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Joined: 2018/10/6
Posts: 29

 Does God still speak to us today?

Hi, staff had posted something he believed to be a prophetic encouragement, so just wanted to address this question : 'Does God still speak to us today?,'

I want to say that I understand the desire of some believer's hearts in not wanting to go beyond what's written in God's word. We need to base our doctrine, our core beliefs about who God is on His unchanging word, the Bible. Without God's word being our foundation..we run into all kinds of trouble. So thank God for this emphasis within the church!!

But with love, I'd urge brothers and sisters as well to consider that God is a 'Living God'. He is the same God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, of Ruth and Esther..and Paul...and He still has a heart that beats for his people and for the lost...As such, he still desires to communicate to us a real and tangible guide us and to direct us. Usually He does this through making his Word come alive to us. But some times, He can have a specific word or message that He wants to speak to us for the day and age and the moment in which we live ( and of course this will never contradict his revealed Biblical revelation)

Sometimes it seems that we could learn a lot about questions such as, 'How does God communicate?' by looking at how God operates during times of Revival...As Duncan Campbell, a pastor used of God during the Hebrides Revival, put it.. revivals are times when "God comes down". So how does God act during times such as these.. ?

The following web page gives an account of what God did during this glorious revival, in Campbell's own words:

Please notice dear friends, some of the things Campbell writes about that deal with how God communicates during these special times when his Spirit is poured out...

Duncan Campbell writes:

"Two old women, one of them 84 years of age and the other 82-one of them stone blind, were greatly burdened because of the appalling state of their own parish......

".....They were so burdened that both of them decided to spend so much time in prayer twice a week"

Duncan Campbell writes further :

....."One night, one of the sisters had a vision. Now remember, in revival, God works in wonderful ways. A vision came to one of them, and in the vision she saw the church of her fathers crowded with young people. Packed to the doors, and a strange minister standing in the pulpit. And she was so impressed by the vision that she sent for the parish minister. And of course he knowing the two sisters, knowing that they were two women who knew God in a wonderful way, he responded to their invitation and called at the cottage"

(Sometimes during Revivals God will 'speak' through visions. And of course this vision came to pass and Duncan Campbell was the strange minister foretold by the ladies' vision)

There's another example of how God spoke to these 2 precious sisters....When they became convinced that Duncan Campbell was the man God was choosing as a human instrument to use in the Revival, they had their church send a letter to request Duncan Campbell to come to their island. Unfortunately, he was already engaged in preaching and evangelism on the island of Skye...So he told the ladies he couldn't come.

To this the ladies responded ,"...that is what man is saying. But God has said something else and he will be here within a fortnight" ( And this is just what happened...Duncan Campbell cancelled his other engagement and came to their island to preach)

( It seems like the question that needs to be asked here : Did God 'speak' something into the hearts of these 2 older ladies..that caused them to make such a bold prediction...?)

These and other examples from Revivals show  us that God still does miracles today and He  still communicates to us in a very personal way at times. Praise God!!

I love the verse that lead those 2 ladies to pray and to lay hold of God's promises as they did:

"I will pour water on him that is thirsty and floods upon the dry ground."  Isaiah 44:3


 2020/4/5 16:01Profile

Joined: 2007/2/8
Posts: 2227

 Re: Does God still speak to us today?

Hi Needhim,
You know when I posted that I wrongly assumed that almost all born again ,spirit fillid Christians did think that God speaks to them today.
A few points to consider
1 How do we know we are saved unless God enlightens us or tells us.The bible is just words until God highlights or lifts something off the page for us.
2 If God doesnt communicate with us then how can we say God is a personal saviour or a friend.
3 If God's Holy Spirit is in my Spirit how can he not communicate with us?
4:Its almost impossible for meetings to operate if we dont have this verse.Without revelation all we have is ritual.

1 Corinthians 14:26 What then shall we say, brothers? When .
When you come together, each of you has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, ... When you meet for worship, one person has a hymn, another a teaching, another a ... Speak to one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs

5:Why would I ever listen to a teacher who just reads from the bible without revelation in their teaching otherwise they are only rehashing someone else's explanation without getting insight from God
God is the same today as yesterday ,unchanging and he revealed and talked to people in the old testament ,how much more then when all the barriers to God have been obliterated by Jesus and he went and the Holy Spirit was sent.
I understand the divisions in the body regarding the obvious things like Post or Pre ,Salvation once saved or not ,can a Christian have a demon etc but if we are truly saying God cant give a message of repentance or a message of encouragement or edification to a person individually then all the other problems with Theology are like a grain of sand ... staff

 2020/4/5 21:03Profile

Joined: 2005/2/24
Posts: 3422

 Re: Staff

If some believe that God doesn't communicate with us, I would like to know who's leading them. Also if God doesn't communicate with us, and everything he ever wanted us to know is in his word, well then, why would he need to even communicate with us, it's in his word already, we could just read the Bible. The God I know, we have a personal relationship, I talk to him and he talks to me all the time, if the only communication we had with God was in reading his word, why would we need his spirit to come into us.

God is not a man, He is a living spirit, it's through the spirit of a woman or man that we communicate with God. Once our spirit is made alive again through the born-again experience we can now know, see and experience the things of the spirit. I personally believe, the Holy Spirit is co-equal with God the Father and God the Son and is of the same essence. Scripture describes the Holy Spirit in personal terms, not as an impersonal force, when it says that He teaches, guides, comforts and intercedes, He possesses emotions, intellect and will.

Personally, I believe God even speaks to the unbeliever, the Holy Spirit plays a major role in the application of salvation to the individual, it is the Spirit who brings conviction to the unbeliever and causes him to see the truth of the gospel in a clear light.


 2020/4/5 22:10Profile

Joined: 2006/9/16
Posts: 2753



If it is this David you are speaking of the very last thing I wanted to do was put you under condemnation for posting. If my wording or whatever was wrong in anything I said it surely wasn't my intent. Just the opposite. If I have done a wrong here how can I undo it?

David Winter

 2020/4/6 0:21Profile

Joined: 2020/2/12
Posts: 393


Some good comments from John.
Just a few points to clarify
I never said God can't speak in any other ways.
I said that stuff is free to believe that God has given him those words.
I also said that we have no obligation to accept it.

Every word in the Bible is inspired by God and therefore true.If someone hears words that are not in the Bible then I will make the decision myself if they are from God or not.
Nobody can tell me i should accept them as perfect words from god.

The Bereans searched Scripture daily.
It is extremely important to know scripture and to test everything.
But most Christians don't care that EP changed God's word when he wrote the Message.
Something to think about (Genesis 3:1)

May this help some other Bereans to see the utmost importance of God's word.
I will not continue in this discussion, time is too short, we are now on the way to Babylon

Will still try and write about the Gospel.
Then I will decide if I should spend more time here or not.

 2020/4/6 3:37Profile

Joined: 2005/2/24
Posts: 3422

 Re: David

David, it's been a sort of busy day, so I just went back reread your words, and there was nothing wrong in what you said. If you see my response, you will see that I said "Thank you Brother David, I appreciate your edifying and encouraging post. God Bless!"

I guess when I reread it again later on, "when I was really tired" I got a different take, I'm very sorry. I will edit my post on this thread.


 2020/4/6 3:42Profile

Joined: 2005/2/24
Posts: 3422


deogloria said:"If someone hears words that are not in the Bible then I will make the decision myself if they are from God or not. Nobody can tell me i should accept them as perfect words from god."

I totally understand this, not one of us has to accept the words that someone told us God spoke to them, thats a given. I think the issue was, your disagreement/doubt when you probably just should have said nothing, but us Christians we like to debate. :-) By the way, I hear words from God everyday "that are not in the Bible" as he leads me in his personal will for my life.

I said this in my post on the other thread:
"I've came to the conclusion long ago, that I will never personally disagree/debate anything someone says the Lord spoke to them, why? because I'm not supernatural. Also I have a free will to ponder this within, and pray about, and let the Spirit guide me."


 2020/4/6 4:04Profile

Joined: 2006/9/16
Posts: 2753


No problem MrBillPro. I did see that other positivd reply from you. I'm not even sure you need to delete
anything. Thank you for your response.


David Winter

 2020/4/6 4:41Profile

Joined: 2011/10/21
Posts: 2009
Dothan, Alabama

 Re: Does God still speak to us today?

Especially for the “reformed” brethren here on SI, tho all can enjoy the message-


 2020/4/6 6:39Profile

Joined: 2005/2/24
Posts: 3422


Ok, this is the God's honest truth, I have no clue what the meaning of a “reformed” brethren is, could someone please explain this to me in the simplest terms, I would sincerely appreciate it. Thanks Bill


 2020/4/6 9:20Profile

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