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Washad1 Member
Joined: 2018/12/12 Posts: 17
| Re: | | We are wise in our own eyes. We know what causes earthquakes so they are not of God. We know what causes tornadoes so they are not of God. We know what causes disease so this is not of God. We know about Gods love so His anger will not be kindled. We know about Gods grace so His judgment has to pass us by. We know the outward appearance of frailty so the hardened heart inside does not need to be touched. And even if a person were to conceed all these things we "know" how dare anyone even imply that God could use these natural things to bring man back to Himself. How cruel! No. We know better. We can't see ourselves doing it so we can't imagine the Lord doing it. In doing this we become idolators, creating a god in our own image, hardening our heart, and positioning ourselves as the judge of right and wrong. I plead with the Church in America and the world. Please wake up. We should not judge the Lord we should judge ourselves that we be not judged. We must stop accusing God to excuse ourselves. Jesus message, Repent! Must be heeded today and now. Before it is too late because one day it will be.
2020/3/26 12:18 | Profile |
mynameisMark Member
Joined: 2010/2/28 Posts: 14
| Re: | | Washad1,
Is this an indirect reply to my post? If so I would rather you do so directly and actually address my points, rather than write general assertions.
You wrote
"We know the outward appearance of frailty so the hardened heart inside does not need to be touched."
If this is reference to what I put about my frail old grandmother, then you have the wrong end of the stick. My Grandmother is a very godly woman who prays for me every day. She is anything but hard hearted.
I am not accusing God and excusing myself - I confess my sins often, and do my best to continually repent. I'm not even denying God's sovereignty over all of this.
My main point is that if we are to say this epidemic is completely the judgement of God (and I do not believe it is), then it does not seem fair or just as the sickness (and the negative economic impact) will have the worst effect on the old, already ill, vulnerable, poor and needy. These are the very people that scripture exhorts us to love and uphold (and some of the prophets even warned of God's punishment for neglecting these people). |
2020/3/26 13:55 | Profile |
Gloryandgrace Member
Joined: 2017/7/14 Posts: 1165 Snoqualmie, WA
| Re: | | Hi Mark: Washad 1 make a good point, namely, if we can connect a materialist answer to any occurrence God is removed by reason of 'the natural events preceding', this demands no supernatural explanation. It's really a humanist model to frame every situation so that humans need only resort to human means and intellect to overcome the situation.
But readers of scripture do not find this model for interpreting such events. What we do find is God in the middle of it all and his own explanations for it's occurrence or non-occurrence.
Every Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Philistine can consult their mediums, counselors and wise-men and obtain the answer most suiting their itching ears. But the Christian does not look at events outside of the Sovereign hand of God, it is not right to blame God for every evil that comes upon the world...nor is it right to dismiss God when evil befalls individuals or a nation.
The answer has always been insight into scripture and much prayer. The answer of 'why'? God permits this or that can be leveled at God for every single event, as we all know, Covid 19 is only one disease and just how many more can be added so as to either blame God, justify God or remove God as we see fit.
But let's not do as we see fit, let us realize whether we know God be the cause directly or indirectly, the Christian has been sent into the world to preach the gospel and minister to all. This means even if God were judging men or women...does not exclude them whatsoever from our prayers, faith and love toward God for their healing and deliverance.
_________________ Marvin
2020/3/26 14:40 | Profile |
Sree Member
Joined: 2011/8/20 Posts: 1953
| Re: | | I saw another pride in me during this time. Being a guy in his mid 30s, I was confident that I will survive the virus even if infected. But God later showed me, that I need to put my trust in God not in my age or fitness.
2 Cor 1:10 - He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and He will deliver us. In Him we have placed our hope that He will yet again deliver us, _________________ Sreeram
2020/3/26 15:33 | Profile |
JFW Member
Joined: 2011/10/21 Posts: 2009 Dothan, Alabama
| Re: anyone willing? | | Had asked this earlier in another thread and got..... crickets-
Perhaps it will garner a response in this one, has anyone here on SI received any direct confirmation and/or mention about this virus from the Lord Himself while in prayer?
_________________ Fletcher
2020/3/26 16:16 | Profile |
Washad1 Member
Joined: 2018/12/12 Posts: 17
| Re: mynameismark | | Mark. No this was not a post to disparage you grandma. This virus and most unpleasant things hurt vulnerable, frail, sickly, immunocompromised, etc. Frail seemed appropriate as it includes all of the above. The last paragraph was who this was addressed to: you, me, us, we. The Church. Many pastors are bending over backwards to absolve God of any part in this event and others like it. Its just sad that people are in danger of death, physical and spiritual and many visible "celebrity" pastors are offering them a shot of spiritual morphine to deaden the personal and national conscience the Lord could be trying to awaken.
My apologies if this post or the other hurt anyone. I have many loved ones, elderly and otherwise health compromised who are in danger. My view has always been the church at large so I speak in a general sense. |
2020/3/26 16:22 | Profile |
Washad1 Member
Joined: 2018/12/12 Posts: 17
| Re: anyone willing? | | Fletcher, My experience with the Lord specifically concerning this is as follows. As it was becoming apparent that the virus was going to become more widespread in the U.S. many were mimimizing the impact it would have. It was only in washington at the time and confined to a nursing home there. On that day I walked by a tv in the break room at work and saw that the largest earthquake in its history had hit salt lake city. I distinctly felt the Lord say "are you still going home to watch tv?" My impression is that this is a merciful wake up call to the Church to fast, pray, repent, and evangelize. Now it is time, it is high time that we awake out of sleep. For now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.
2020/3/26 17:22 | Profile |
TMK Member
Joined: 2012/2/8 Posts: 6650 NC, USA
| Re: | | //For now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.//
This is true for every second that has passed for the past 2000 years. _________________ Todd
2020/3/26 17:56 | Profile |
Washad1 Member
Joined: 2018/12/12 Posts: 17
| Re: | | TMK. And will continue to be so until the Lord appears. It won't be long according to Jesus. To quote the King "surely I come quickly." Amen. |
2020/3/26 18:49 | Profile |
TMK Member
Joined: 2012/2/8 Posts: 6650 NC, USA
| Re: | | //To quote the King "surely I come quickly." Amen.//
Define “quickly.” _________________ Todd
2020/3/26 19:26 | Profile |