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Joined: 2002/12/11
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 Corona and the Cross by Roy Daniel (South Africa)

Bible answers & facts concerning mass deaths due to pandemics, disasters, war & persecution - in secular history & the bible.

From 02 - 07 April the Kindle E book is Free to all. However the 7th it will be $4.99, so please get it for free, while you can, at the following link

The Paperback format is available, at the following link

This book is a compelling history of pandemics, wars, natural and human-made disasters, as well as persecution and famine. The author packed the book with information from both secular History and the Bible in an understandable way. 'Corona and the Cross' gives examples of how revival broke out shortly after tragedies in History. It provides answers to many of the questions men have about disasters in light of God and the Bible. There are excellent illustrations for sermons, phenomenal concepts for discussion, and precise answers to confusion. 

After an exciting introductory Chapter, Chapter 2 deals with the most significant pandemics of secular history in light of Christianity and the Bible. Chapter 3 deals with the worst famines of History and Chapter 4 with the deadliest wars. Chapter 5 examines the reason for all this in light of the fall of Adam. It has powerful concepts to use in sermons and conversations. Chapter 6 dives in-depth into the actual famines and plagues of scripture. It gives powerful ideas in scripture to provoke thought. Chapter 7 is a bonus in that it deals with a seeming contradiction in scripture. It shows how Christ is more significant than Solomon (as described in scripture) in riches and peace and how we can explain simply how this can become part of our lives. 

Roy Daniel is the author of various books translated into many languages in both Africa, Europe, and the Americas. He is an Evangelist and Bible teacher who preaches in different conservative Evangelical churches, schools, conferences, prisons, mission stations, and Bible Colleges. He is also a preacher on the radio and television. 
Email [email protected]

Forward by Keith Daniel:
Although God has mercifully honored me in many ways as a preacher for over fifty years, one of the greatest kindnesses he ever bestowed upon my wife and I, was to have blessed us in giving us a son, such as Roy who from a young age gave himself unreservedly to Him. His zealous, uncompromising preaching in pulpits across the world has wrought astonishing fruit. His first book on ‘Forgiveness’ impacted multitudes of lives. This, his second book written at a time when the world fearfully faces the ‘corona virus’, is truly relevant and sheds significant and meaningful light with a detailed survey of many world crises’ in history which amazingly resulted in widespread revivals. I believe that this book will be of great significance not only to individual Christians, but also to the Evangelical Church world-wide at this time.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2020/4/2 8:51Profile

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