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Joined: 2006/9/16
Posts: 2753

 The loss of a true Christian warrior

Phil Haney who was one of the first to be hired by Homeland Security after 9/11. He scored number one out of a large roomful of applicants that were given an aptitude test to see if they were the kind of people to be employed in the then new Dept of Homeland Security. He had lived in the Middle East for 15 years or so and understood well the culture, people and language. He was hired to help decipher intelligence that began to be gathered after 9/11. He was honest and forthright in his analysis. He was subsequently shut down by the Obama administration, fired and arrested for basically being "overly prejudiced against Islam." His intelligence analysis was ignored and trashed because he was said to have a basic bias toward Islam. Much of the evidence he helped gather and decipher was ordered to be erased and deleted. His reply was I know this culture and my analysis is an honest appraisal which is what you hired me to do. He became a whistleblower against the Dept of Homeland Security and the Obama administration's efforts to quash "predjudiced" evidence against Islam and possible terrorism. He testified before Congress and wrote a book titled, "See Something, Say Nothing," about his days at the DHS. After his release from the DHS he travelled promoting the book and lecturing on the danger of extremist Islam in the world and America.

I met Phil at a Christian conference in Ohio where he spoke and each year I went back again to the conference he was part of the featured speakers. He was an absolute extraordinary Bible teacher and had much insight into Islam and the end times and the workings of the spirit world. After one of the night sessions I spent the night once with him in his travel camper he brought to the conference and we talked way into the night. He was a very sweet and kind brother and could be mesmerizing at times to listen to. His intelligence was way above the normal. He even came here to Bemidji, Minnesoata once and gave a lecture on Islam and its activities in Minnesota. It was a reasonable presentation and well documented. He was an expert regarding the beliefs and inner workings of the Muslim religion.

Phil was found dead last week of what the police say was a self inflicted single gunshot wound to the chest. He was found outside of his van about 20 miles from his home in California and his pistol was laying beside him. All of us who knew him are grief stricken and really don't know what happened. Phil not so long ago lost his wife to cancer and yet had found another love and had asked her to marry him and about four days after his proposal this happens. Something just doesn't seem right. Phil would not do this to this lady. The last person to speak with him said he was very upbeat and had recently had some spiritual victories and breakthroughs and said now more than ever He really knew God loved and accepted him and had forgiven his sins.

We all don't know what really happened. Phil told more than one person his life may be in danger. He said if anything happened to him they would make it look like a suicide. He was in the process of writing a follow up book to the first one. I'm not a conspiracy theorist and am not accusing anyone but this event is baffling. We all don't know what happened.

PLEASE PRAY that the authorities will be able to put all the pieces together if they are there to be put together. The story can be Googled at "Phil Haney DHS Whistleblower Found Dead." Phil was a lovely and fine man and a true patriot who loved this country and a true Christian warrior. His friends and family are hurting right now. I hope this wasn't inappropriate for the forum here but I am asking you good folks to pray that this confusing event be sorted out in truth.

Bless all of you. Thank you.

David Winter

 2020/2/24 9:06Profile

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534

 Re: The loss of a true Christian warrior

Whistleblowers seem to experience a premature, early death. Happens everywhere. Doesn't seem to matter whether you are preaching or speaking the truth, if you step on the right person's toes, you will find yourself dead.

Tragic. Do wonder how some folks can sleep at night...


Sandra Miller

 2020/2/24 18:47Profile

Joined: 2009/11/7
Posts: 1532

 Re: The loss of a true Christian warrior

Thank you for posting this Doc.

[I had just posted something on a thread by new forum member from Nigeria and it ended up in here. This posted to the wrong thread.]

 2020/2/25 0:57Profile

Joined: 2006/9/16
Posts: 2753


No problem Jeremey and thank you ginnyrose.

Law enforcement authorities in that county have said that so many calls have come in on behalf of Phil that the investigation is a bit overwhelmed and moving slowly at this point. The FBI has also become involved. As of last night no family members have seen the body yet but I don't know what that means.

Phil helped decipher and analyze some gathered intelligence that pointed toward possible trouble coming from a certain mosque in California. On Dec 2, 2015 a Muslim terrorist shot and killed 14 people and wounded 22 others in San Bernardino, Calif. He was associated with this mosque and possibly could have been stopped beforehand but Phil's appraisal was ignored. All of this is already known so there is no reason for me to not refer to it. Phil said as much when he testified before Congress and on television programs. The Obama administration needs to hang its head in shame on the issue of suppressing evidence regarding militant and extremist Islam.

Phil Haney LOVED the Lord.

David Winter

 2020/2/25 5:00Profile

Joined: 2016/11/15
Posts: 282


Truly a man of God.
May his death be vindicated by God and the message
Phil spoke be believed and received by all Americans.


 2020/2/25 22:22Profile

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