I'm amazed at how much the flesh tries to get in the way. The flesh does not like going into your prayer closet and setting aside serious time for God and seeking His face. It gets restless and begins to suggest you could be doing other things. Every conceivable and unrelated thought that can be imagined goes through my mind so as to distract me and cause me to give up on the effort of seeking the Lord. I have often envied those spiritual great ones who spoke about their extended times with God being the best thing they do and saw it as the best bit of advice they could give to other saints. GO AND SERIOUSLY PRAY! Now I know how they must have struggled to learn this spiritual exercise of shutting away one's self with God and no matter what came sticking to it. It's not so easy at this point but I sincerely want and need to do it. Help me Holy Ghost who desires it for me more than I desire it for myself. Help us to pray O Lord as never before. What we are facing in our own life and what the times are bringing on us all require it. Bless each and every saint here with this gift of solitude and being shut in with you disregarding all else. Help us O Lord!
_________________David Winter