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Joined: 2011/8/14
Posts: 1148

“In Time Like This”
Gbile Akanni

.... My Grace is sufficient for thee,
..Grace is that only help that The Lord gives us to overcome all things.... it is that provision that The Lord has made for us to overcome.
It works with our heart to give us direction and the strength to do it.
We are not sufficient on our own.
Steven had this Grace ,.. the enablement to go all the way through (not caving midway) and out the other side still in The Lord,.. saving to the utter most.
Pray:The Lord will pour out His Grace
on the people of the whole earth abundantly 🙏
.....cannot come except He draw us,... (The Spirit of Grace)
Grace:*The Devine influence upon the heart,...
(The hearing of The Word,.. the hearing of this drawing)
*And it’s reflection in the Life,....
(The doing of that Word, or drawing)
Grace, more grace, Lord


 2020/3/24 16:14Profile

Joined: 2011/10/21
Posts: 2009
Dothan, Alabama


Sister Elizabeth you have, again, brought out and shared a word that perfectly fits the season that is upon us !!!
Great 10 min excerpt- pregnant with the stuff of life... GRACE & TRUTH 🙏🏻

Thank you so much for posting this-
Had saved it the day you posted and just this morning finally got to enjoy it, gonna send and share with my brethren:)


 2020/3/28 8:01Profile

Joined: 2011/8/14
Posts: 1148


Praise God, my brother,
I am ever so thankful !!

I pray it will bless many more, as also it did me.

I wonder how that brother is fairing there in Nigeria now, with all the commotion going on now in all parts of the world.
...... quite a stirring.

Always a blessing to hear from you,


 2020/3/28 15:49Profile

Joined: 2011/10/21
Posts: 2009
Dothan, Alabama

 Re: Dear Sister

I’m sure he is as certain of Gods faithfulness as he ever was:)
His word is forever settled in heaven and since that is our foundation we can’t be moved or shaken 😇

Honestly I’d imagine the endless persecution of Christians in Nigeria is a far greater threat than a media created hysteria over the flu - and in either case one thing is for certain, this didn’t surprise the Lord ;)

Glad to know you are doing so well and I hope to enjoy my “staycation” as the state required me to close my business as of today so I’m looking forward to what the Lord has in store :))) it should be not only fruitful but interesting as one thing He has never been is boring 🙏🏻


 2020/3/28 17:34Profile

Joined: 2011/8/14
Posts: 1148


I am sending out an urgent request, to everyone that has a voice to pray.
The whole earth is in a time of great need.....!!

This plague , as we know has come upon nation after nation, both the rich and the poor.

What is The Lord trying to say ??
He, it is who knows when any and all sparrows that fall to the ground, ... and every hair of our head tallied up constantly and knowing the number of it instantly,.. He is ever awear of this situation and has the answer.
Haven’t we been using our own voice,.. our own word,.. our will,..
in absolute defiance of His Voice ,Word, Will ?
We have got by it so long, that we thought it might just get by,.. slide on since He has been so long suffering with us.
I was thinking on the Bro Staff, on the post, .. he brought up the post about The Lord stopping this plague at the threshingfloor,... I found it to be interesting,.. but I do not know, .. The Lord has not told me.
But as I thought on David,.. The Lord told him not to number the people.
But what did David do,... ? He went with his own voice, word,will, instead of The Lords , and The Lord sent a plague on the people ,..until..?

So man has went in ‘his own’ ways, no matter how blatant until now,.. this very day. ( some different than others)


Please pray for The ‘GRACE’ of God to fall upon the people of the whole earth,....

We cannot even desire to COME TO THE LORD,except by This Grace / His Grace draw us.

(Remember at the beginning when He ( this Grace) drew you,...)
This enffluence upon your heart to turn to / to follow Him? ( Grace)

So please , will you help me pray for a lost dying and rebellious world ? ,.. and also each other ?

Now is the time to pray.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


 2020/4/4 23:29Profile

Joined: 2005/1/9
Posts: 1522
Germany NRW


Powerful word. Gbile Akanni nailed it again!

 2020/4/6 6:07Profile

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