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Joined: 2020/2/19
Posts: 5

 Who Has Warned You?

Tuesday, 25 Feb 2020

*And all flesh shall see the salvation of God. Then said he to the multitude that came forth to be baptized of him, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Luke 3:6‭-‬7 KJV*

There is no telling of the seriousness of sin. Our generation has no John the baptists, who will look people in the eyes and tell them how it is. The preachers today don't want to offend anybody, because they want their money. I need a true man of God to talk sense into my head. I need a real rebuke from a man who hears God. Imagine where our lives will be if we yielded to correction, if we welcomed chastisement and yielded to its embarrassment. John said "I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness." I can say that that voice was heard, because it was a voice of anguish; a voice that warned of the vengeance of God. "O generation of vipers, who have warned you of the wrath to come?" Have you seen any preacher like this today? Are we not talking about useless things and trying to pet people down to hell?

I want to warn you now, that if you neglect what I'm saying, it is very serious. I don't see messages today that come out of crying in the wilderness. We have preached a seekers friendly message, and decorated it with clever jokes, but the souls of our hearers remain small. We think they are healthy and growing, but they are going to hell. Now, if you know me you will understand that I'm not a legalist, neither I'm I taking you through a fear trip. I know when I stand before God in that day, He will judge me; if I say anything that is not His word today I will be in serious trouble, so I know the seriousness of diving correctly the word of truth.

*Bring forth therefore fruits worthy of repentance, and begin not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, That God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham. And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: every tree therefore which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Luke 3:8‭-‬9 KJV*

You didn't know I was preaching repentance? Paul Washer said something very true, he said "We don't tell men they are saved, we teach them how to be saved." In today's evangelism is a bunch of preachers who tell their fellow men that they are okay, nothing was wrong if they just came to church. When you attend a church where you don't have to repent and turn away from sin, where the goal is not to be like Christ; I have to pity you because you are in a cult. The Pharisees thought they were okay. They knew all the right doctrines, were very good in outward Christianity, but John said "You need repentance." You see, you can confront me with my sins and I would still know you love me. You are telling me I need to repent because you love me too much to let me fall away.

Who has warned you? I'm asking you brothers and sisters. Do you see the chastening of the Lord in your life? If your answer is no, you are not a child of God. Every father chastens the child whom he loves. I have not made a dime by writing devotionals. If I wanted your money then I wouldn't preach the whole counsel of God. I will tell you you are saved; I will not show you how to be saved. I see the rebuke of the Holy Spirit in my life. I know I'm failing in some areas, and I thank God He still chastens me. He corrects me daily. I know I want to be like Christ and it's taking time, but I see His rebuke everyday because I'm judging myself. I hope you will take seriously what the Holy Spirit has said. I hope you will be gripped by this and seek the Lord. Let's pray

*Righteous Father. We take so lightly your chastening, and we have not made progress as we ought. We ask for mercy and compassion. Even in a million years we still won't make progress if you don't help us. We come boldly and we ask for grace in our time of need, thank you for it in Jesus name, Amen!*

_Prayer request: We will pray for the Lord to strengthen brother Joseph, and we will also pray for next week's fellowship meeting._

Joseph Bourdilon

 2020/2/25 14:28Profile

Joined: 2009/11/7
Posts: 1532

 Re: Who Has Warned You?

Post these in either the Devotional or Articles and Sermons forums. Thanks.

 2020/2/25 14:32Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


I have moved this thread to the devotions section.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2020/2/25 14:43Profile

Joined: 2020/2/19
Posts: 5


Okay brother. Thank you, I didn't know I could post threads there. Remain blessed

Joseph Bourdilon

 2020/2/25 16:08Profile

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