How do you evangelise during a lockdown
_________________Dominic Shiells
I go into the jails and they have stopped visitors going into the jails for at least 4 weeks. I asked the Lord, 'what do i do now?'He let me know that I am to prepare by turning off my TV and spending more of MY time in HIS word and spending time in worship with HIM and fasting.So when it's time to go back, I go back in victory, with an arsenal that I never had before!!!!!!!!!!!That is what He showed me, so that when this is over, whether it lasts two weeks or two months, we come out stronger IN HIM than we went in!!I'm excited about this time with my Savior!!!Lisa
Preach it Sister!
_________________J Kruger
Yes, it seems that this is a wake up call to many that while we could have we should have been witnessing more. Of course God affords some opportunities, but try handing out a tract now to people they feel like you are trying to hurt them ie the virus could be passed. As the sister alluded to, its time to be revived ourselves and be ready in and out of season as God will open doors again for us to share more easily. This reminds me of the chinese believers who witnessed before persecution and during. But of course it is easier to witness before strong persecution starts.I recommend highly this message to check our spiritual levels where we are with the Lord, it is featured on the SI frontpage right now:The Spiritual Declension of the Soul by Michael Durham
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon