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Joined: 2007/2/8
Posts: 2227

 A Word Of Prophetic Encouragemnt:Where Does This Stop(Coronavirus)? It Stops On The Threshing Floor!

Dear Friends,
I was sitting up in my bed with the laptop a couple of days ago and I heard from the Lord regarding Coronavirus .

Where does this Stop ??It Stops on the Threshing Floor.
Its Meaning?

David Counted the people and the Plague stopped at the Threshing floor!
The Threshing floor is a place where
1:The Plague Stops
2:Its A Place Of Harvest
3:Its A Place of Seperation (Wheat from Chaff)Good from Evil
4:Its A Place of Sacrifice .David bought the threshing floor and sacrificed
5:Ultimately Jesus was Sacrificed in the same Spot in Jerusalem built on the Threshing floor AT PASSOVER

Important Conclusion:
If we bypass steps 2,3 and 4 as important as they still are we see that the Coronavirus ,the plague stops with Jesus and his Sacrifice on the Threshing floor.You see sickness and disease always has to stop with Jesus at passover.
Ladies and Gentleman Brothers and Sisters in Christ Passover is just around the corner ,hopefully this answers the When will it stop also.Lets Pray for a miracle and a dramatic breakthrough from heaven this Passover,
I hope you are encouraged as I was encouraged and Pray for our Nations,
yours staff

 2020/3/31 22:32Profile

Joined: 2003/7/31
Posts: 2850
Phoenix, Arizona USA

 Re: A Word Of Prophetic Encouragemnt:Where Does This Stop(Coronavirus)? It Stops On T

Thanks for the encouragement!

Passover this year begins at sundown on Wednesday April 8th. Traditionally, Seder meals are celebrated on the first and second nights. Jesus was crucified on Passover day and we celebrate Resurrection Day on Sunday April 12th.

In Christ,

Ron Halverson

 2020/4/1 10:27Profile

Joined: 2006/9/16
Posts: 2753

 Re: A Word Of Prophetic Encouragemnt:Where Does This Stop(Coronavirus)? It Stops On T

Thank you also for this word.

Blessings to you.

David Winter

 2020/4/1 13:36Profile

Joined: 2020/2/12
Posts: 393


"After supper he took another cup of wine and said, “This cup is the new covenant between God and his people—an agreement confirmed with my blood, which is poured out as a sacrifice for you..."Luke 22:20 NLT
We are under a new covenant,- a new agreement.
Old traditions and specific dates have no meaning for me because:

My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus Christ, my righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand,
All other ground is sinking sand.

 2020/4/1 15:32Profile

Joined: 2007/2/8
Posts: 2227


Hi Deo,
I guess what I am saying is that "Jesus shed his blood on the threshing floor" and thats where this ends on the Threshing floor.
Jewish religous dates still have significance but not in a way that they need to be observed by the Christian in any sort of religous sense.They dont, we are redeemed by one sacrifice once and for all.But the dates still have significance to God and he may chose for instance to point to the importance of passover so as to highlight again the Sacrifice of Jesus to the world and the power he has over plague and disease.

The Coronavirus ends on the Threshing Floor,staff

 2020/4/1 18:15Profile

Joined: 2007/2/8
Posts: 2227


Hi Just one other point,
We still need to isolate and social distance.The fact that their are still Christian gatherings going on in places including parts of the USA is craziness not faith.We are also called to be good stewards and holding gatherings is the height of stupidity ,is selfish and a bad witness,
Jesus will stop this virus on the Threshing floor and we can pray for that miracle from our own closet!Go into your closet to pray! urs staff

 2020/4/2 10:36Profile

Joined: 2012/2/8
Posts: 6650


My mom, who is the only person I know who always embodies Phil 4:8, told me the other day she was praying that this plague would leave as fast as the plagues left Egypt. When my mom says things like that I listen, so I have been praying that too.


 2020/4/2 15:51Profile

Joined: 2007/2/8
Posts: 2227


I Love your mom!Hopefully that will be so.
A woman who prophesised very accurately about Brexit said that April would bring an antidote which looks unlikely now but God is in the unlikely business.British American Tabbacco said they have a vaccine going to clinical trials
It will probably kill Corona and make you addicted to tabbaccol for life !
Thank God for your Mom

 2020/4/2 16:36Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


"US deaths just crossed 6,000. Regardless of whether u follow consipiracy theories, or government blame; regardless of whether u refuse to see this as God's judgement; and refuse to humble yourself before Him; u refuse to fear the Lord. this is 6,000 families, 6,000 souls out into eternity hastily. Church should arise and respond rightly in seeking the Lord for mercy from His wrath; laboring for lost family members to get saved. For in a few weeks, it will be all our families, it may be you and it may be me facing this death plague." - Dan Biser

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2020/4/3 5:39Profile

Joined: 2007/2/8
Posts: 2227


I put a post up giving hope.I put up a prophetic word I got from the Lord .
The Word is very clear and very accurate.

"Where will this end ?
It will end on the threshing floor!"

It shows that the coronavirus ends with Jesus via the place of Sacrifice the threshing floor.

What you have said may be accurate but it really doesnt seem to apply to the post I put up or show any connection to the post that I can see except Covid 19.
This ends on the Threshing Floor,
Yours staff

 2020/4/3 7:16Profile

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