Oh thou rod of my chastening, Thou, art a creation of my erring, Yea, a child of my disobedience: I long to break thy expedience?
If thou gettest into God's hand, 'Tis my wrongs 'at stir the demand: God's primitve hand hath only oil, Yea, soothing and to friction foil!
If in backsliding I abide and live, Surely, this will keep the rod alive: But if of my apostacy I do repent, His rod'll be shreded and spent!
Up then, all of me: soul, and body, Stretch every vein within thee In the school of obedience in Christ: By this, the voice of rod is silenced!
But praise God for His rod, dear, For our souls' maladies it is near, curing us of them: making us ready For duty and our home heavenly!
-Ojoje Adeyi(A bruised reed _________________ Ojoje Adeyi