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Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 A Message from the SermonIndex Moderator in Relation to Slander


I don't think I need to make a big case or argument for us all to understand that slander, gossip and criticism is rampant in the north american evangelical church. Facebook, christian news sites and blogger sites are full of name-calling, accusations, it seems everyone is critical about someone else. The Apostle Paul called this "biting and devouring" in Galatians 1:15

"If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other."

I wrote recently a piece in the Christian Post labelled: "Renegade Christian bloggers and the fascination of failure":

Of course there is a healthy sense of dissatisfaction of where we are and the general body of Christ is in north america, and the desire to see more happen. But the danger of harbouring a critical spirit, judging others and slander are equally dangerous and perhaps a symptom that we ourselves are in the more dire need of revival and help.

In the community guidelines for the SermonIndex forums we read:

7. SLANDERING OTHERS - We have a zero tolerance on slander, evil-speaking and speaking against a person's character without warrant. 'Slander no one.' / 'to malign no one, to be peaceable, gentle, showing every consideration for all men.' NASB (Titus 3:2). This is a very important biblical principle and we ask that you would especially respect the biblical method of approaching a brother privately (Matthew 18:15). Also there are hundreds of websites in the internet that exclusively post wrong teachings, errors and question the character of Christians, we do not want SermonIndex to be seen as such a ministry and ask that all forum members do not participate in posting in what is wrong. We believe simply that truth dispels errors and to focus on the truth will shine a light into all the darkness.

This brings me to comment on a recent thread where Carter Conlon was being spoken of slanderously here on SermonIndex. Really to me this is a case-in point of our own need of revival where we are starting to bite and devour each other even seemingly the best of us in this Christian race. Unfortunately this is not an isolated event and that brother who spoke this way did so in the past. And this has led to the removal of his account and my having to write him personally and gracefully about this.

Also I want to affirm publically that myself (Greg Gordon) and the ministry of SermonIndex stand behind the ministry of TSC and Carter Conlon, we are honoured to be able to host and distribute their messages to the greater body of Christ.

My plea with all the brothers and sisters on SermonIndex is that could we consider our speech and talking on this site as more important then we realize and be willing to humble ourselves and see our wrongs. I remember being at a convention in India where Zac Poonen was speaking and he opened the event with a challenge to all the attendees. He said some of us might have physical ailments, etc and he challenged us that maybe if we for this entire week sought not gossip, slander and judge with our tongues that God could potentially heal us. He quoted a scripture to back this up that the very act of slander etc can lead to bodily sickness.

Can that not be a challenge to us also saints? can you ask God to help you not to slander another servant of God for a week nay a month? Even though we can see the faults in a leader what virtue is it to try and bring out those faults when we have our own glaring at us?

May God give us all grace in 2020 to be sensitive in this area of slander and see how God can intensify our witness for him in these forums here and beyond.

Thanks for listening to my heart.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2020/2/13 21:40Profile

Joined: 2006/9/16
Posts: 2753

 Re: A Message from the SermonIndex Moderator in Relation to Slander

No problem from here Greg. I don't even know whose account was removed but it's not important for me to know. Thank you for your diligence and godly standard in regards to slander of others in the Body of Christ.

David Winter

 2020/2/14 11:24Profile

Joined: 2020/2/13
Posts: 3

 Re: A Message from the SermonIndex Moderator in Relation to Slander

I just joined on the 13th, was a member a long way back, and frankly, got a bit paranoid when I read this. I hope and pray I had not said anything when I was on here before that was hurtful. I certainly love and respect Carter common, his ministry has been so edifying. I know you would not let me join for a long time, always wondered why.

 2020/2/15 19:27Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


Dear sister,

I hope what was written doesn not come as condemnation in anyway. Please read it was a way to just ask the Lord, can you help me in this area as I commit it to you. We all fail and the Lord forgives, it is just important to not float along with the current of popular evangelicalism that is allowing gossip, slander, etc to be considered a virtous act.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2020/2/16 16:17Profile

Joined: 2020/2/13
Posts: 3


Thank you for replying, that was very kind. But I am not certain what you mean. Are you saying I did something? Could you be more specific?

 2020/2/17 0:13Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795



No I have not directed this post towards anyone, only mentioning one brother that had to have his account removed from sermonindex over this issue. Let us each check our hearts, the Lord is faithful to change us where we need to be changed.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2020/2/17 6:15Profile

Joined: 2005/2/24
Posts: 3422


It's always better to leave the judging to the Lord, none of us here should be here to judge, we should be here to grow in the Lord together. Judging should start in our own mirrors, we should look really good at ourselves each morning, to see if the life we're living, enables us to judge others today. There's no perfect, pastors, wives, husbands, children, etc. only God is perfect. I think this is a very powerful scripture,"Until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ" Ephesians 4:13.

May God continue to Bless SI and all it's members, in Jesus name.


 2020/2/17 9:21Profile

Joined: 2020/2/13
Posts: 3


Thank you so much again for replying, it was funny, cause I had tried to get back on a few times and it wouldn't allow me, and I thought, oh no, what did I do! Then the day I get back on, there followed this post. I thought, oh dear....funny thing is, if you ask anyone who knows me, says I am TOO easy going...but when posting, our words can imply more than we mean. Also, I think I see ideas as separate from people, like I might not hold ones idea, but in no way do I think less of the person. In short, guess I see ideas as impersonal. One reason I don't get the tone of current political discussion, they see their opponents as enemies, rather than people with different viewpoints. Strange, and troubling. All these things impair lively debate, and sharing of ideas. But back to sermonindex, I have so appreciated this life changing ministry ! And I mean life changing!

 2020/2/17 11:06Profile

Joined: 2006/11/26
Posts: 5185

 Re: A Message from the SermonIndex Moderator in Relation to Slander

Thank you Brother Greg for your leadership on this forum. You have been fair to all of us, and Sometimes we have differing opinions, but it is the slander and backbiting that causes the most harm, and I appreciate you dealing with it.


 2020/2/19 11:58Profile

Joined: 2017/7/14
Posts: 1165
Snoqualmie, WA


I had read the comment when it was first made, I confess it colored the other posts in my mind as it characterized the man in a way I had never imagined. I was saddened.

Everyone knows I am not shy about offering critique about many things, but slander and backbiting...God forbid.

Even those claims made with good intentions may still have poison in them...a lesson which I need.


 2020/2/20 11:46Profile

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