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docs Member

Joined: 2006/9/16 Posts: 2753
| Re: | | quickly
5035 taxý (an adjective, used adverbially, and derived from 5036 /taxýs, "promptly") – properly, swift (quick), without unnecessary delay; used of God's promptness characterizing how He has ordered all physical scenes of life to happen on His perfect timetable without unnecessary "delay" (Rev 1:1, 22:6).
[5035 (taxý) does not mean "immediately" or necessarily "in a very short time" but rather "without any delay."]
So, I think the word carries with it the connotation that on God's timetable, when the proper time in God's ordering of all things has arrived, Christ will come again quickly without any unnecessary delays. From the definition given, it does not seem to mean very near in the future a very short time after He spoke it.
_________________ David Winter
2020/3/26 20:12 | Profile |
TMK Member

Joined: 2012/2/8 Posts: 6650 NC, USA
| Re: | | //From the definition given, it does not seem to mean very near in the future a very short time after He spoke it.//
Obviously. But any suggestion that right now in March 2020 all of a sudden “quickly” DOES mean “very soon” seems dubious at best. Of course it will be sooner to now than it was 2000 years ago. _________________ Todd
2020/3/26 20:21 | Profile |
Sree Member

Joined: 2011/8/20 Posts: 1953
| Re: | | Quote:
So, I think the word carries with it the connotation that on God's timetable, when the proper time in God's ordering of all things has arrived, Christ will come again quickly without any unnecessary delays. Therefore, it does not seem to mean very near in the future after He spoke it.
That is a right interpretation. Jesus did not say 'I am coming soon', instead he said he is coming quickly. Which means when the time is right his coming will be so quick that there will not be anytime to set things right. So it is better to set it right now when we have time. WHich means we live with clear conscience towards God and man. _________________ Sreeram
2020/3/26 20:27 | Profile |
Washad1 Member

Joined: 2018/12/12 Posts: 17
| Re: | | I just want the church to be ready and her membership pure however and whenever they meet the Master. Thank you David for the powerful reminder that our help comes from the Lord. |
2020/3/26 21:02 | Profile |
JFW Member

Joined: 2011/10/21 Posts: 2009 Dothan, Alabama
| Re: | | / this is a merciful wake up call to the Church to fast, pray, repent, and evangelize. Now it is time, it is high time that we awake out of sleep. /
That we can agree on :)
Still it’s a leap to say God caused this to bring judgement on the ungodly...
For example; on an average year the US experiences approx 40 million flu “infections” with over 25,000 deaths - just two years ago over 65,000,000 Americans got the flu and over 80,000 died- These numbers which just include the USA dwarf the current Global numbers of coronavirus and yet not even a Chuckie-Cheese was closed much less the whole world being “shutdown” with national guard being deployed to all 54 territories and both boarders closed and international flights suspended all for some flu like symptoms??!!!
So why, when the average death toll from an average flu season just in the US exceed the current global numbers of coronavirus, is the “regular” flu not also considered Gods judgment on the ungodly?? I mean it kills and effectively “judges” far more prolifically... 🤔
Could it be that the “fear porn” hype machine that is mainstream media has created a hysteria around this virus that is far more damaging than the virus could ever hope to be?
Which is why I keep asking - has anyone personally heard from the Lord on this?
As it seems we are all (for the most part) reacting to the “bad report” and not responding to the “promise” to the “better word” our Lord so graciously offers His children -
Remember how He says He is gonna divide the sheep from the goats...? Well goats will eat anything - Sheep need to be led to pastures -
We would do well to limit our intake/consumption of worldly news report for we know the “god of this world” is a liar,... and we would do well to keep “our oil” filled in the lamp of faith by regularly consuming the Word- least our bridegroom call and we missed it being distracted with the cares and concerns of the world :/
“Lord I found your word and I ate it”
You are what you eat ;)
_________________ Fletcher
2020/3/26 21:16 | Profile |
docs Member

Joined: 2006/9/16 Posts: 2753
| Re: Washad1 | | You get my point bro. Below is a portion of President Trump's letter today to governors.
“Together we are proving that no challenge can match the indomitable strength, ingenuity, and determination of the American people,” Trump wrote.
docs: I think what he means is it is guaranteed that if we put our heads and efforts together and we will get through this. It's guaranteed because we are Americans. This is what bothers me. Meanwhile, I haven't heard one voice from the conservative movement or whatever it is mention God one time during this whole thing. A national confession and breaking of our pride would be a good thing at this point it seems.
_________________ David Winter
2020/3/26 21:28 | Profile |
JFW Member

Joined: 2011/10/21 Posts: 2009 Dothan, Alabama
| Re: brother David (Docs) | | You wrote; “I haven’t heard one voice from the conservative movement or whatever it is mention God one time during this whole thing” Ok now that’s just either laziness or deliberate.... neither gets a prize - This literally took a few minutes to pull up via a search so either you didn’t look for it or you didn’t want to find it.... Because your above statement lays a hefty charge -
Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump It is my great honor to declare Sunday, March 15th as a National Day of Prayer. We are a Country that, throughout our history, has looked to God for protection and strength in times like these....
374K 5:54 PM - Mar 13, 2020
While I understand our current POTUS may not be up to your standards,... he’s done more in 3 years to restore this nation than any other president in the past 100 years... and that’s something we can definitely give credit to God for 🙏🏻😇
_________________ Fletcher
2020/3/26 21:57 | Profile |
docs Member

Joined: 2006/9/16 Posts: 2753
| Re: | | Every President of the last few decades has likely signed off on these national days of prayer. It's part of the thing you do when you are President. President Obama likely did it.
I'm very thankful to this day President Trump has been allowed to be in charge of our nation right now instead of another President Clinton. He got my vote. He governs as a CEO who wants results and not political talk with no action. Yet what President, even this one, has had the courage to stand up and openly and unashamedly say that our national pride needs to be broken before any true restoration of the country can take place? I admit I'm likely spoiled to a degree in wanting to see this. Meanwhile at the church I attend, we pray for this President regularly. _________________ David Winter
2020/3/26 22:33 | Profile |
JFW Member

Joined: 2011/10/21 Posts: 2009 Dothan, Alabama
| Re: | | Yeah but ummm... you said you hadn’t heard a conservative mention “God” one time in all this - well now you have :) And it was the President of the United States that did it and did so in a sincere way with the intent to unite our nation around the concept of looking to God for help 🙏🏻
Not to mention what all his administration has done to remove drug cartels, corporate and political corruption as well as substantial damage to global and domestic human and child traffickers- when you look at the numbers of arrests, resignations, etc... its astonishing! Especially considering he’s constantly being attacked by a groups of godless, baby killing, transgender promoting, Christ hating, child trafficking, corrupt people who don’t want (for the most part) to be delivered from their sin - the celebrate it with lavishness and what’s more their master - the Media- opposes all things good and godly not to mention perpetually spreading lies and misinformation is his biggest critic for attempting to restore this nations moral foundations and not kowtowing to their agenda no matter how hard they try to shame him for not going along with it ! They are the ones creating a frenzy around the corona virus and desperately trying to stop what’s coming for them ... it won’t work ! The virus is real and the threat is real but the reaction is manufactured and the numbers sited in my previous post clearly reveal this-
We are being presented with an amazing opportunity for our Lord to be publicly magnified by our faith in Him, displayed by the Joy, peace, comfort and rest that only He can provide:) we have the ability to help untold numbers come to faith in Christ and be welcomed into His Kingdom but that is only going to happen if we are beholding Him - The world is watching, looking, wanting an answer... let us be instant in and out of season to give an answer for our Hope 🙏🏻
_________________ Fletcher
2020/3/26 23:13 | Profile |
docs Member

Joined: 2006/9/16 Posts: 2753
| Re: | | Like I said, I'm glad he has been allowed to be in charge of this nation right now. Truth be told, in the hustle and bustle going about these days I seemed to have missed his March 15 declaration of a day of prayer. Perhaps I just wasn't keeping up closely with things right then or either the media just didn't cover it. There's not a thing this President can do to satisfy his critics in the media. Journalism really doesn't exist in this country anymore in my opinion. President Trump said the main thing we weren't prepared for in this crisis was the media. The Governor in Minnesota where I now reside has called for a shut down beginning tonight at 12 PM. So after work today I'm coming home until April 10. I'll be isolating and hopefully spend time with the Lord in self examination and trying to keep His word before me.
Many years ago when I lived in North Florida I visited Dothan once or twice and once was when I was in a Chrisitian meeting there. It is a nice city and I pray divine protection and the best for all of you there.
Thank you.
_________________ David Winter
2020/3/27 5:16 | Profile |