatever else they want, and not very effectively. They'll probably wind up burning the whole place down, to be honest.

Hope some of that info is useful.

 2020/4/11 4:28Profile

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