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Joined: 2005/7/4
Posts: 21
Fresno, CA

 Over 100 thousand go to hell daily!

This has been absolutely staggering to me! . . .

I came across [url=]this website[/url] that has a ticker counting off the people who are dying based on the fact that 150,000 people die in the world everyday. (It's about half way down the page on the right.)

I was curious if this was accurate so I did a little of my own research and calculations. Another reference ([url=]this website[/url]) confirmed the number of 150,000. If you divide 150,000 by the number of seconds in the day (86,400) you get 1.7 deaths per second. If you look at the counter, you can easily see that it counts off about 2 per second (or 10 in 5 seconds).

And according to [url=]this webpage[/url], the world is only 7% protestant. Even if we were to say that the world is 33% (or one third) born again believers (which is VERY unlikely), then how many of the 150,000 that die daily are saved? . . . Only 50,000. And so the conclusion is . . .

Over 100,000 people are poured out into hell EVERY SINGLE DAY!

I know that the road to hell is broad and wide, and that many are on it. But I had no idea that it was this immense!

This means that even a great evangelist like Charles Finney, who is thought to have led 500,000 people to Christ, only managed to shut up the gates of hell for about five days, and it took 50 years of ministry! . . .

This makes me ask the question, "What have I done today to help prevent 100,000 of my fellow men and women from going to hell?" . . .

God have mercy on our lost world for the sake of your glory and for the sake of those who are still heading toward hell this day!


 2005/7/15 21:23Profile

Joined: 2003/6/11
Posts: 1519
Santa Cruz California

 Re: Over 100 thousand go to hell daily!

You know, recently I watched the movie Hotel Rwanda, and as I watched it, I became very convicted. I was shocked to know that an unbelieving man could lay down his life and all that he had to save those around him. I do not know if any others share this conviction, but I have seriously had to re-think just how much I am willing to die that others may live. May the Love of Christ constrain all of us to seek and save that which is lost.

patrick heaviside

 2005/7/15 22:00Profile

Joined: 2004/6/15
Posts: 1924


i wonder what the original 12 are thinking or feeling as they look down from heaven at all this. how much are we willing to give to God?There are many muslims, buddists etc who are willing to die for their faith, i wonder how many of us are equally earger to make that sacrifice. we've forgotten how the early church was so on fire for God that many died for Him. We lionize them and have little or no desire to serve God in the least let alone die for His Kingdom. They were ordinary people like us yet God did extraordinary things through them, i want God to do extraordinary things through me, how about you?

Farai Bamu

 2005/7/15 22:22Profile


Stuff like this motivates me, to motivate others. Doing the 'leadership principle'. Leading other leaders. Showing someone how to lead another to Christ.

My youth pastor brushed over 'how do you witness to someone'. It broke my heart, he BUSHED over it. (I haven't told him yet, but i will be speaking to him soon, when i can answer one of his challenges :-? :-P 8-) ) I love my youth pastor he is like a father, but that one thing, 'urks me'.

The main thing that is running thru my mind. We are all called to be fishers of men. Some use a pole, others use a hand net, others use a HUGE machine. What are you using? The sea is FULL of fish. Why use a pole when you can use a net? or a bigger machine? I think we are to be fishing alot, we SHOULD be consumed by it. Asking others to join us fishing. (most fishermen do..) How long is normal fishing session? 4 mins? 30 mins? (thats the avgerage of a message preached) Or is it HOURS UPON HOURS. Racking in the fish, catch after catch. You wanna empty that sea.

Has anyone heard of the starfish on austraila coast line? The kid who wanted to make a difference. The place was flodded with hurting starfish. And an old man came up to this 7 yr old. and said 'what are you doing?' The young lad replied 'im helping the starfish'. The old man said 'your not making any difference their has to be thousands upon thousands of starfish'. The young lad rebuked him (or just stated, like rebuked :-P ) 'I made a difference to this one'. ***I could talk on all of this for hours, but ill leave ya with that***

 2005/7/15 22:50

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


They were ordinary people like us yet God did extraordinary things through them, i want God to do extraordinary things through me, how about you?

Amen brother. Stats like this really do stir the mind and heart to be given to God as disciples and to disciple others. Oh to be like the book of Acts Church! a militant church truimphant! allowing the life-changing gospel to effect all that would come into its path. And yes suffering is the name of the game, if we bring the message out to people and enter into warfare on our knees, it will be a hard strenous time. But its the life we are called to.

"Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind..." 1 Peter 4:1

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2005/7/16 2:55Profile

Joined: 2005/7/4
Posts: 21
Fresno, CA

 Were you aware it's this immense?

I'm just wondering . . . do most Christians know that we are losing that many people to hell EVERY SINGLE DAY?!

This is just shocking to me. I have to wonder how I can even live each day with this burden?


 2005/7/16 3:15Profile

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