Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
What does God mean with his stripes we are healed. He means the provision of healing has already been made. Because, Peter looking back at the cross agrees in 1Peter 2:24. Peter says, "Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed." Now, I don't see any future tense in that, it's spoken in past tense. Now, don't look to your flesh to tell you whether or not God has done something, because your flesh is no indication of whether God has done something or not. Your flesh can only tell you when you have received what God has done. Don't mistake the manifestation of healing with the act of healing.
In Luke 17 there is an account of ten lepers coming to Jesus for healing. They cried out, "Jesus, Master, have mercy on us" and Jesus answered them, "Go shew yourselves unto the priests." The thing about it is you are only suppose to show yourself to the priests after you have evidence of being cleansed for him to pronounce you clean to go back into the camp. So, what is Jesus doing? He is calling them clean. He's doing like his father, calling things that be not as though they were (Rom 4:17). So, in the mind of Jesus once he called them clean his job was done because all he has to do is speak the word (Matt. 8:8). Now, they could have stood there and waited until they felt something or looked better, but they didn't they acted on the words of Jesus and as they went the healing was manifested. Notice, their flesh was no indication of whether or not Jesus did something.
In Mark 2:3-12 a man that was sick of the palsy was brought to Jesus for healing, but when Jesus saw him he said to him, "Son, thy sins be forgiven thee." Which angered the scribes that where sitting there. But, Jesus went on to say, "But that ye may know that the son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, I say unto thee, arise, and take up they bed, and go thy way into thine house." Wait a minute, does forgiveness have something to do with healing, absolutely. God did not separate forgiveness and healing, man did. And the scriptures shows it, Mark 2 is one example and there are more. Psalm 103:3 says, "Who forgiveth all thine iniquities and healeth all thine diseases." James 5:15 says, "And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up, and if he has committed any sins, they shall be forgiven him." 1Peter 2:24 says, "Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree(forgiveness) ... by whose stripes ye were healed(healing)." See that, forgiveness and healing go together and there's more scriptures that shows that.
In Leviticus 16 God introduced the scapegoat offering that when Aaron laid his hands on the head of that goat and confessed the sins of the people then the children of Israel sins would be put on the head of that goat (Lev. 16:20-22). And according to 1Peter 2:24 Jesus bore our sins in his own body. He bore the sins of the whole world (John 1:29 1John 2:2). Notice, the word says Jesus bore our sins and in Isaiah 53:4 it says he bore(same word) our griefs(diseases and sicknesses) and carried our sorrows(pains and anguish). So, God sees you through the finished works of Jesus that's why God can say that by the stripes of Jesus you were(past tense) healed. Because, God knows what Jesus has already done for us. Now, we need to get a better understanding of all Jesus has done for us.
Through the act of Jesus taking our place God looked down through time and whatever was heading for you has already been put on Jesus for him to bare, so it's not God trying to teach you something with sickness. Because, Jesus has been punished in your place so it is illegal for him to put it on you when Jesus has already taken it/paid the price for you. And on the subject just think about this for a minute God set the price for our healing (Isa. 53:4,5), sent Jesus to pay the price (1John 2:2), and accepted Jesus blood as payment. And how could God who is holy and righteous now put it on you or withhold it from you. For example you go to a store let's say to by a hat and the hat costs $10.00 and you pay the $10.00 they can't withhold the hat from you that is illegal. They can't accept the payment and keep the product. When payment is made the product must be released. God is not keeping healing from you or anyone. |