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Joined: 2020/2/19
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 I Fear God


I Fear God

*Then Joseph put them all in prison for three days. Now Joseph said to them on the third day, “Do this and [you may] live, for I fear God: Genesis 42:17-18 Amplified Bible Version*

The Bible says "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." What's the beginning of wisdom? Some people would say its the grace of God, well no wonder a lot of believers sitting even in our meetings, after 6 years have not quite grown. The fear of the Lord is the ABC of the Christian life. I see a lot of believers who talk about the grace of God and have no clue about the fear of God. It's just like going from kindergarten to college. A lot of believers are in college who didn't go through nursery. Joseph didn't know the grace of God, in fact, nobody was under grace in the Old Testament, but he could run away from a woman that tempted him everyday. Why could he do that? He said "I fear God." He didn't say "Oh its becos I understand grace."

I believe in the grace of God, in fact, you will be defeated all your life without grace. But the grace of God is like Ph.d compared to the fear of God. The fear of God is common entrance exam, and a lot of so called believers haven't written common entrance; they get saved today and by tomorrow they are talking about the grace of God. You see, you can store up knowledge in your head that hasn't worked in your life. Please listen to me because after 12 years of been a believer, I think I can teach you this. I lived a defeated life because I didn't understand the fear of God. My concern is that a lot of ignorant believers are turning the grace of God into lasciviousness.

*Jude 1:4 For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.*

If Joseph could overcome sexual temptation without having the Holy Spirit, why is it that we have all the Holy Spirit we need and we are still defeated by the same old sins? I can give you one diagnosis, it's because we skipped 2X2=4 to 2²≤–4y, we have left 2 plus two for geometry. Do you know why geometry is hard for so many people? It's because they didn't have a proper understanding of 2X2. See the many preachers in the world who are preaching grace, and see how their members live at home, defeated! defeated! defeated! One reason, they come every Sunday and all they hear is "God loves you, He is not mad when you sin, when you sin confess your righteousness." I'm surprised people sit down every Sunday eating leftovers. I'm not against any preacher of grace, because we preach perfecting holiness through grace.

Let me tell you the truth, God is actually mad with your sins, when you sin don't only confess your righteousness, but weep and repent from it. God loves us brothers and sisters, that's very true. He is mad with our sins but He loves us. We should be driven to please Him because of His love to us. Grace is not God pampering our sins, Grace actually means power to overcome sin. If sin still has dominion over you, there is one reason for that; you are not under grace, I beg you in Jesus name don't deceive yourself. I had to humble myself and say to the Lord "I'm not under grace, sin is having dominion over me." God exalts the humble and I believe He exalted me above sin. The Holy Spirit is also called "the Spirit of the fear of the Lord", see Isaiah 11:2-3. Let us pray

*Dear Lord. Thank you for reminding us in such a powerful way through your word. We are determined to do our classes properly. Put in everyone your fear and give us light on your grace in Jesus name, Amen!*

_Prayer request: Lord baptise every GraceWorld member and our online followers with the Spirit of the fear of the Lord._

Joseph Bourdilon

Joseph Bourdilon

 2020/2/28 4:12Profile

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